23andMe - DNA Testing Mod Apk

23andMe - DNA Testing Взлом - Mod Apk 5.274.0

Разработчик: 23andMe
Категория: Здоровье и фитнес
Цена: Бесплатно


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Начните свое путешествие на основе ДНК с приложением 23andMe. Изучите свою родословную, пообщайтесь со своими родственниками по ДНК, просмотрите персонализированную информацию о здоровье и многое другое.

УСЛУГА ПРЕДКОВ: Узнайте, где находится ваша ДНК из более чем 3000 регионов.

СЛУЖБА ЗДОРОВЬЯ + ПРЕДКОВОСТЬ*: получите более полную картину вашего здоровья с помощью ваших генетических данных и выясните, что вы можете передать своим будущим детям. Включает все, что есть в Ancestry Service.1

23ANDME+ PREMIUM™*: получайте доступ к новым премиум-отчетам и функциям в течение года, чтобы продолжать улучшать свой путь к здоровью и изучать свою родословную. Вы также можете подписаться на План действий в области здравоохранения, чтобы получать более персонализированный опыт и рекомендации. Включает в себя все услуги Health + Ancestry Service.2.

23ANDME+ TOTAL HEALTHTM**: оптимизируйте свое здоровье с помощью секвенирования всего экзома, проводимого два раза в год, и клинического лечения с учетом генетики. Включает в себя все, что есть в 23andMe+ Premium.3

КОНФИДЕНЦИАЛЬНОСТЬ: вы контролируете свои данные. Исследуя свою ДНК с помощью 23andMe, вы доверяете нам важную информацию. Вот почему с самого первого дня мы взяли на себя обязательство защищать вашу конфиденциальность. Мы обеспечиваем надежный контроль, который дает вам возможность выбора, когда дело касается ваших генетических данных.

ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ: Вы также можете принять участие в исследовании 23andMe. Если вы решите это сделать, ответы, которые вы предоставите, могут способствовать научным открытиям.

КАК ВАШ НАБОР И ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ РАБОТАЮТ ВМЕСТЕ: Все услуги требуют приобретения набора, регистрации и подачи образца слюны с помощью прилагаемой пробирки для сбора. Войдите в свою учетную запись, чтобы отслеживать ход обработки вашего образца. Когда ваши отчеты будут готовы, откройте приложение, чтобы просмотреть их.

УВЕДОМЛЕНИЯ. Будьте в курсе с помощью уведомлений о персонализированных рекомендациях, обновлениях новых продуктов, исследовательских опросах, семейных связях и многом другом.

США (https://www.23andme.com/legal/terms-of-service)
Великобритания, IE, FI, DK, SE, NL (https://www.23andme.com/en-eu/legal/terms-of-service)
Канада (https://www.23andme.com/en-ca/legal/terms-of-service/)
Все остальные страны (https://www.23andme.com/en-int/legal/terms-of-service/)
Политика конфиденциальности данных о здоровье потребителей (https://www.23andme.com/legal/us-privacy/#washington-consumer-health-data-privacy-policy)

1 Служба Health + Ancestry доступна в США, Канаде, Великобритании, Ирландии, Дании, Финляндии, Нидерландах и Швеции.
2 Премиум-членство 23andMe+ доступно только в США, Канаде и Великобритании. План действий в области здравоохранения доступен только в США и требует согласия на получение персонализированных рекомендаций.
3 Членство Total Health недоступно для жителей Гавайев, Нью-Джерси, Нью-Йорка, Оклахомы, Род-Айленда и территорий США.

*Тест 23andMe PGS включает отчеты о предрасположенности к здоровью и статусе носителя. Отчеты о предрасположенности к здоровью включают отчеты, соответствующие требованиям FDA в отношении генетических рисков для здоровья, и отчеты о состоянии здоровья, основанные на исследованиях 23andMe. Ваша этническая принадлежность может повлиять на актуальность каждого отчета. В каждом отчете о генетических рисках для здоровья описывается наличие у человека вариантов, связанных с более высоким риском развития заболевания, но не описывается общий риск развития заболевания. Отчеты не обнаруживают все варианты. Отчеты не предназначены для диагностики каких-либо заболеваний, информации о вашем текущем состоянии здоровья или использования при принятии медицинских решений, в том числе о том, следует ли принимать лекарства или сколько лекарств принимать. Этот тест предназначен для взрослых. Посетите https://www.23andme.com/test-info, чтобы узнать о дополнительных важных ограничениях каждого отчета.

** Членство в Total Health включает услуги, инициированные и выполняемые сторонними врачами и поставщиками лабораторий через платформу 23andMe. Также применяются дополнительные условия. Секвенирование экзома анализируется в лаборатории, аккредитованной CLIA и CAP. Все услуги телемедицины предоставляются в соответствии с Условиями телемедицины (https://www.23andme.com/legal/telehealth-tos/) и Согласием на телемедицину (https://www.23andme.com/legal/telehealth-consent/). ).

История обновлений

Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: Fixed an issue where clicking on some 23andMe email notifications was not launching the app when available.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: Fixed an issue where clicking on some 23andMe email notifications was not launching the app when available.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: Fixed an issue where clicking on some 23andMe email notifications was not launching the app when available.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: Fixed an issue where clicking on some 23andMe email notifications was not launching the app when available.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: Fixed an issue where clicking on some 23andMe email notifications was not launching the app when available.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
24 февр. 2023 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
23 февр. 2023 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
12 дек. 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes a crash some users were experiencing when using the Ancestry Composition map.
3 дек. 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes a crash some users were experiencing when using the Ancestry Composition map.
21 нояб. 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes a crash some users were experiencing when using the Ancestry Composition map.
26 окт. 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
10 окт. 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
18 сент. 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
29 авг. 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
12 авг. 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
24 июл. 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
22 июл. 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
27 июн. 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
24 июн. 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
10 июн. 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
8 июн. 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
17 мая 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
19 апреля 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
25 января 2022 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
1 декабря 2021 г.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
24 ноября 2021 г.

Способы взлома 23andMe - DNA Testing

Скачать 23andMe - DNA Testing MOD APK 5.274.0

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