Obey Me! Anime Otome Sim Game Mod Apk

Obey Me! Anime Otome Sim Game Взлом - Mod Apk 8.1.11

Категория: Приключенческие игры, Казуальные игры
Цена: Бесплатно


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▶▷▶Совершенно новая игра◀◁◀
Что, если бы персонажи могли быть рядом с вами, смеяться и плакать вместе с вами и стать вашими друзьями? - или даже влюбиться в тебя?
Повинуйся мне! - это совершенно новая игра-симулятор свиданий отомэ , в которой персонажи становятся частью вашей повседневной жизни.
▶ Вы регулярно получаете текстовые сообщения и телефонные звонки от очаровательных персонажей.
▶ В игре есть система уровней близости. То, как вы взаимодействуете с персонажами, повлияет на ваши отношения с ними.
▶ Для главного героя не выбран пол, поэтому играть может каждый.

■ Сюжет
Станьте мастером, который поставит братьев-демонов икемен на колени, и наслаждайтесь жизнью в Академии в Дьявольском мире!
Вы были выбраны, чтобы стать студентом по обмену в RAD, школе для демонов. Вас ждут 7 братьев-демонов ikemen и гора заданий...?!
Чтобы выжить, вам нужно запомнить только одно правило...
Один мастер, чтобы ПРАВИТЬ ими всеми!

■Ваш собственный личный гарем демонов Ikemen
Выберите, как вы хотите наслаждаться своей жизнью: будете ли вы бить братьев-демонов в форму, или искать новый роман? С помощью 7 братьев икемен вы сможете победить их в захватывающих карточных битвах. Выберите свою команду, посмотрите, как на экране появляются милые персонажи чиби, и наслаждайтесь разной музыкой для каждого этапа. Собирайте карты, повышайте их уровень и побеждайте в битвах!

■ Официальный сайт
Узнавайте последние новости о "Obey Me!" с нашего официального сайта.

■ Социальные сети
2. Устройство с оперативной памятью более 2 ГБ

【Повинуйся мне! рекомендуется для тех, кто…】
・Хотит сыграть в симулятор свиданий отомэ с любовной историей об икеменах.
・Ищет совершенно новый аниме-симулятор свиданий отомэ.
・Хотят завести отношения с демонами икемен в прекрасном аниме-симуляторе свиданий отомэ.
・Интересны играть в аниме-симулятор свиданий.

История обновлений

[Upgrade Description for version 8.1.11]
・Minor bug fixes
[Upgrade Description for version 8.1.8]
・Minor bug fixes
[Upgrade Description for version 8.1.4]
・Minor bug fixes
[Upgrade Description for version 6.7.3]
・Explanation not appearing in the Friends tab in Phone
[Upgrade Description for version 6.6.9]
・Minor bug fixes
[Upgrade Description for version 6.6.6]
・Minor bug fixes
[Upgrade Description for version 6.6.5]
・Minor bug fixes
[Upgrade Description for version 6.6.2]
・The wrong mark for an icon would be displayed when performing certain actions on the Home screen.
[Upgrade Description for version 6.5.4]
・Minor bug fixes
[Upgrade Description for version 6.5.3]
・Removed the Twitter API account link button
[Upgrade Description for version 6.5.0]
・Could not proceed when certain actions were taken in Devil's Tree
[Upgrade Description for version 6.4.8]
・The zero AP campaign for Normal Lessons would show that it has ended even when there were uncleared battles in other routes
・Choosing chapters in the Pop Quiz chapter select pop-up would cause other chapter names to bug
[Upgrade Description for version 6.4.2]
・Buttons for ads would sometimes not appear
・Login bonuses would sometimes take time to display
・The promotion icon for the 0 AP promotion would sometimes not appear over Your Tasks
[Upgrade Description for version 6.3.8]
・In certain circumstances, it would take longer than normal to display the next line of text when a character spoke
28 февр. 2023 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 6.3.6]
・In certain circumstances, progress in the tutorial would be unable to be made after reading 1-7 in Your Tasks
14 февр. 2023 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 6.3.4]
・The necessary Devil Points to purchase Akuber Tickets displayed incorrectly during the Akuber half-off sale promotion
・After skipping an Akuber order, the character's face on the Rewards screen would not change
23 янв. 2023 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 6.3.1]
・The AP purchase screen would be displayed when a players AP fell below five during our campaign where clearing select missions for the first time would consume 0 AP
・Players could read some card stories in Devildom that they did not yet possess
・Tapping a wallpaper unlocked in Devil's Tree would not open it in Majolish
4 янв. 2023 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 6.2.7]
・The decimal digits of skill multipliers would not display properly
・The filter order would display incorrectly after changing the filter on the Edit Team screen
・In some instances, when moving from Chat to Akuzon the launcher would stay displayed
・The tappable area of Your Tasks has been expanded
20 дек. 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 6.2.5]
・Under certain cercumstances, notifications would not arrive
12 дек. 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 6.2.1]
・Minor bug fixes
1 дек. 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 6.1.6]
・Under certain cercumstances, card pieces in Contacts would not show how to obtain them
・The app would freeze during Surprise Guest encounters at certain times
24 нояб. 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 6.1.1]
・Minor bug fixes
7 нояб. 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 6.0.6]
・Connectivity issues in certain regions in Ver.
・Unable to accept phone calls during Lessons
・Unable to tap the "Check" button for Fridge Missions under certain circumstances
・Visual effects of previous Summon appear in Nightmare results under certain circumstances
・Scrolling sideways on the bottom of the Devilgram or Lonely Devil apps would not move the top of the screen
18 окт. 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.8.12]
・"Don't show again" box appeared on one-time pop-ups
・The event icon animation was not displaying correctly on the Home screen
・Quiting Battle (1-6) in the tutorial would make it so the tutorial wouldn't progress
・A Home Screen update pop-up would display under certain circumstances during the Present tutorial
2 окт. 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.8.6]
■New features/changes
・Exclude AP when accepting all items in Mail > Presents.
・Additional icon to Your Tasks
・Sharing some full-screen backgrounds and moving pictures in Majolish would bring up a rotate button
・Display issues due to the "End of QooApp Game Store Services" notification
・Changing the Home Screen background would not immediately work at certain times
・The Reward List button in Lonely Devil would be grayed out after closing the list
15 сент. 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.8.0]
・Edges of backgrounds being cut off on some devices
・The ranking pop-up for Pop Quiz Cowboys on the Range
・The "Back" button not showing up on some devices when accessing Chat through Pop Quiz Happy Birthday! Dear Mammon '22
・DevilTube pop-ups would not display when accessing the Home Screen at certain times
22 авг. 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.7.4]
・When accessing a mission through in-app notifications at certain times, the mission would not display
・On Android, notification badges would not update
1 авг. 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.7.0]
■New features/changes
・Added voices to Akuber results screen

・Pre-battle options button not displaying at correct time
・Lonely Devil not displaying correctly under certain circumstances
・Nightmare next image button disappears under certain circumstances
・After receiving a Cheat Card, the Cheat icon will disappear on the Pop Quiz screen under certain circumstances
8 июл. 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.6.9]
■New features/changes
・Added the ability to skip Skill animations.

・Login Bonus would not display in certain situations
・Using a Secret Story Key would not play the associated story in certain situations
21 июн. 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.6.2]
■New features/changes
・Added the ability to delete user data
・Fixed the Rewards listed in the pre-battle screen

・In Majolish, characters would not display in certain situations
・User Icons/Frames would not display in certain situations
・In the Nightmare Conquering the Devildom, characters would not display after tapping Details
・Card details could not be checked after receiving them through Celestial Blessing in the Pop Quiz The Great Yokai Parade
6 июн. 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.5.7]
・Minor bug fixes
30 мая 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.5.3]
・Minor bug fixes
22 мая 2022 г.
■New features/changes
・Improved loading times at start-up
・Added birthday Pop Quiz revival events

・Some Home Screen icons displayed or disappeared at incorrect times
・"Don't show again" option showed up on sale pop-ups
・A separate screen would momentarily display when going into Nightmare
9 мая 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.4.5]
・Home Screen icon positions resetting under certain conditions.
・Updated supported Android versions
・Minor bug fixes.
20 апреля 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.4.2]
■New features/changes
・Improved loading times when moving to some screens
・Added a "Don't show again" option to pop-ups
・Added additional app pages to Home Screen
30 марта 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.3.3]
・Minor bug fixes
15 марта 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.2.6]
・When returning to Home after changing the Home character in Majolish, the previously set character shows up as Surprise Guest
・Fridge Mission button remains as "Check" despite finishing the Fridge Mission
・After unlocking the MAX Lv. Cap of a Demon Card, pop-ups do not show when tapping Devil Tree spaces
・Other minor bug fixes
28 февраля 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.2.3]
・When using Quick Clear in the Pop Quiz event outside of the boosting period, boosting shows up on the battle results screen
28 февраля 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.2.2]
■New features/changes
・Loading time when moving to some screens
・Adjusted the location and UI of the app review pop-up.

・event-exclusive Surprise Guest items remaining in Akuzon even after the event has ended
・Minor bug fixes
9 февраля 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.1.8]
・Certain lines of Moving Pictures not playing on Android devices when Moving Picture is set to Home
・When accessing the screen of the Nightmare event "Diner" for the first time, cards that are not obtainable are displayed
19 января 2022 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.0.15]
■New features/changes
・Updated each SDK
20 декабря 2021 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.0.10]
・Crashes under certain conditions
・Freezes when playing certain stories in Korean
・Minor bug fixes
20 декабря 2021 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.0.8]
・Minor bug fixes
18 ноября 2021 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 5.0.0]
■New features/changes
・Pop Quiz new feature
・New user icon frames
・Loading time when moving to the home screen
・Korean added (partial)
21 октября 2021 г.
[Upgrade Description for version 4.8.12]
■New features/changes
・Player level limit increased from 500 to 1000
・Traditional Chinese added (partial)

・"First time only" on the Nightmare page partially hidden
・Video ads do not play despite pressing the button

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