Roon Mod Apk

Roon Взлом - Mod Apk 2.0 (build 1496) production

Разработчик: Roon Labs
Категория: Музыка и аудио
Цена: Бесплатно


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*** Для работы Roon требуется сервер Roon в вашей сети. ***

Приложение Roon — это еще один контроллер для вашего сервера Roon. Вы просматриваете и воспроизводите свою музыкальную библиотеку на более чем 1000 совместимых аудиоустройствах и обеспечиваете бесперебойное домашнее соединение. Вы можете установить бесплатное приложение Roon на любое количество устройств.

Что такое Роон?

Самый лучший способ прочувствовать вашу музыку:

Roon меняет способ просмотра и изучения музыки. Интерфейс Roon, основанный на богатых метаданных, приглашает вас в новое путешествие музыкальных открытий каждый раз, когда вы входите в систему.

Ваша музыкальная библиотека станет отправной точкой на обширной карте исполнителей, композиторов, влияний и жанров. Следуйте по пути, проистекающему из любимой музыки, чтобы открыть для себя новые захватывающие звуки и воссоединиться с давно забытыми фаворитами. Вы можете углубиться в тексты песен, фотографии исполнителей, биографии, обзоры и даты туров, а затем продолжить путешествие с рекомендациями, специально адаптированными к вашим вкусам и привычкам прослушивания.

Слушайте где угодно, на любом своем оборудовании:

Roon позволяет вам воспроизводить музыку из вашей коллекции музыкальных файлов и библиотек TIDAL, Qobuz и KKBOX на тысячах устройств Roon Ready, Airplay, Chromecast и USB из одного приложения у вас дома. Между тем, Roon ARC обеспечивает доступ, воспроизведение и точное управление звуком для всей вашей музыкальной библиотеки Roon прямо с вашего телефона, где бы вы ни находились.

Безупречное воспроизведение. Везде и всегда:

Roon создан для того, чтобы ваша музыка звучала идеально каждый раз, когда вы нажимаете кнопку «Воспроизвести», где бы вы ни находились. Roon гарантирует наилучшее качество звука каждого аудиоустройства — наш звуковой движок MUSE обеспечивает идеальное воспроизведение, полную поддержку форматов и точное управление звуком для полностью настраиваемого и безупречного прослушивания. От наушников до домашнего Hi-Fi и всего, что между ними.

История обновлений

2.0 (build 1496) production
Thank you for using Roon, the ultimate music player for music lovers. We’re continuously working to elevate your Roon music listening and browsing experience. Frequent updates deliver new features, fixes, and enhancements; turn on automatic updates to enjoy all the latest improvements. This update includes the introduction of the Listen Later functionality
2.0 (build 1490) production
Thank you for using Roon, the ultimate music player for music lovers. We’re continuously working to elevate your Roon music listening and browsing experience. Frequent updates deliver new features, fixes, and enhancements; turn on automatic updates to enjoy all the latest improvements.
2.0 (build 1480) production
Thank you for using Roon, the ultimate music player for music lovers. We’re continuously working to elevate your Roon music listening and browsing experience. Frequent updates deliver new features, fixes, and enhancements; turn on automatic updates to enjoy all the latest improvements.
This update includes the introductionof OPRA (Open Profiles for Revealing Audio)!
2.0 (build 1303) production
Roon is thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership! We've teamed up with KKBOX, Asia's largest high-quality music streaming platform. Expand your listening horizons like never before. KKBOX introduces a new world of music - with over 90 million songs in Chinese, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, and English awaiting your exploration. Roon's bold discovery features, immersive library of music metadata, and seamless integration with all your gear bring KKBOX to life in vivid musical color.
2.0 (build 1277) production
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1271) production
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1259) production
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1242) production
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1219) production
24 февр. 2023 г.
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1202) production
30 янв. 2023 г.
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1192) production
16 янв. 2023 г.
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1182) production
14 дек. 2022 г.
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1167) production
29 нояб. 2022 г.
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1148) production
8 нояб. 2022 г.
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1141) production
25 окт. 2022 г.
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1133) production
10 окт. 2022 г.
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1127) production
15 сент. 2022 г.
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
1.8 (build 1105) stable
7 сент. 2022 г.
Roon 1.8 has a completely new look and feel, but the differences are more than skin deep. Roon uses its deep metadata and an understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners from Valence, to suggest music with uncanny sensitivity and insight. In 1.8, Roon’s Focus feature goes beyond your library, giving you a 360º- view of artists, genre, performers, and composers. Classical recordings also have a new layout, designed to make it easy to find the classical recordings you’re looking for.
1.8 (build 1021) stable
25 июл. 2022 г.
Roon 1.8 has a completely new look and feel, but the differences are more than skin deep. Roon uses its deep metadata and an understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners from Valence, to suggest music with uncanny sensitivity and insight. In 1.8, Roon’s Focus feature goes beyond your library, giving you a 360º- view of artists, genre, performers, and composers. Classical recordings also have a new layout, designed to make it easy to find the classical recordings you’re looking for.
1.8 (build 988) stable
7 июл. 2022 г.
Roon 1.8 has a completely new look and feel, but the differences are more than skin deep. Roon uses its deep metadata and an understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners from Valence, to suggest music with uncanny sensitivity and insight. In 1.8, Roon’s Focus feature goes beyond your library, giving you a 360º- view of artists, genre, performers, and composers. Classical recordings also have a new layout, designed to make it easy to find the classical recordings you’re looking for.
1.8 (build 987) stable
6 июл. 2022 г.
Roon 1.8 has a completely new look and feel, but the differences are more than skin deep. Roon uses its deep metadata and an understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners from Valence, to suggest music with uncanny sensitivity and insight. In 1.8, Roon’s Focus feature goes beyond your library, giving you a 360º- view of artists, genre, performers, and composers. Classical recordings also have a new layout, designed to make it easy to find the classical recordings you’re looking for.
1.8 (build 970) stable
10 июн. 2022 г.
See release notes
1.8 (build 952) stable
23 мая 2022 г.
Roon 1.8 has a completely new look and feel, but the differences are more than skin deep. Roon uses its deep metadata and an understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners from Valence, to suggest music with uncanny sensitivity and insight. In 1.8, Roon’s Focus feature goes beyond your library, giving you a 360º- view of artists, genre, performers, and composers. Classical recordings also have a new layout, designed to make it easy to find the classical recordings you’re looking for.
1.8 (build 943) stable
10 мая 2022 г.
Roon 1.8 has a completely new look and feel, but the differences are more than skin deep. Roon uses its deep metadata and an understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners from Valence, to suggest music with uncanny sensitivity and insight. In 1.8, Roon’s Focus feature goes beyond your library, giving you a 360º- view of artists, genre, performers, and composers. Classical recordings also have a new layout, designed to make it easy to find the classical recordings you’re looking for.
1.8 (build 935) stable
27 апреля 2022 г.
Roon 1.8 has a completely new look and feel, but the differences are more than skin deep. Roon uses its deep metadata and an understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners from Valence, to suggest music with uncanny sensitivity and insight. In 1.8, Roon’s Focus feature goes beyond your library, giving you a 360º- view of artists, genre, performers, and composers. Classical recordings also have a new layout, designed to make it easy to find the classical recordings you’re looking for.
1.8 (build 931) stable
9 апреля 2022 г.
Roon 1.8 has a completely new look and feel, but the differences are more than skin deep. Roon uses its deep metadata and an understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners from Valence, to suggest music with uncanny sensitivity and insight. In 1.8, Roon’s Focus feature goes beyond your library, giving you a 360º- view of artists, genre, performers, and composers. Classical recordings also have a new layout, designed to make it easy to find the classical recordings you’re looking for.
1.8 (build 918) stable
15 марта 2022 г.
1.8 (build 903) stable
15 февраля 2022 г.
Roon 1.8 has a completely new look and feel, but the differences are more than skin deep. Roon uses its deep metadata and an understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners from Valence, to suggest music with uncanny sensitivity and insight. In 1.8, Roon’s Focus feature goes beyond your library, giving you a 360º- view of artists, genre, performers, and composers. Classical recordings also have a new layout, designed to make it easy to find the classical recordings you’re looking for.
1.8 (build 880) stable
14 декабря 2021 г.
Roon 1.8 has a completely new look and feel, but the differences are more than skin deep. Roon uses its deep metadata and an understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners from Valence, to suggest music with uncanny sensitivity and insight. In 1.8, Roon’s Focus feature goes beyond your library, giving you a 360º- view of artists, genre, performers, and composers. Classical recordings also have a new layout, designed to make it easy to find the classical recordings you’re looking for.
1.8 (build 831) stable
15 сентября 2021 г.
Roon 1.8 has a completely new look and feel, but the differences are more than skin deep. Roon uses its deep metadata and an understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners from Valence, to suggest music with uncanny sensitivity and insight. In 1.8, Roon’s Focus feature goes beyond your library, giving you a 360º- view of artists, genre, performers, and composers. Classical recordings also have a new layout, designed to make it easy to find the classical recordings you’re looking for.

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Скачать Roon MOD APK 2.0 (build 1496) production

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