Ver. 3.1.31 patch notes
・Issue with the cards in Exchange showing a Cheat Card icon when certain events are entered in LD
・Animation issue when selecting cards in Devilgram under certain circumstances
・Minor bug fixes
Ver. 3.1.28 patch notes
・Issue with freezing when changing screens in WW under certain circumstances
・Display issue when changing screens in WW under certain circumstances
・How to get window shortcut would not display correctly after changing screens under certain circumstances
・Minor bug fixes
Ver. 3.1.25 patch notes
・Issue with screen misalignment after watching ads
・Issue caused by checking intimacy level in Devilgram under certain circumstances
・Display issue after changing screens from Akuzon and Akuber under certain circumstances
・Minor bug fixes
Ver 3.1.23 patch notes
・Issue where progresion was impossible in Majolish when performing a certain sequence of actions
・Minor bug fixes
Ver 3.1.19 patch notes
・Minor bug fixes
Ver 3.1.15 patch notes
・Issue with currently possessed items not displaying properly in Akuzon when accessed via the button in the rhythm game preparation screen
・Minor bug fixes
Ver 3.1.9 patch notes
・Added new feature
Ver 3.1.7 patch notes
・Changed the official app icon
Ver 1.0.89 patch notes
・Issue with faulty display of the skip button in the rhythm game
・Issue with scrolling through the widget
Ver 1.0.81 patch notes
・Made changes to display information concerning Cheat Cards in the Pop Quiz event
・Made adjustments to To Do missions with multiple pages so users can now see the pages without having cleared the missions
・Minor bug fixes
Ver 1.0.74 patch notes
・Made changes to the sale window contents
Ver 1.0.68 patch notes
・Minor bug fixes
Ver 1.0.64 patch notes
・Issue with faulty display of the required amount of Grimm in Chapter G of Nightmare for Summon x10
Ver 1.0.60 patch notes
・Added a banner to Home for ongoing events
・Memory card explanation skip issue when tapping the start button consecutively in 1-4 of the tutorial
・Minor bug fixes
Ver 1.0.53 patch notes
・Changed the order the ranking pop-up displays
・Fixed an issue with the Shall we date? logo on start up
・Fixed an issue with the screen not updating in certain circumstances
・Fixed an issue with the New banner on widgets
・Minor bug fixes
Ver 1.0.49 patch notes
・Added a display to the map that shows full combo acquisition status
・Display issue when accessing the event page under certain conditions
Ver 1.0.40 patch notes
・New additions to the line-up of available purchases when having insufficient Devil Points during a flash sale
・Display issue when unlocking Rank-Up or Collection spaces in Devil's Tree
・Display issue with the event mission banner still showing in the widget despite all missions being cleared during the event period
Ver 1.0.38 patch notes
・Changed title image
・Added a "new" mark to new Ruri Tunes chapters
・Fixed an issue with text for completed missions on some devices
・Fixed an issue with flash sales not appearing when low on AP
・Fixed an issue with song details not appearing
Ver 1.0.31 patch notes
・Fixed a display issue when going from To Do to a Pop Quiz
・Fixed an issue with Akuzon when accessed through Nightmare
・Fixed an issue with flicking text when Summoning cards
Ver 1.0.26 patch notes
・Changed the need for Android developer mode to be off to USB debugging mode
・Removed Twitter account link button
・Fixed WW sound effects
・Fixed some Ruri Tunes sound effects
・Fixed unobtainable videos appearing on character Fab Snap profiles
・Fixed the ability to tap areas outside of buttons in battles
Ver. 1.0.15 patch notes
・Added a loading animation in Wanderers' Whereabouts
・Changed timing for pop-ups
・Display issue with the tap effect under certain conditions in Fab Snap
・Display issue with the message after tapping the Check button in the Fridge Mission
Ver. 1.0.13 patch notes
・Added multiple quality options to Fab Snap
・Issue with De-comm
・Total strength display issue when using a Flower Staff
・Issue with skill animations
Ver. 1.0.10 patch notes
・Display issues when a card reaches Skill Level 5
・Launcher display issues
・Display issues in the Wanderers' Whereabouts "Feline Fever Barbatos"
・Updated the copyright year on the title screen
Ver. 1.0.8 patch notes
・Intimacy Level display issue when giving gifts in WW
・Issue that prevented progressing in To Do
・Issue that prevented progressing from the Title Screen
・De-comm caller display issue
Ver. 1.0.7 patch notes
・Devil's Tree Devil Flower effects
・Playing Ruri Tunes with zero AP
・Wanderers' Whereabouts item descriptions
・Accessing Akuzon from Wanderers' Whereabouts
・Display issues when opening Nightmare
Ver. 1.0.4 patch notes
・Fixed issues with switching controls in Ruri Tunes