Time To Pet Mod Apk

Time To Pet Взлом - Mod Apk 3.4.41

Разработчик: Time To Pet
Категория: Бизнес
Цена: Бесплатно


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Время Для мобильного приложения Pet является спутником приложением для домашних животных сидеть и собаку ходить компании, зарегистрированных во время, чтобы погладить. Приложение может использоваться как сотрудниками, так и клиентами, чтобы дополнить их домашнее животное сидит программное обеспечение.

Сотрудники могут использовать приложение, чтобы быстро просмотреть свои запланированные мероприятия, полный комплекс услуг и отправки обновлений клиентам.

Клиенты могут использовать приложение для просмотра и отправки сообщений, обновлять их в профиле, обзорные и запрос услуг, а также просматривать и оплачивать счета.

Компании должны уже быть зарегистрированы и иметь активную учетную запись на время Pet для того, чтобы их сотрудники и клиенты, чтобы иметь возможность использовать приложение.

История обновлений

Add new Login and Get Started screens
Add Quick Actions on Client Profiles for Admins and Office Managers with auto-login link
Add Quick Action - Create Client on Client List Screen for users with correct permissions
- Add new Login and Get Started screens
- Add Quick Actions on Client Profiles for Admins and Office Managers with auto-login link
- Add Quick Action - Create Client on Client List Screen for users with correct permissions
- Add support for disabling auto-tip
-Fix issue with auto-gratuity defaults
- Add ability for clients to set an auto-gratuity in the app
- Fix issue with tipping component showing on disabled accounts
- Add support for no pet required services
- Fixed issue with opening links on Android
- Fixed issue with loading events on the client app schedule screen
- Added custom verbiage setting for drop off and pick up
- Fixed issue with Lead Source not allowing input for a referral
- Fixed issue with cloud videos not uploading
- Show a failed message when videos do not properly upload
- Added pet pictures on the staff schedule screen
- Fixed issue with image attachments on the complete event screen
- Fixed bug on the client app that was incorrectly showing "Services Unavailable" when scheduling
- Added pet pictures on the staff schedule screen
- Fixed issue with image attachments on the complete event screen
- Fixed bug on the client app that was incorrectly showing "Services Unavailable" when scheduling
- Updated support libraries
- Added the ability to swipe to switch days and weeks on the Schedule Screen
- Made add on services more prominent on events on the Schedule Screen
- Added services available on a package to the Add Package Screen (Client App)
- Show the titles of agreements on the Client Agreement Screen (Client App)
- Added support for Stripe SCA for UK customers
- Added the ability to customize "Additional Details" field
5 янв. 2023 г.
14 дек. 2022 г.
- Fixed issue with bold font cutting off on Android devices
- Added build step to remove console logs from production
18 окт. 2022 г.
- Fixed bug when receiving a notification from a client when sending a message that sent message to wrong client
- Fixed event completed time on GPS map
- Added message recipient to screen when sending a private message
- Fixed bug in notification center
- Fixed bug navigating back from notifications in the notification center
4 окт. 2022 г.
- Fixed bug when receiving a notification from a client when sending a message that sent message to wrong client
- Fixed event completed time on GPS map
- Added message recipient to screen when sending a private message
- Fixed bug in notification center
28 июл. 2022 г.
- Added direct link to pets from schedule screen
- Added support for text-align center on html
- Fixed SMS icon
- Updated React Native and other support libraries
6 июл. 2022 г.
- Updated Stripe payments and add Google Pay
- Fixed issue with 5 minute warning for Android devices
- Fixed text issue on scheduling modal for larger font sizes
- Increased server side timeouts
24 мая 2022 г.
- Added the ability to cancel multiple events in the client app
- Added support for SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) recurring payments for UK clients
- Updated error reporting library and other dependencies
- Bug fix for styled text
2 мая 2022 г.
- Added the ability to view images in the conversation feed in a full screen gallery with download and share buttons
- Improved text decoration in the conversation feed, now supports font colors and background colors sent from the dashboard
- Increased timeouts for uploading images on visit reports and other endpoints
- Fixed bug when editing an empty pet birth date
2 мая 2022 г.
- Added support for viewing Scheduled Messages and showing the Out of Office Hours notice in app
- Added onboarding features for skipped Client and Pet Info
- Added SCA (Strong Customer Authentication) support for UK payments
- Fixed Time Off bug when submitting during DST Time
- Fixed issue where duplicate photos were being stored on Android devices
- Fixed issue with Samsung devices sometimes freezing when typing messages
- Fixed minor styling issue on conversation feed
17 февраля 2022 г.
- Updated background geolocation support software
- Made payment methods more accessible on the client app
- Fixed bug with draft messages appearing after message was sent
25 января 2022 г.
- Added the ability to upload files in conversations
- Made performance improvements for messaging and visit screens
- Fixed bug refreshing Notification Center screen
7 января 2022 г.
- Always show GPS icon on events on the schedule screen
- Fixed issue with message screen freezing
- Fixed issue with upload overlay not showing
16 ноября 2021 г.
* Upgraded React Native and support libraries
3 ноября 2021 г.
* Added support for upcoming vaccination improvements
* Fixed bug for staff message notifications going to correct tab in Notification Center
* Fixed bug with My Info required fields updating after form submitted

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