TrustedHousesitters Mod Apk

TrustedHousesitters Взлом - Mod Apk 2.66.1

Разработчик: TrustedHousesitters Ltd
Категория: Стиль жизни
Цена: Бесплатно


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Приветствую всех исследователей, любящих домашних животных

Найдите любящих, проверенных нянь для домашних животных, чтобы ваша пушистая семья была в безопасности и была счастлива дома, пока вы путешествуете. Или объедините свою страсть к домашним животным и путешествиям, чтобы найти следующее приключение по присмотру за домашними животными и не обменивайте ничего, кроме заботы и заботы о домашних животных и месте для проживания. Будь то сидение с собакой, кошкой (или что-то еще), мы позаботимся об этом.

TrustedHousesitters — это глобальное сообщество любителей домашних животных, миссией которого является предоставление ухода за домашними животными, основанного на доверии, а не на деньгах. Мы связали тысячи родителей домашних животных с проверенными и проверенными нянями для кошек и собак благодаря их взаимной любви к пушистому королевству.

Почему участники любят TrustedHousesitters?

Присмотр за домашними животными означает счастливых пушистых малышей, расслабленных родителей домашних животных и счастливых путешествующих нянек. Когда домашние животные содержатся там, где они больше всего счастливы (конечно, дома!), родители домашних животных могут путешествовать со спокойной душой, зная, что о них заботится настоящий любитель животных, в окружении всех мест и запахов, которые они знают и любят.

А благодаря их общей страсти к домашним животным и путешествиям, присмотр за домом и домашними животными позволяет нашим няням наслаждаться неограниченным количеством сидячих мест дома по всему миру, получая теплый, пушистый (и пушистый) прием, куда бы они ни пошли. Вот почему присмотр за кошками и собаками никогда не был лучше для нянек - наши участники исследуют обширные уголки мира, останавливаясь в уникальных домах и на каждом этапе пути с новым (и в основном мокрым) приятелем.

«Нахождение TrustedHousesitters изменило мою жизнь! Я чувствую, что тяжесть спала. Мне просто хотелось бы узнать об этом раньше!» — Тина, участница TrustedHousesitters.

TrustedHousesitters — крупнейшее и пользующееся наибольшим доверием сообщество по уходу за домашними животными в своем роде, имеющее участников из более чем 130 стран и больше 5-звездочных отзывов Trustpilot, чем любая другая платформа по присмотру за домом и домашними животными.

Основные возможности приложения (бесплатный аккаунт):

Просмотрите тысячи проверенных и проверенных нянь для дома, кошек и собак (которые обожают животных так же, как и вы). Изучите их профили, фотографии, а также прочитайте отзывы и отзывы родителей домашних животных, таких же, как вы, которые хотят лучшего для своего дома и пушистых малышей.

И если вам кажется, что вы видите мир через сидение на дому, изучите тысячи возможностей по присмотру за домом и домашними животными по всему миру, ухаживая за очаровательными животными в уголках земного шара, которые вам понравятся. Сохраняйте результаты поиска и получайте оповещения, когда публикуются интересные места для новых домов.

Основные возможности приложения (при членстве):

Что это даст родителям домашних животных?
Неограниченный уход за домашними животными и домом от проверенных и проверенных нянь, которым вы можете доверять, без каких-либо дополнительных затрат.
Получайте и просматривайте заявки на няню для домашних животных и общайтесь с ними с помощью нашего безопасного и надежного обмена сообщениями в приложении.
Дополнительное спокойствие благодаря гарантии возврата денег и страховке от отмены бронирования.
Бесплатный круглосуточный телефон, чат или видеозвонки с ветеринарами, доступные для вас и вашей няни во время приседаний.
Помощь и поддержка со стороны нашей отмеченной наградами команды службы поддержки участников.

Что это даст няням?
Подайте заявку на неограниченные возможности по присмотру за домом и домашними животными в более чем 130 странах мира.
Бесплатные проверки няни и проверки документов.
Дополнительное спокойствие благодаря нашей защите от несчастных случаев и ответственности перед третьими лицами, а также нашему плану отмены сидячих мест.
Бесплатный круглосуточный телефон, чат или видеозвонки с ветеринарами, когда вы присматриваете за домашним животным.
Помощь и поддержка со стороны нашей отмеченной наградами команды службы поддержки участников.

Загрузите удостоенное наград приложение TrustedHousesitters сегодня и наслаждайтесь эксклюзивными функциями только приложения, включая дополнительные поисковые фильтры, оповещения и многое другое.

Чтобы узнать больше о TrustedHousesitters, посетите сайт

*Победитель конкурса «Самое эффективное B2C-приложение» по результатам конкурса «Эффективный мобильный маркетинг» 2018 г.

История обновлений

To keep your experience woof-tastic, signing in with Google is now even more reliable and secure than ever.
To keep our app paw-some, we:

- No longer support Android versions lower than 10
- Made it easier to find your saved searches
- Rolled out other updates to keep you safe and secure
To keep tails wagging, we made the following improvements:

Easily access a summary of sitter applications for each listing from your dashboard
Tap the owner section at the top of a sitter’s review to see the original listing
Plus other bug fixes to make your interactions with us seamless
New features that users can see
We've improved the structure of the app for Pet Parents
General bug fixes and improvements.
Updates the sitter Sits page to be easier to use.
Fixes a crash that would occur when trying to edit dates during the application process.
Fixes a crash that would occur when trying to access the Refer A Friend page after completing a review.
Fixes a bug that caused the app to crash when returning to the foreground.
Improves our approach to tracking what screens have been viewed within the app.
Fixes a bug where the dashboard header was not showing for owners whose listing was not complete.
Improves navigation performance.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We’ve updated things in the background. This keeps the app up to date and stable.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We’ve updated things in the background. This keeps the app up to date and stable.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We’ve updated things in the background. This keeps the app up to date and stable.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We’ve updated things in the background. This keeps the app up to date and stable.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We’ve updated things in the background. This keeps the app up to date and stable.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We’ve updated things in the background. This keeps the app up to date and stable.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We’ve updated things in the background. This keeps the app up to date and stable.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We’ve updated things in the background. This keeps the app up to date and stable.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
13 февр. 2023 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We've made it so that you can pull-to-refresh your inbox messages, and the list of applications and invitations for your dates. And we've fixed some things behind the scenes to keep the app stable and secure.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
5 янв. 2023 г.
22 нояб. 2022 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We’ve updates the search to include sits without active dates, so you can favourite them and return to them later. We've also fixed some buggy behaviour with the android back button in the search.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
3 нояб. 2022 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We've fixed a bug where choosing two dates to apply to when viewing a listing would leave only one selected at the application preview, and added various missing fields to the welcome guide.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
25 окт. 2022 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We've fixed the order that reviews appear on sitter profiles, and a bug that was causing the favourites list to break.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
10 окт. 2022 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We've updated the applications count around the app.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
13 сент. 2022 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We've fixed some problems with navigating around the app.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
1 сент. 2022 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We've added a set of hints to the owner dashboard to help new owners understand what state their listing is in, and fixed a bug in the renew membership flow.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
12 авг. 2022 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We've improved the experience of editing your listing or profile in the app.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
19 июл. 2022 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We've fixed a bug where location and a date were not displaying correctly for saved searches.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
13 июл. 2022 г.
We update the TrustedHousesitters app often, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We've updated the experience of favouriting and unfavouriting listings and profiles.
We've fixed a bug that was causing the premium badge not to display on some user profiles.
We've done some other work in the background to keep the app stable and secure.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
28 июн. 2022 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We've made some changes to how owner members view applicants to their dates, as part of our ongoing work to help owners find the right sitters.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
17 июн. 2022 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We've fixed a bug that was causing the 'last min' label on sit search cards to display incorrectly, and fixed a few other things behind the scenes.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
10 июн. 2022 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We've updates the way our sit search results look, as part of our ongoing project to improve the search experience.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
6 июн. 2022 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

We've fixed things in the background to keep the app stable.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
Enhanced events analytics
13 мая 2022 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:

Rolled out a new tab order for all sitters to make navigating easier.

Implemented a safeguard against failing third party sign up methods.

Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
3 мая 2022 г.
We release changes to the TrustedHousesitters app as often as possible, to help keep the experience smooth and reliable for our users. Some of the improvements in this update are:
Welcome guide - Blank screen when trying to access via app
Update verification icons/filters/search order in app to align with web UX
Love using the app? Leave us a rating - every piece of feedback helps us improve the app experience.
8 февраля 2022 г.
We’ve updated things in the background to keep the app up to date and stable.
1 февраля 2022 г.
We've made editing your listing and your profile in the app more straightforward.
15 декабря 2021 г.
We’ve updated things in the background to keep the app up to date and stable.
7 декабря 2021 г.
We’ve tidied up the listing filters page, so it’s easier to read and easier to use.
3 декабря 2021 г.
We’ve updated things in the background to keep the app up to date and stable.
24 ноября 2021 г.
We’ve updated things in the background to keep the app up to date and stable.
2 ноября 2021 г.
We’ve fixed a bug - if you were having trouble accessing your verifications in the app, that should be fixed now.

Способы взлома TrustedHousesitters

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