23andMe - DNA Testing Mod Apk

23andMe - DNA Testing ハック - Mod Apk 5.274.0

開発者: 23andMe
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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23andMe アプリで DNA を活用した旅を始めましょう。自分の祖先を調べ、DNA 親戚とつながり、パーソナライズされた健康に関する洞察などを確認します。

祖先サービス: 3,000 以上の地域からあなたの DNA が世界のどこにあるのかを調べます。

健康 + 祖先サービス*: 遺伝子データからの洞察により、あなたの健康をより完全に把握し、将来の子供たちに何を伝えることができるかを見つけます。 Ancestry Service.1 のすべてが含まれています。

23ANDME+ PREMIUMTM*: 年間を通じて新しいプレミアム レポートと機能にアクセスして、健康の旅を促進し、祖先を探索し続けます。よりパーソナライズされたエクスペリエンスと推奨事項を得るために、Health Action Plan にオプトインすることもできます。 Health + Ancestry Service のすべてが含まれています。2

23ANDME+ TOTAL HEALTHTM**: 医師主導の全エクソーム配列決定、年 2 回の血液検査、遺伝学に基づいた臨床ケアで健康を最適化します。 23andMe+ Premium.3 のすべてが含まれています

プライバシー: データはあなたが管理します。 23andMe であなたの DNA を探索するとき、あなたは私たちに重要な情報を託すことになります。だからこそ、当社は設立当初からお客様のプライバシーの保護に全力を尽くしてきました。当社は、遺伝子データに関して選択肢を提供する堅牢な管理を提供します。

研究: 23andMe の研究に参加することも選択できます。そうすることを選択した場合、提供した回答は科学的発見の推進に役立つ可能性があります。

キットとアプリの連携方法: すべてのサービスでは、キットの購入、登録、付属の採取管を使用した唾液サンプルの提出が必要です。アカウントにログインしてサンプルの進行状況を追跡します。レポートの準備ができたら、アプリを開いてレポートを表示します。

通知: パーソナライズされた推奨事項、新製品の更新、調査アンケート、家族のつながりなどに関する通知で最新情報を入手できます。

米国 (https://www.23andme.com/legal/terms-of-service)
英国、アイルランド、フィンランド、デンマーク、南東部、オランダ (https://www.23andme.com/en-eu/legal/terms-of-service)
カナダ (https://www.23andme.com/en-ca/legal/terms-of-service/)
その他すべての国 (https://www.23andme.com/en-int/legal/terms-of-service/)
消費者健康データプライバシーポリシー (https://www.23andme.com/legal/us-privacy/#washington-consumer-health-data-privacy-policy)

1 Health + Ancestry Service は、米国、カナダ、英国、アイルランド、デンマーク、フィンランド、オランダ、スウェーデンで利用できます。
2 23andMe+ プレミアム メンバーシップは、米国、カナダ、英国でのみご利用いただけます。 Health Action Plan は米国でのみ利用可能であり、パーソナライズされた推奨事項をオプトインする必要があります。
3 トータル ヘルス メンバーシップは、ハワイ州、ニュージャージー州、ニューヨーク州、オクラホマ州、ロードアイランド州、および米国領土の居住者は利用できません。

*23andMe PGS テストには、健康素因と保因者ステータスのレポートが含まれます。健康素因レポートには、遺伝的健康リスクに関する FDA の要件を満たすレポートと、23andMe の調査に基づく健康レポートが含まれます。あなたの民族性は各レポートの関連性に影響を与える可能性があります。各遺伝的健康リスクのレポートでは、ある人が病気の発症リスクの高い変異を持っているかどうかが説明されていますが、病気を発症する全体的なリスクについては説明されていません。レポートではすべての亜種が検出されるわけではありません。このレポートは、病気を診断したり、現在の健康状態を伝えたり、薬を服用するかどうかや服用する薬の量などの医学的決定に使用することを目的としたものではありません。この検査は成人を対象としたものです。各レポートに関するその他の重要な制限については、https://www.23andme.com/test-info にアクセスしてください。

**Total Health メンバーシップには、サードパーティの臨床医や検査機関が 23andMe プラットフォームを通じて開始および実行するサービスが含まれます。追加の利用規約も適用されます。 エクソームシーケンシングは、CLIA および CAP 認定の研究所によって分析されます。すべての遠隔医療サービスは、遠隔医療利用規約 (https://www.23andme.com/legal/telehealth-tos/) および遠隔医療への同意 (https://www.23andme.com/legal/telehealth-consent/) に従って提供されます。 )。


Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: Fixed an issue where clicking on some 23andMe email notifications was not launching the app when available.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: Fixed an issue where clicking on some 23andMe email notifications was not launching the app when available.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: Fixed an issue where clicking on some 23andMe email notifications was not launching the app when available.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: Fixed an issue where clicking on some 23andMe email notifications was not launching the app when available.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: Fixed an issue where clicking on some 23andMe email notifications was not launching the app when available.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes an issue where users were not able to see their data on lifestyle dashboard on app log out and a later log in.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes a crash some users were experiencing when using the Ancestry Composition map.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes a crash some users were experiencing when using the Ancestry Composition map.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes a crash some users were experiencing when using the Ancestry Composition map.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: This release fixes a crash some users were experiencing when using the Ancestry Composition map.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.
Explore all your ancestral regions in one easy-to-use map with our updates to the Ancestry Composition report.
You now have the option to provide your gender (including a non-binary option), in addition to your birth sex, during kit registration and in your account settings.
Search for your favorite 23andMe reports using the new native search functionality.
Bug fixed: If you previously couldn’t switch profiles in your multi-profile account, you should now be able to do so.

ハッキング方法 23andMe - DNA Testing

ダウンロード 23andMe - DNA Testing MOD APK 5.274.0

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