KptnCook Recipes, Cooking, Eat Mod Apk

KptnCook Recipes, Cooking, Eat ハック - Mod Apk

開発者: KptnCook GmbH
カテゴリー: フード&ドリンク
価格: 無料です


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健康的な 30 分レシピが満載の受賞歴のあるアプリにご参加いただけることを嬉しく思います。毎日新しいレシピを楽しむことができ、何を作ろうか悩む必要はもうありません。

高品質の写真、インタラクティブな食料品リスト機能、段階的な視覚的指示がガイドしてくれるので、すべての食事とレシピが成功します。KptnCook を使って誰でも料理を作ることができ、料理の旅をガイドします。

7,000,000 人以上のユーザーが KptnCook コミュニティに参加し、おいしい食事を作り、より健康的な食事をして時間を節約するための毎週の食事計画を作成しています。

KptnCook を気に入っていただける理由:
● 栄養士やあなたのような料理愛好家によって作成された、カスタマイズされた、美味しくて簡単な新しいレシピを毎日 3 つ受け取ります
● 友達や家族と簡単にレシピを共有したり料理したりできます
● 無制限のレシピをアプリに直接保存できます
● ステップバイステップの説明と高品質の画像を使って料理をする
● 将来参照できるように、各レシピに独自のメモを追加します。
● 食べる量を調整したり、栄養価を調べたりできます。
● レシピの価格を比較します ($-$$$)
● 買い物リストを作成して他の人と共有する

KptnCook アプリは無料で使用できます。KptnCook のプレミアム アカウントのすべての利点を享受したい場合は、プレミアム サブスクリプションを提供します。

プレミアム ユーザーは次のことができます...
● 3,000 を超える簡単で簡単なレシピから個人的な食事プランを作成してストレスを軽減します
● 健康的な食事をとり、低炭水化物、ビーガン、低予算、高タンパク質などのさまざまな食事を楽しみましょう
● 毎週 14 種類以上の異なるテーマから新しいレシピを試してみましょう
● 嫌いな食材を除外してレシピをカスタマイズ
● 家にある材料を使ったレシピを探す
● 機械学習アルゴリズムによって推奨されるレシピに驚くこと
● 食事プランのすべての食材を食料品リストに追加して時間を節約します
● インスピレーションを得る: あなたの好みや食事の要件に合わせて厳選された、パーソナライズされた Discovery ページ。シェフが毎日オーダーメイドのメニューを提供してくれるようなものです。



Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Big news, Captain! Finding a recipe you will actually cook tonight just got so much easier! Premium users can now follow their diet and avoid the ingredients they don't like when searching for recipes. Spread your net, catching the right fish is a click away!

Share your feedback and ideas at [email protected].
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
Guess what? Now there's a whole new section for all Premium Kptns: Discover! Here you can search for specific recipes or get inspired by our latest recipes and various meal plan themes. The best part is: all recipes and suggestions are tailored to you and your preferences! This makes it even easier and more fun to add recipes to your meal plan, favorites and collections! So what are you waiting for? Set sail and start discovering!
Ahoy Kptn!
Guess what? Now there's a whole new section for all Premium Kptns: Discover! Here you can search for specific recipes or get inspired by our latest recipes and various meal plan themes. The best part is: all recipes and suggestions are tailored to you and your preferences! This makes it even easier and more fun to add recipes to your meal plan, favorites and collections! So what are you waiting for? Set sail and start discovering!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
Today we've got something reeeally special for you! With this update we have not only fixed a few pesky bugs, but we're also proud to present our brand new Meal Plan: Fridge Finds. Now you can easily create meal plans from your leftover ingredients and avoid unnecessary food waste. Genius, isn't it?
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn!
In this update, we caught a few bugs that snuck on board, and made them walk the plank.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn! Thanks to your feedback, we've found some stowaways (aka bugs) on board.
Do we need to change direction? Send us your feedback at [email protected]!
Ahoy Kptn! Thanks to your feedback, we've found some stowaways (aka bugs) on board.

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ダウンロード KptnCook Recipes, Cooking, Eat MOD APK

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4.8 点満点中 5
2.6万 件のレビュー