KptnCook Recipes, Cooking, Eat Mod Apk

KptnCook Recipes, Cooking, Eat Взлом - Mod Apk

Разработчик: KptnCook GmbH
Категория: Еда и напитки
Цена: Бесплатно


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Позвольте нам помочь вам в кулинарном путешествии, предоставив вам простые в приготовлении, вкусные и индивидуальные рецепты!

Мы рады приветствовать вас в нашем отмеченном наградами приложении, полном полезных 30-минутных рецептов. Вы будете ежедневно наслаждаться новыми рецептами, и вам больше никогда не придется беспокоиться о том, что приготовить.

Каждое блюдо и рецепт будут успешными, поскольку высококачественные изображения помогут вам, интерактивный список покупок и пошаговые наглядные инструкции: каждый может готовить с помощью KptnCook, направляя ваше кулинарное путешествие.

Более 7 000 000 пользователей присоединились к сообществу KptnCook, готовят вкусные блюда и составляют еженедельные планы питания, чтобы питаться здоровее и экономить время.

Почему вам понравится KptnCook:
● Каждый день получайте 3 новых персонализированных, вкусных и простых рецепта, созданных такими же диетологами и любителями еды, как вы.
● Легко делитесь рецептами и готовьте с друзьями и семьей.
● Сохраняйте неограниченное количество рецептов прямо в своем приложении.
● Готовьте с помощью пошаговых инструкций и высококачественных изображений.
● Добавляйте свои примечания к каждому рецепту для дальнейшего использования.
● Регулируйте количество порций и узнавайте пищевую ценность.
● Сравните цены на наши рецепты ($-$$$)
● Создавайте списки покупок и делитесь ими с другими.

Приложение KptnCook можно использовать бесплатно, и если вы хотите воспользоваться всеми преимуществами премиум-аккаунта KptnCook, мы предлагаем премиум-подписку.

Будучи Премиум-пользователем, вы можете...
● Уменьшите стресс, создав свой личный план питания из более чем 3000 быстрых и простых рецептов.
● Ешьте здоровую пищу и придерживайтесь различных диет, таких как низкоуглеводная, веганская, экономичная или высокобелковая.
● Попробуйте новые рецепты из более чем 14 различных еженедельных тем.
● Персонализируйте свои рецепты, исключая ингредиенты, которые вам не нравятся.
● Найдите рецепты с ингредиентами, которые уже есть у вас дома.
● Будьте удивлены рецептами, рекомендованными нашим алгоритмом машинного обучения.
● Экономьте время, добавляя все ингредиенты из своего плана питания в список покупок.
● Будьте вдохновлены: персонализированная страница Discovery, созданная с учетом вашего вкуса и диетических требований. Это все равно, что каждый день недели шеф-повар готовит вам индивидуальное меню!

Начните экономить время и деньги сегодня и скачайте приложение прямо сейчас!

История обновлений

Big news, Captain! Finding a recipe you will actually cook tonight just got so much easier! Premium users can now follow their diet and avoid the ingredients they don't like when searching for recipes. Spread your net, catching the right fish is a click away!

Share your feedback and ideas at [email protected].
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
14 февр. 2023 г.
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
17 янв. 2023 г.
Ahoy Kptn!
Guess what? Now there's a whole new section for all Premium Kptns: Discover! Here you can search for specific recipes or get inspired by our latest recipes and various meal plan themes. The best part is: all recipes and suggestions are tailored to you and your preferences! This makes it even easier and more fun to add recipes to your meal plan, favorites and collections! So what are you waiting for? Set sail and start discovering!
23 дек. 2022 г.
Ahoy Kptn!
Guess what? Now there's a whole new section for all Premium Kptns: Discover! Here you can search for specific recipes or get inspired by our latest recipes and various meal plan themes. The best part is: all recipes and suggestions are tailored to you and your preferences! This makes it even easier and more fun to add recipes to your meal plan, favorites and collections! So what are you waiting for? Set sail and start discovering!
20 дек. 2022 г.
2 дек. 2022 г.
Ahoy Kptn!
Guess what? Now there's a whole new section for all Premium Kptns: Discover! Here you can search for specific recipes or get inspired by our latest recipes and various meal plan themes. The best part is: all recipes and suggestions are tailored to you and your preferences! This makes it even easier and more fun to add recipes to your meal plan, favorites and collections! So what are you waiting for? Set sail and start discovering!
10 нояб. 2022 г.
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
24 окт. 2022 г.
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
12 окт. 2022 г.
Ahoy Kptn!
Today we've got something reeeally special for you! With this update we have not only fixed a few pesky bugs, but we're also proud to present our brand new Meal Plan: Fridge Finds. Now you can easily create meal plans from your leftover ingredients and avoid unnecessary food waste. Genius, isn't it?
18 сент. 2022 г.
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
10 сент. 2022 г.
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
5 сент. 2022 г.
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
8 авг. 2022 г.
"Ahoy Kptn! There's reason to celebrate! With this update, we've made some more sneaky bugs walk the plank.

What new features do you yearn to see on the horizon? Send us your ideas to [email protected]"
30 июн. 2022 г.
Ahoy Kptn! Thanks to your feedback, we've found some stowaways (aka bugs) on board.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn! Thanks to your feedback, we've found some stowaways (aka bugs) on board.
1 апреля 2022 г.
Ahoy Kptn! Thanks to your feedback, we've found some stowaways (aka bugs) on board.
18 февраля 2022 г.
Salut & oi Kptn!
We have set our sails and are now taking an even more international course! But what does that mean for you? You can now use KptnCook in French and Portuguese – oba! Just go to the settings in your KptnCook profile, tap on ""Language"", and choose your language – et voilá!
15 декабря 2021 г.
A-ho-hoy, Kptn!
Have you start decorating your galley yet? To help you enjoy the holidays, we've made our meal plan even better and fixed a few nasty bugs. That way, you don't have to worry about anything during the holidays.
Merry Christmas, Kptn!
29 ноября 2021 г.
Ahoy Kptn!
Slowly but surely, we have to say goodbye to the golden autumn. But there's no reason to be sad, because the most magical time of the year is just around the corner. To ensure that everything runs smoothly in the galley, we have improved our onboarding process and made it even easier. Now future Kptns can dive into our colorful world of flavors and meal ideas even faster.
18 ноября 2021 г.
Ahoy Kptn!
Slowly but surely, we have to say goodbye to the golden autumn. But there's no reason to be sad, because the most magical time of the year is just around the corner. To ensure that everything runs smoothly in the galley, we have improved our onboarding process and made it even easier. Now future Kptns can dive into our colorful world of flavors and meal ideas even faster.
18 октября 2021 г.
Ahoy Kptn!
Have you had a nice start into autumn? To make the golden season even cozier & more relaxing, now you can set a personal reminder that reminds you to create a new meal plan! Just activate the reminder function when you set up your meal planner or go to your profile settings and pick a suitable day on which you want to get the reminder.

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