GameChanger Mod Apk

GameChanger Взлом - Mod Apk

Разработчик: GameChanger Media
Категория: Спорт
Цена: Бесплатно


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Транслируйте и оценивайте игры своей команды БЕСПЛАТНО и держите болельщиков в курсе событий с помощью GameChanger, приложения №1 для молодежного спорта. Все, что вам нужно, это мобильное устройство. Кроме того, тренеры могут БЕСПЛАТНО получить доступ к премиум-функциям, включая статистику и архивное видео!

Откажитесь от бумажного протокола благодаря интуитивно понятному БЕСПЛАТНОМУ опыту ведения счета и получите расширенные инструменты и функции для ведения счета в бейсболе, софтболе, баскетболе, футболе, лакроссе, футболе, хоккее, хоккее на траве, водном поло и регби.

Настройте прямую трансляцию игры всего в три касания с помощью мобильного устройства или внешней камеры, чтобы игра была доступна кому угодно и где угодно. Наложение табло в реальном времени позволяет зрителям быть в курсе событий в режиме реального времени. Кроме того, подключиться к игре можно бесплатно, поэтому семья и друзья никогда не пропустят ни одной игры!

С легкостью транслируйте баскетбольные матчи в прямом эфире с помощью AutoStream, нашей запатентованной технологии на базе искусственного интеллекта, которая обеспечивает БЕСПЛАТНУЮ потоковую трансляцию на всей площадке без помощи рук. Никакой сложной настройки не требуется — все, что вам нужно, это мобильное устройство.

Оптимизируйте командное общение по более чем 20 видам спорта с помощью бесплатного обмена сообщениями в приложении, обмена фотографиями и планирования мероприятий с помощью RSVP и синхронизации календаря.

Храните состав и контактную информацию команды в одном месте. Автоматически заполняйте весь состав своей команды за считанные секунды, импортируя данные из MaxPreps, Sports Connect или прошлого сезона на GameChanger.

Отслеживайте более 150 базовых и расширенных статистических данных по бейсболу и софтболу, включая количество полей, средний уровень ударов, ERA, качество игры с битами и многое другое.


Транслируемые игры автоматически сохраняются в видеоархиве, а самые яркие моменты из игр, которые транслируются и набираются очки, автоматически обрезаются. Тренеры и подписчики премиум-класса могут получить доступ и просмотреть полное видео и основные моменты игры в любое время.

Игроки в бейсбол, софтбол и баскетбол могут демонстрировать индивидуальную статистику и ключевые видео в настраиваемых профилях спортсменов, которыми можно поделиться с семьей, друзьями или рекрутерами. (Для фанатов требуется платная подписка.)

Принимайте обоснованные решения во время игры с помощью таблиц распыления подачи и удара для бейсбола и софтбола.

ОТСЛЕЖИВАНИЕ СЧЕТА ПОДАЧ (только для бейсбола)
Получайте актуальную информацию, которая поможет отслеживать использование питчеров и обеспечивать безопасность игроков, с помощью таких статистических данных, как количество подач, поданных и пойманных подач.

Премиум-функции GameChanger, такие как основные моменты видео, видеоархивы, статистика карьеры и диаграммы распыления, остаются совершенно бесплатными для тренеров и сотрудников команд. (Для фанатов требуется платная подписка.)

Управляйте составами команд, расписаниями и просматривайте статистику на нашем веб-портале

GameChanger совместим с камерами Mevo, GoPro и другими сторонними производителями, использующими RTMP.

GameChanger в настоящее время доступен для следующих видов спорта: бейсбол, софтбол, футбол, баскетбол, лакросс, футбол, волейбол, хоккей на траве, хоккей с шайбой, водное поло, регби, плавание и дайвинг, легкая атлетика, борьба, экипаж и гребля, боулинг, команды поддержки, беговых лыж, тенниса и гольфа.

Условия использования:
Раскрытие информации в Калифорнии:
Патент США № 8731458.

История обновлений
New: Basketball and Volleyball Team Staff can now mark game moments in landscape when reviewing game film

Fixed: Issues with scoring and videographer permissions with community members not displaying in the list of options and permissions not appearing correctly for staff members on teams with 50+ confirmed members
Bug fixes and performance enhancements!
New: Basketball and Volleyball Team Staff can now mark game moments on uploaded video.
New: Volleyball Team Staff can now automatically skip downtime when reviewing game film!
New: See your recently viewed search results on the search screen
New: You can now use the ‘Record Video’ button on an event to either livestream, stream & record video to your device, or record locally only (in situations without network connection).
- Full event videos can be uploaded to the event after the fact and they will replace any prior event video assets.
- Clips will remain untouched if a game was streamed and scored.
- Uploaded videos will not generate new clips.
Fixed: messaging crash due to low memory on device
Fixed: A crash that some users experienced when attempting to broadcast live video
* New: Written game recaps will now preview a portion of the content for free users who do not have full access to recaps
* New for Basketball: Automatic Video Clips are now generated for rebounds, assists, blocks and steals! Clips can be found in each player’s profile. Players and family will be notified when new video clips are available
New for baseball and softball: Filters on Team and Event video tabs to find clips based on play type, inning, game, etc.
New for baseball and softball: clip tiles now include inning, perspective, play type badges to provide more context on clip content
New for leagues & tournaments: upload a custom logo!
Fixed: Scoreboard lag issues when streaming with a Mevo camera have been resolved, be sure to update to the latest Mevo firmware version
New: Non-staff, confirmed members without a premium membership will now be able to view, change audience, and delete the archives for the videos they streamed
New: The option to delete an Athlete Profile created by mistake
New for Football: Video clips of every play! Clips will appear in the Plays tab for games that are scored and streamed. You can view, share, download and add them to a player profile
Fixed: No more scoreboard lag when streaming using a MEVO camera!
Fixed: A crash preventing some users from accessing their team profiles
Fixed: bug fixes and improvements
New: Football teams can now track every play when scoring a game
Fixed: bug fixes and improvements
* Updated Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, effective July 8, 2023
* Fixed: bug fixes and improvement
Fixed: An issue that prevented subscribers from using premium features
New: Video clips are now visible on the team video tab, above the full event videos, with the ability to share directly
Fixed: bug fixes and improvements
Fixed: bug fixes and improvements
Fixed: crash affecting member walls
17 мар. 2023 г.
New: Staff can now change the Audience settings on Video Archives
New for Volleyball: Video clips of every point! Clips will appear in the Plays tab for matches that are scored and streamed. You can view, share, download and add them to a player profile.
New for Flag Football and Football: Video clips of every scoring play! Clips will appear in the Plays tab for games that are scored and streamed. You can view, share, download and add them to a player profile.
24 февр. 2023 г.
Fixed: A crash affecting some basketball scorekeepers
2 февр. 2023 г.
New: It’s now easier for Fans to request membership to a team to unlock access to a Live Stream
New: You can now create Flag Football teams; use GameChanger to manage your team and to schedule, score and stream games
18 янв. 2023 г.
New for volleyball: You can now see which team has possession and who is serving while broadcasting live video
4 янв. 2023 г.
Fixed: bug fixes and improvements
30 нояб. 2022 г.
New for volleyball: Select your server!
New: Running a baseball, softball, or basketball tournament? Create and manage your tournament using our Organizations feature
New: Organization admins can now score games for their basketball league or tournament
Fixed: An issue where chats occasionally failed to display after tapping a notification
Fixed: An issue viewing and downloading media in chats
Fixed: An issue where some basketball box scores and play-by-plays would fail to load
2 нояб. 2022 г.
New: Added the ability to fully customize the name, handle, and clips on your Athlete Profile
New: Improvements to pinch to zoom functionality while broadcasting live video
Fixed: Users can now see the status of a Live Stream directly from scorekeeping
13 окт. 2022 г.
New: Add video clips to your Athlete Profile directly from your player’s team clip library
New: Customize your Athlete Profile username and URL
New: Users can now see the status of a Live Stream directly from scorekeeping
New for baseball and softball: League admins can score games
New for basketball: Create your league and score games
Fixed: Issues causing some users to fail to receive push notifications
Fixed: Issues preventing Athlete Profile avatar updates on OS 13 devices
29 сент. 2022 г.
New: Athlete Profiles are live! If eligible, you’ll see a widget on the GC home screen allowing you to create a profile and share your best highlight clips to the world!
Fixed: Volleyball scoreboard overlay for the streamer showing correct set, set score, and match score
14 сент. 2022 г.
New for volleyball: Viewers can now see the set and match scores in a livestream so they never miss a point!
New for basketball, soccer, lacrosse, hockey, field hockey and water polo teams: Easily upload stats to MaxPreps by tapping “Export Stats” from the Box Score tab
17 авг. 2022 г.
New: Video clips on player profiles can now be edited directly in the app
New for basketball teams: Say “sub” before the player’s jersey number to add or remove them from the game with voice scorekeeping
27 июл. 2022 г.
• Fixed: A bug that prevented users from being able to access their game recaps
6 июл. 2022 г.
• New: Automatic Clips are now live for Basketball! View, download, and share made 2 and 3 pointers from games that are streamed and scored. Clips can be found in each player’s profile
• Fixed: An issue in which opponent team names would not update in scheduled head-to-head games after that team had changed its name.
23 июн. 2022 г.
• New: App will now notify scorekeepers that they are about to begin scoring for both teams in a head-to-head game. This will happen from the event/game screen and from the home screen for today’s games.
• Fixed: Prevent opponents from being edited in a head-to-head game that is already being scored.
8 июн. 2022 г.
• New: Editing of a head-to-head game will now allow you to choose to message (or choose not to message) each of the teams impacted. If a team scheduled event is created or deleted by editing the H2H event it will also send that notification to the impacted teams.
• Fixed: Improved visibility of the muted state while publishing live video
• Fixed: An issue in head-to-head scoring that the game’s events (play-by-play) were not being duplicated for a new scorer taking over scorekeeping.
11 мая 2022 г.
• New for basketball teams: Use the “Team Matchup” section to compare your team’s FT%, REB and TO stats with the opposing team during the game
• New: Confirmed members will be shown an alert before attempting to publish a live stream
• New: Head-to-Head games in Organizations can now be edited. Any edits to the head-to-head games will update the team schedules automatically
2 мая 2022 г.
• New: Confirmed family and players can now live stream games for their team by tapping ‘Go Live’’. Staff can adjust this in team settings
• New: Confirmed family and players now have the ability to delete clips from their Player Profile
• Fixed: Added clearer instructions on team imports from Sports Connect.
• Fixed: Issue which incorrectly imported deleted players on a rolled-over roster from a previous season.
18 апреля 2022 г.
• New for basketball teams: Track rebounds and turnovers for opponents
• New for basketball teams: Assign stats to opponent players
• New: Staff now have the ability to delete clips from their Player Profiles
4 апреля 2022 г.
New: You can now access a link to the Live Stream and view it on web from your desktop computer
Fixed: An issue causing some users to temporarily miss messaging push notifications
Fixed: An issue where users who have connected their GC Classic account were prompted to link it again to access Premium content
Fixed: Changed the default MPH for softball teams to make it easier to enter velocity
Fixed: Issue with Starting Lineup changes not saving
2 марта 2022 г.
• Fixed: Significant slowdown and loading issues on the Home screen for accounts that had multiple teams. This would often cause crashes as well. We sincerely hope it is now remedied.
• Fixed: Fixed an issue with Automatic Hit Clips that was preventing clip download.
18 января 2022 г.
• New: Fans can now record clips from the Video Archives
• New: We’ll send a scorekeeping reminder to confirmed family and players in basketball, soccer, football, field hockey, hockey, lacrosse, rugby (union) and water polo
27 декабря 2021 г.
• New: Tap one button to connect to your Mevo camera and start streaming
• New: Confirmed family and players can now keep score in basketball, soccer, football, field hockey, hockey, lacrosse, rugby (union) and water polo
• Fixed: Issue where January 2022 events imported from SportsConnect were mistakenly registering in the Winter 2022-2023 season.
6 декабря 2021 г.
• New: Fans can now access the box score and play-by-play features during the Live Stream and Video Archives for 8 new sports.
• New: Team Staff can now send an RSVP reminder via a push notification to everyone who hasn't RSVP'd.
• Fixed: An issue in which users were able to access Organizations that they were not a member of.
• Fixed: Chat message text will now respect Android system-wide font settings
• Fixed: An issue causing some devices to fail to receive push notifications for messages.
19 ноября 2021 г.
* Fixed: An issue where some devices were not always receiving push notifications for new messages
* Fixed: An issue where users were reverted back to the old messaging system despite being on the latest release

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