Roon Mod Apk

Roon ハック - Mod Apk 2.0 (build 1480) production

開発者: Roon Labs
カテゴリー: 音楽&オーディオ
価格: 無料です


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*** Roon エクスペリエンスには、ネットワーク上に Roon サーバーが必要です。 ***

Roon アプリは、Roon サーバーのもう 1 つのコントローラーです。 1,000 を超える互換性のあるオーディオ デバイスで音楽ライブラリを参照して再生し、シームレスな家庭内接続を提供します。無料の Roon アプリは好きなだけデバイスにインストールできます。



Roon は、音楽をブラウズして探索する方法を再構築します。豊富なメタデータを活用した Roon のインターフェイスは、ログインするたびに新しい音楽発見の旅へとあなたを誘います。



Roon を使用すると、自宅内の 1 つのアプリから、数千の Roon Ready、Airplay、Chromecast、USB デバイス上の音楽ファイルや TIDAL、Qobuz、KKBOX ライブラリのコレクションを再生できます。一方、Roon ARC は、世界中のどこにいても、携帯電話から直接 Roon ミュージック ライブラリ全体にアクセス、再生、正確なオーディオ コントロールを提供します。


Roon は、どこにいても、再生ボタンを押すたびに音楽が完璧に聞こえるように構築されています。 Roon は、あらゆるオーディオ機器から可能な限り最高の音質を保証します。当社の MUSE サウンド エンジンは、完全にカスタマイズ可能で完璧なリスニング体験を実現する、ビットパーフェクト再生、徹底したフォーマットのサポート、精密なオーディオ コントロールを提供します。ヘッドフォンから家庭用ハイファイ、そしてその間のあらゆるものまで。


2.0 (build 1480) production
Thank you for using Roon, the ultimate music player for music lovers. We’re continuously working to elevate your Roon music listening and browsing experience. Frequent updates deliver new features, fixes, and enhancements; turn on automatic updates to enjoy all the latest improvements.
This update includes the introductionof OPRA (Open Profiles for Revealing Audio)!
2.0 (build 1470) production
Thank you for using Roon, the ultimate music player for music lovers. We’re continuously working to elevate your Roon music listening and browsing experience. Frequent updates deliver new features, fixes, and enhancements; turn on automatic updates to enjoy all the latest improvements.
This update includes the introduction of Smart playlists!
2.0 (build 1303) production
Roon is thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership! We've teamed up with KKBOX, Asia's largest high-quality music streaming platform. Expand your listening horizons like never before. KKBOX introduces a new world of music - with over 90 million songs in Chinese, Cantonese, Japanese, Korean, and English awaiting your exploration. Roon's bold discovery features, immersive library of music metadata, and seamless integration with all your gear bring KKBOX to life in vivid musical color.
2.0 (build 1277) production
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1271) production
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1259) production
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1202) production
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
2.0 (build 1148) production
With the introduction of Roon 2.0, everywhere will feel like home. Whether you’re in your car, at work, or traveling, you’ll have access to your library of artists, albums, playlists, and tags, and you’ll be able to discover more on the go, right from your phone.
Along with additional enhancements, like native support for Apple silicon, Roon 2.0 brings an amazing music experience to more people, on more platforms. And Roon ARC truly gives you all your music, everywhere you go.
1.8 (build 1105) stable
Roon 1.8 has a completely new look and feel, but the differences are more than skin deep. Roon uses its deep metadata and an understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners from Valence, to suggest music with uncanny sensitivity and insight. In 1.8, Roon’s Focus feature goes beyond your library, giving you a 360º- view of artists, genre, performers, and composers. Classical recordings also have a new layout, designed to make it easy to find the classical recordings you’re looking for.
1.8 (build 1021) stable
Roon 1.8 has a completely new look and feel, but the differences are more than skin deep. Roon uses its deep metadata and an understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners from Valence, to suggest music with uncanny sensitivity and insight. In 1.8, Roon’s Focus feature goes beyond your library, giving you a 360º- view of artists, genre, performers, and composers. Classical recordings also have a new layout, designed to make it easy to find the classical recordings you’re looking for.
1.8 (build 988) stable
Roon 1.8 has a completely new look and feel, but the differences are more than skin deep. Roon uses its deep metadata and an understanding of over 100,000 expert listeners from Valence, to suggest music with uncanny sensitivity and insight. In 1.8, Roon’s Focus feature goes beyond your library, giving you a 360º- view of artists, genre, performers, and composers. Classical recordings also have a new layout, designed to make it easy to find the classical recordings you’re looking for.
1.8 (build 970) stable
See release notes

ハッキング方法 Roon

ダウンロード Roon MOD APK 2.0 (build 1480) production

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4.5 点満点中 5
1390 件のレビュー