Numpuz: весёлые головоломки Mod Apk

Numpuz: весёлые головоломки Взлом - Mod Apk 5.5602

Разработчик: DoPuz Games
Категория: Головоломки
Цена: Бесплатно


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Numpuz - одна из самых скачиваемых игра-головоломок , которую установили более 150,000,000 .

Numpuz: головоломка с числами - классическая математическая игра-головоломка. Нажмите и переместите деревянные плитки с числами. Насладитесь магией чисел и координируйте усилия рук, глаз и мозга. Бросьте вызов своим логическим и умственным способностям, получайте удовольствие и наслаждайтесь!

Как играть в Numpuz? Игра-головоломка с перемещением фигур представляет собой рамку с пронумерованными квадратными плитками. Они расположены в произвольном порядке, при этом отсутствует одна плитка. Цель головоломки - перемещать плитки и расставить их по порядку, используя пустое пространство. Бесконечный режим испытаний, который бросает вызов вашему логическому мышлению и ментальным ограничениям

- 6 уровней сложности (режимы 3,4,5,6,7,8)
- Ретро-стиль пользовательского интерфейса, деревянные фигуры
- Просто управлять, но сложно довести до совершенства
- Функция таймера: запись времени игры
- Проверьте свою логику и скорость реакции
- Реалистичная анимация и скольжение плиток
- Комбинация чисел и головоломок
- Традиционная образовательная игра-головоломка
- Не нужен Wi-Fi: играйте в любое время в любом месте
- Лучшая казуальная игра, чтобы провести свободное время

6 разных размеров:
3 х 3 (8 плиток) - для начинающих и детей;
4 х 4 (15 плиток) - классический режим для всех возрастов;
5 х 5 (24 плитки) - для тех, кто любит подумать.
6 х 6 (35 плиток) - сложный режим для бывалых игроков
7 х 7 (48 плиток) - сложный уровень для испытаний
8 х 8 (63 плитки) - дизайн для мастеров

Играйте в Numpuz: это классическая интеллектуальная цифровая игра формата ""Клёцки"". Бросьте вызов своим умственным способностям! Удобное управление и простой интерфейс заставят вас почувствовать неповторимое очарование головоломки с перемещением фигур! Играйте, наслаждайтесь и получайте удовольствие!

История обновлений

-New Game Features!
-New Limited-time Events!
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
-New Game Features!
-New Limited-time Events!
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
-New Game Features!
-New Limited-time Events!
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
-New Game Features!
-New Limited-time Events!
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
-New Game Features!
-New Limited-time Events!
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
-New Game Features!
-New Limited-time Events!
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
-New Game Features!
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
8 мар. 2023 г.
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
5 янв. 2023 г.
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
7 нояб. 2022 г.
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
4 нояб. 2022 г.
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
16 сент. 2022 г.
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
23 июл. 2022 г.
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
7 июн. 2022 г.
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
18 мая 2022 г.
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
26 января 2022 г.
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!
13 октября 2021 г.
-Fix bugs.
-Optimize function & experience.
Dear puzzle lovers,we are glad to introduce a new update! In this version we've made some subtle changes for the app to run more smoothly. If you have any issues or questions, feel free to contact us through the feedback portal on the app homepage. We will be happy to help!

Способы взлома Numpuz: весёлые головоломки

Скачать Numpuz: весёлые головоломки MOD APK 5.5602

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