GolfFix: AI Swing Analyzer/Cam Mod Apk

GolfFix: AI Swing Analyzer/Cam Взлом - Mod Apk 2.77.1

Разработчик: MOAIS, Inc.
Категория: Спорт
Цена: Бесплатно


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GolfFix — это то место, где вы начнете свою жизнь в гольфе без стресса. Устали искать подходящего тренера по гольфу? Чувствуете, что застряли в своих навыках игры в гольф, хотя получаете уроки? Чувствуете разочарование из-за непоследовательного удара в гольфе? Хотите преодолеть большее расстояние? GolfFix решит все ваши проблемы!

GolfFix — это превосходный и точный анализатор ударов в гольфе и тренер по гольфу с искусственным интеллектом специально для вас. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это получить анализ и отчеты по свингу и попрактиковаться с GolfFix.

Только GolfFix может дать:

[Анализ ритма и темпа и практическое упражнение]
- Анализ ритма и темпа вашего удара в гольфе
- Разбейте замах на 4 части, чтобы рассчитать точный ритм и темп; темп качания, замах назад, верхняя пауза, замах вниз
- Практикуйте упражнения, чтобы добиться постоянства ритма и темпа.
- Сравните свой ритм и темп с ритмами профессионалов и других пользователей.

[Ежемесячный отчет ИИ]
- Ежемесячные отчеты позволяют увидеть результаты вашего урока гольфа с GolfFix.
- Сравнивайте и проверяйте свой прогресс с собой и результатами других пользователей.
- Проверьте наиболее часто возникающие проблемы при игре в гольф.
- Проверьте лучшую версию вашего удара в гольф.
- Отслеживайте, сколько дней в месяце вы занимались
- Проверьте свою среднюю оценку осанки за месяц и сравните самую низкую и самую высокую оценку замаха.

Что могут дать другие, но GolfFix лучше всех умеет:

[Анализ колебаний]
- автоматическое обнаружение поворота
- автоматически создавать последовательность поворотов и рисовать плоскость поворота
- точное обнаружение проблем
- подробное объяснение проблемы и решения
- получайте мгновенный анализ как записанного, так и импортированного видео
- сравните свой замах с профессиональными

[Упражнение по концентрации]
- Обеспечивает правильные практические упражнения в соответствии с вашим уровнем и стилем удара.
- мгновенный анализ и обратная связь по каждому выполненному вами тренировочному удару - не теряйте времени зря!

С GolfFix сегодня лучший день в вашей гольф-жизни.


- Если при использовании Golf Fix возникнут какие-либо проблемы или ошибки, не стесняйтесь оставлять комментарии.
- Любые предложения по новым функциям всегда приветствуются и ценятся.
- Запрос: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])
- Политика конфиденциальности:
- условия использования:

[Уведомление о подписке]
- После периода бесплатной пробной версии или рекламной скидки ежемесячная или годовая абонентская плата (включая НДС) будет автоматически взиматься в каждом платежном цикле.
- Отмена подписки возможна только на используемой платежной платформе, и услугой можно пользоваться в течение оставшегося периода после отмены.
- Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с политикой каждой платформы для подтверждения и возврата сумм платежей.
- Если после завершения оплаты вы не были повышены до членства с подпиской, вы можете восстановить свою покупку через «Восстановить историю покупок».
- Подписываясь, вы соглашаетесь с условиями использования.

[Обязательное разрешение доступа]
- Хранение: запись и сохранение данных анализа колебаний, импорт видео.
- Камера: запись видео

История обновлений

For detailed update information, please refer to the app.

We always appreciate all feedback from our users.

⊙ Global swing analysis AI, GolfFix, used in 63 countries!
⊙ If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us through the 1:1 inquiry in the app.

Perfect posture creates a perfect swing, and a perfect swing creates a perfect score!
For detailed update information, please refer to the app.

We always appreciate all feedback from our users.

⊙ Global swing analysis AI, GolfFix, used in 63 countries!
⊙ If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us through the 1:1 inquiry in the app.

Perfect posture creates a perfect swing, and a perfect swing creates a perfect score!
For detailed update information, please refer to the app.

We always appreciate all feedback from our users.

⊙ Global swing analysis AI, GolfFix, used in 63 countries!
⊙ If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us through the 1:1 inquiry in the app.

Perfect posture creates a perfect swing, and a perfect swing creates a perfect score!
For detailed update information, please refer to the app.

We always appreciate all feedback from our users.

⊙ Global swing analysis AI, GolfFix, used in 63 countries!
⊙ If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us through the 1:1 inquiry in the app.

Perfect posture creates a perfect swing, and a perfect swing creates a perfect score!
For detailed update information, please refer to the app.

We always appreciate all feedback from our users.

⊙ Global swing analysis AI, GolfFix, used in 63 countries!
⊙ If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us through the 1:1 inquiry in the app.

Perfect posture creates a perfect swing, and a perfect swing creates a perfect score!
For detailed update information, please refer to the app.

We always appreciate all feedback from our users.

⊙ Global swing analysis AI, GolfFix, used in 63 countries!
⊙ If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us through the 1:1 inquiry in the app.

Perfect posture creates a perfect swing, and a perfect swing creates a perfect score!
For detailed update information, please refer to the app.

We always appreciate all feedback from our users.

⊙ Global swing analysis AI, GolfFix, used in 63 countries!
⊙ If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us through the 1:1 inquiry in the app.

Perfect posture creates a perfect swing, and a perfect swing creates a perfect score!
[Version 2.53]
*Swing Analysis - Record Swing
- Resolved app crashing on the preview screen

*Swing Analysis - AI Report
- Main Analysis - Fixed the problem of YouTube recommendations not appearing
- Full Swing - Fixed the issue of auto video playback when switching between "me" and "pro" videos.
- Rhythm·Tempo - Fixed the problem of mismatch in the end segments of each video.

- Minor bug fixes and improved usability
[Version 2.52.2]
- Resolved an issue where the service was not functioning correctly on Android 9 devices.
- Implemented bug fixes and usability enhancements.
[Version 2.52.1]
*Featuring the New - Rhythm & Tempo!
- Introducing Rhythm and Tempo Analysis, and Focus Drill features.
- Enhance your swing with more precision and consistency.
- For more details, visit our website.

- The network error issue has been improved.
- Bug fixes and usability enhancements.
[Version 2.52.0]
*Featuring the New - Rhythm & Tempo!
- Introducing Rhythm and Tempo Analysis, and Focus Drill features.
- Enhance your swing with more precision and consistency.

*Swing Analysis - AI Report
- New rhythm and tempo tab added.

*Focus Drill
- Added Rhythm & Tempo Focus Drill.

*Swing Analysis - AI Report
- Enhanced Visibility of Guidelines - Accuracy of rotation angle values has been improved for DTL angle recordings

- Bug fixes and usability enhancements.
[Version 2.51.0]
- Fixed low storage alert issues.
- Improved overall app stability.
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
[Version 2.50.2]
*Swing analysis - Import Swing
- Fixed an issue with video lists not displaying properly.

- Improved stability.
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
[Version 2.50.0]
*Log in/Sign up
- Improved overall UX/UI.
- Fixed an issue with Apple account sign-up.

*Swing analysis - GolfFix AI
- Fixed an issue with club-related analysis when not holding a club.
- Improved analysis accuracy.
- DTL: Lack of wrist hinge
- DTL: Head dipping in the backswing
- DTL: Over the top in the downswing
- FO: Wide stance at address

- Improved stability.
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
[Version 2.49.0]
*Swing Analaysis - GolfFix AI
- Enhanced human detection for improved overall analysis accuracy.
- Analysis during the backswing top has become more accurate.
- Improved accuracy of shoulder and hip rotation angles in guidelines.

*Swing Analysis - General
- Recording Swing - Expanded recording range.
- Recording Swing - Improved overall design and usability.

- Added the features to exclude the swing from my statistics.
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
[Version 2.48.0]
*Design and User Experience Improvements
- Improved App Introduction page
- Improved Analysis-Import Swing page
- Improved the Guidelines page
- Improved Focus Drill page
- The bottom navigation icon has been changed

- Fixed an issue with Google login
- Fixed an issue with account deletion.
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
[Version 2.47.3]
*Swing analysis
- Record Swing: Fixed an issue that occurred during analysis.
- Import swing: The resolution limit has been eased, and larger resolutions can now be analyzed.

*AI Report
- Share feature has been added! You can easily share your swing and analysis results on a web page.

*Focus Drill
- A step filter has been added that allows you to view only the practice themes for each swing step.

- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
16 февр. 2023 г.
[Version 2.46.0]
*Swing Analysis
- Fixed frequent camera errors.
- Fixed an issue with the back button not working when activating the guideline drawings.

*Focus Drill
- Fixed an issue with inaccurately displayed guideline drawings.

- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
6 февр. 2023 г.
[Version 2.45.0]
*Swing Analysis
- Record Swing - Fixed an issue with the app crashing when recording a swing.
- AI Report - Fixed an issue with the distorted video analyzed with the older version of Golf Fix.
- AI Report - Fixed an issue that causes errors when browsing a full swing video with the guidelines frame by frame.

- Made changes to the watermark size and placement on downloaded photos.
- Updated target OS to Android 13.
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
18 янв. 2023 г.
[Version 2.44.0]

*Swing Analysis
- Fixed left-handed swing, V-zone, and hip vertical guideline errors.
- Fixed pro swing clip’s guideline errors.

*Analysis - Import Swing
- Enhanced maximum resolution support from FHD to QHD.
- Added filter to sort out analyzable videos only.

*Focus Drill
- A huge update to focus drill themes
- Created a shortcut to receive swing analysis straight from the final report.

- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
18 дек. 2022 г.
[Version 2.43.0]

*Swing Analysis
- Improved analysis accuracy.
- Enhanced analysis performance and stability.
- Record Swing - If it takes too much time at address, it will be automatically trimmed in the video.

*AI Report
- Adjusted to replay the swing video from the address position.

- An AI report sample is ready for new users. Check it out before getting your swing analysis.
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
16 нояб. 2022 г.
[Version 2.41.0]
*Record Swing
- Improved several recording errors.
- Fixed an issue with not recording the swing after the ‘Ding’ sound.

- Updated target OS to Android 12.
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
28 окт. 2022 г.
[Version 2.40.1]
*Record Swing
- Fixed an issue with cannot starting the recording by camera error or freezing.

*[New feature] AI Coach
- Your personal analysis stats
- Find your average score, swings you had, and your frequent mistakes.
- Use the calendar to review your analysis from the past. You can even find the oldest records.
- Today’s Mission
- Based on your previous analysis, the AI Coach will give a daily mission.
- There will be several updates with today’s mission.
16 окт. 2022 г.
[Version 2.39.1]
*Swing Analysis
- Enhanced AI analysis performance and stability.
- Fixed issues with an app crash during analyzing imported swing video and failing to detect 8 steps of the swing sequence.
- The analysis will terminate with incorrect camera view selection(Face on/DTL).

- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
- Fixed an issue with an app crash while opening an AI report.
7 сент. 2022 г.
[Version 2.38.0]
*OS support change
- Now Golf Fix works on devices with Android version 9.0 and above. Downloading and updating Golf Fix with Android version older than 9.0 will not be supported. Please understand that this change has made for improved service and stability.

- Changed nickname policy. A longer nickname is available.
- Changed several phrases.
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
16 авг. 2022 г.
[Version 2.37.0]
*Analysis - Record Swing
- Fixed an issue with the recording malfunction right after starting the app.
- Fixed errors with camera operation.

*AI Report
- Made video size adjustment on the report screen.

- Fixed an issue with the app crash when analyzing the swing.
- Fixed an issue with the mixed Korean/English language output.
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
20 июл. 2022 г.
[Version 2.36.2]
*Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue with the app does not start on the splash screen with the “Initializing Data…” phrase.
13 июл. 2022 г.
[Version 2.36.0]
*Swing Analysis
- Left-handed swing analysis released! Lefty golfers, get ready for your swing analysis.
- Optimized and stabilized Golf Fix AI analysis.

*Analysis – Record Swing
- Improvement in swing recording with the volume buttons.
- Updated recording guide to provide intuitive instructions.

*Swing Log
- Fixed an issue with the app crashing when filters are applied.

- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
13 июн. 2022 г.
- Available to record swing by pressing the up/down volume button. Use a Bluetooth remote shutter or a selfie stick to film from a distance. Works in the following features;
- Analysis - Record swing / Focus drill: start recording
- AI report: swing again (right after recording swing)

*AI report - Full swing
- The comparison to the pro’s full swing is now available.

*Swing Log
- Optimized usability.

*Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
17 мая 2022 г.
[Version 2.34]
- Several design updates.

*Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
26 апреля 2022 г.
[Version 2.33]
*My Profile
- Updated design. Plus, new features will soon be added!

*Bug fixes and improvements
- Several design updates.
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
15 марта 2022 г.
[Version 2.32]
*Swing analysis - Record Swing
- Multiple swing record updated. Now you can swing up to 10 times in one video record.

*Focus Drill
- 4 Face on and 4 DTL drills updated based on the common swing mistakes.

*Logo update
- New logo coming up! Stay tuned for upgraded Golf Fix.

*Bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.
21 февраля 2022 г.
[Version 2.31]
*Trial mode
- We ask for your understanding that retrying in record swing will be unsupported in trial mode. Please join Golf Fix for full support.

*Bug fixes and improvements
- UI improvements to terminate swing analysis in progress.
- Fixed login error.
- Fixed other bugs and optimized usability.

Способы взлома GolfFix: AI Swing Analyzer/Cam

Скачать GolfFix: AI Swing Analyzer/Cam MOD APK 2.77.1

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