MuseScore: sheet music Mod Apk

MuseScore: sheet music Взлом - Mod Apk 2.13.55

Разработчик: Musescore Limited
Категория: Музыка и аудио
Цена: Бесплатно


Game screenshot MuseScore: sheet music mod apkGame screenshot MuseScore: sheet music hackGame screenshot MuseScore: sheet music apk download


Воспроизведение БЕСПЛАТНЫХ музыкальных партитур

На каком бы инструменте вы ни играли, будь то фортепиано, труба, гитара, губная гармошка или калимба, вы всегда найдете ноты превосходного качества.

• Просмотрите самую обширную коллекцию нот на сайте
• Получите доступ к более чем 2 миллионам БЕСПЛАТНЫХ нот: ноты для фортепиано, гитарные табы и партитуры для большинства инструментов.
• Воспроизводите композиции на любой вкус: от вечной классики или христианских мелодий до музыкальных транскрипций аниме, фильмов (OST) или песен из видеоигр (саундтреки).
• Просматривайте, тренируйтесь и исполняйте партитуры на ходу.
• Легко находите результаты.
• Найдите что-нибудь новое для игры — очки добавляются каждый день.

Доступ к большому архиву нот
С искать ноты стало проще.

• Просматривайте каталог по инструментам: фортепиано, труба, скрипка, ударные, флейта и т. д.
• Каталог фильтров для подходящих композиций, включая соло, группу, ансамбль или оркестр.
• Не пропустите партитуры композиторов, которых вы знаете и любите, от Баха и Моцарта до Морриконе, Циммера, Джо Хисаиси и Кодзи Кондо.
• Выберите свои любимые жанры: классика, поп, рок, фолк, джаз, R&B, фанк и соул, хип-хоп, нью-эйдж, мировая музыка.
• Добавляйте результаты в избранное, чтобы легко получить к ним доступ в Интернете.
• Поделитесь нотами, которые вам нравятся.
С помощью MuseScore PRO вы можете загружать и хранить свои результаты в автономном режиме. Кроме того, теперь вы можете загружать результаты со своего устройства или из облака.

Практика с MuseScore

Совершенствуйте свои навыки чтения нот и слушайте, как звучат партитуры:
• Слушайте более 1 миллиона официальных партитур от ведущих издателей, таких как Хэл Леонард и Фабер.
• Немедленно играйте с помощью интерактивного проигрывателя.
• Установите темп и цикл для тренировки.
• Используйте специальный режим практики, чтобы разучивать ноты по нотам.
• Увеличьте масштаб, чтобы рассмотреть каждую деталь.

Ускорьте свой прогресс с помощью MuseScore PRO:
• Отрегулируйте громкость и видимость каждого инструмента в каждой партитуре.
• Транспонируйте ноты в любую тональность.
• Находить ноты на клавиатуре пианино стало намного проще благодаря экранной клавиатуре с подсветкой клавиш.
• Автоматическая прокрутка, чтобы ноты всегда были видны во время игры.
• Экспорт нот в PDF, MIDI и MP3.
• Играйте вовремя под метроном.
Слушайте музыку со звуком HQ.

Обучайтесь с помощью видеокурсов
Реализуйте свою музыкальную страсть, совершенствуя свои навыки на ходу. 

Получите доступ к видеоурокам и материалам для чтения от надежных преподавателей музыки с помощью специальной подписки MuseScore LEARN. Или объедините курсы с практическими функциями премиум-класса с планом MuseScore ONE.

• Учитесь на курсах лучших музыкальных преподавателей мира.
• Овладейте навыками игры на фортепиано, гитаре, скрипке, тромбоне и других инструментах.
• Изучайте теорию музыки, музыкальную композицию и тренировку слуха.
• Мы охватываем все уровни: от абсолютных новичков до продвинутых музыкантов.

История обновлений

We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience. Here are the latest updates:
• Updated the engine for playing music scores.
• A bunch of bug fixes and stability improvements.
We’re excited to introduce an innovative update focused on improving your interactive sheet music experience. In this release, we’re rolling out an A/B test of our new score design!
Thank you for being a part of our journey to create a better, more engaging experience with MuseScore Play. Enjoy the new look and happy playing!
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience. Here are the latest updates:
• Updated the engine for playing music scores.
• A bunch of bug fixes and stability improvements.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience. Here are the latest updates:
• Updated the engine for playing music scores.
• A bunch of bug fixes and stability improvements.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience. Here are the latest updates:
• A bunch of bug fixes and stability improvements.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience. Here are the latest updates:
• A bunch of bug fixes and stability improvements.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience. Here are the latest updates:
• A bunch of bug fixes and stability improvements.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience. Here are the latest updates:
• A bunch of bug fixes and stability improvements.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience. Here are the latest updates:
• A bunch of bug fixes and stability improvements.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
15 мар. 2023 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
7 мар. 2023 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
14 февр. 2023 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
9 февр. 2023 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
25 янв. 2023 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
4 янв. 2023 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
21 дек. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
14 дек. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
30 нояб. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
18 нояб. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
14 нояб. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
7 нояб. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
3 нояб. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
28 окт. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
19 окт. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
6 окт. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
7 сент. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
31 авг. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
24 авг. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
17 авг. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
9 авг. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
27 июл. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
20 июл. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
8 июл. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
27 июн. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
23 июн. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
16 июн. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
9 июн. 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
24 мая 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
20 мая 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
11 мая 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
13 апреля 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
24 марта 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
21 марта 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
4 марта 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
1 марта 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
16 февраля 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Fixed bug with opening files in songbook.
- Fixed minor bugs.
25 января 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Fixed bug with opening files in songbook.
- Fixed minor bugs.
10 января 2022 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
22 декабря 2021 г.
We’re constantly working on improving your MuseScore experience so here are the latest updates:
- Improved overall app performance.
- Fixed minor bugs.
7 декабря 2021 г.
This release includes Official Scores, HQ scores licensed from print music publishers
10 ноября 2021 г.

Способы взлома MuseScore: sheet music

Скачать MuseScore: sheet music MOD APK 2.13.55

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