Виселица Mod Apk

Виселица Взлом - Mod Apk 5.5.63

Разработчик: Senior Games
Категория: Словесные игры, Казуальные игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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Наслаждайтесь игрой в "палача" на мобильном телефоне или планшете! Эта классическая игра-виселица подходит для людей всех возрастов, особенно для тех взрослых, которые хотят попрактиковать свои языковые навыки и улучшить словарный запас. Классическая игра в палача для вашего устройства.

"Палач", также известный как «повешенный» - это классическая игра, в которой нужно угадать слово, выбирая буквы, которые - как вы считаете - могут входить в него.

Игра в "палача" дает возможность выбирать гласные и согласные, чтобы попытаться угадать, какое же загадано слово. При каждой допущенной ошибке к изображению повешенного человечка будет добавляться новый элемент: сначала рисуется виселица, потом голова, тело и, наконец, руки и ноги. Угадайте слово, прежде чем рисунок виселицы будет завершен.

Выигрывает тот, кто сможет угадать загаданное слово до того, как фигура человечка будет нарисована полностью. В противном случае он будет повешен, а игра будет завершена.

Подсказка: используйте сначала гласные, так как есть больше шансов угадать секретную букву (а, е, и, о, у ... и т. д.).

Вы хотите играть против других игроков в мире? Мы назначаем вам соперника и да начнется поединок! В боевом режиме игры «Виселица» вам нужно быть быстрее своего противника, чтобы правильно произнести слово, чтобы победить.

Мы призываем вас открыть слово дня! Помните о теме и выберите соответствующие буквы, чтобы закончить слово. Сможете ли вы преодолеть ежедневный вызов? Угадайте секретное слово и поделитесь своим результатом с друзьями, коллегами или семьей или в социальных сетях.


- Для всех возрастов. Идеальный "палач" для взрослых и пожилых игроков
- Сотни слов и уровней
- Изучение лексики и слов на разных языках
- Простая и забавная игра
- Абсолютно бесплатно
- Привлекательный и яркий дизайн
- Возможность включать или выключать звук.

"Палач" доступен на разных языках для игроков по всему миру: испанский Ahorcado, английский Hangman, португальский Jogo da Forca, французский Le Pendu, итальянский l'impiccato и многие другие!


Tellmewow - это компания по разработке мобильных игр, специализирующаяся на легкой адаптации и удобстве и простоте использования, что делает их идеальным выбором для пожилых или молодых людей, которые просто хотят время от времени поиграть в несложные игры.


Если у вас есть какие-либо предложения по улучшению игры или вы хотите быть в курсе новых игр, которые мы будем публиковать, подпишитесь на нас в социальных сетях.

История обновлений

♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
2 мар. 2023 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
14 февр. 2023 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
27 янв. 2023 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
5 дек. 2022 г.
🎃 Новые слова и фон для Хэллоуина!
Мы будем рады получить ваши комментарии и предложения.
Если вы обнаружите какие-либо ошибки в игре, вы можете написать нам по адресу [email protected]
7 нояб. 2022 г.
🎃 Новые слова и фон для Хэллоуина!
Мы будем рады получить ваши комментарии и предложения.
Если вы обнаружите какие-либо ошибки в игре, вы можете написать нам по адресу [email protected]
27 окт. 2022 г.
🎃 Новые слова и фон для Хэллоуина!
Мы будем рады получить ваши комментарии и предложения.
Если вы обнаружите какие-либо ошибки в игре, вы можете написать нам по адресу [email protected]
20 окт. 2022 г.
🎃 Новые слова и фон для Хэллоуина!
Мы будем рады получить ваши комментарии и предложения.
Если вы обнаружите какие-либо ошибки в игре, вы можете написать нам по адресу [email protected]
7 окт. 2022 г.
🎃 Новые слова и фон для Хэллоуина!
Мы будем рады получить ваши комментарии и предложения.
Если вы обнаружите какие-либо ошибки в игре, вы можете написать нам по адресу [email protected]
5 окт. 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
14 сент. 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
7 сент. 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
25 авг. 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
29 июл. 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
1 июл. 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
23 июн. 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
6 июн. 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
25 мая 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
9 мая 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
20 апреля 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
29 марта 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
24 марта 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
15 марта 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
9 марта 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
11 января 2022 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]
3 сентября 2021 г.
♥ Thank you very much for playing Hangman!
⭐️ Ideal game to develop language skills.
⭐️ Available in English, Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian and German.
⭐️ Suitable for all ages: children, adults and seniors.
⭐️ 2-player mode and leaderboard
⭐️ Thousands of words to guess.

We are happy to receive your comments and suggestions.
If you find any errors in the game you can write to us at [email protected]

Способы взлома Виселица

Скачать Виселица MOD APK 5.5.63

Скачать MOD APK


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