Samsung Food: Meal Planning Mod Apk

Samsung Food: Meal Planning Взлом - Mod Apk 2.34.0

Разработчик: SamsungFood
Категория: Еда и напитки
Цена: Бесплатно


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Бесплатное универсальное приложение, которое поможет вам перейти от вопросов «что на ужин» к «еде на столе». Samsung Food предоставляет вам всю информацию о продуктах питания и функции, необходимые для принятия решений о еде, здоровье и приготовлении пищи. которые подходят именно вам. Получите вдохновение и сохранение рецептов, планирование еды, информацию о питании, автоматические списки покупок, пошаговое приготовление, поиск ингредиентов, обзоры рецептов и кулинарные сообщества в одном месте.

Это еда, по-вашему.

Функции Samsung Food предоставляют вам единую платформу, позволяющую:
- Сохранение рецептов откуда угодно: Да, действительно, с любого веб-сайта. Одним касанием вы сможете сохранить и упорядочить все свои рецепты и мгновенно получить к ним доступ, будь то семейная тайна или находка из кулинарного блога. Не нужно снова делать скриншоты или копировать и вставлять рецепты в заметки.
- Создавайте планы питания и делитесь ими. Используйте планы питания, чтобы добавлять завтрак, обед, ужин и закуски на неделю. Поделитесь ими с семьей или друзьями, чтобы все знали, что в меню. Упростите планирование питания на неделю — сэкономьте деньги, сэкономьте время и избегайте пищевых отходов.
- Просмотрите тысячи рецептов для вдохновения: Не можете решить, что приготовить? Просмотрите нашу базу данных, содержащую более 160 000 рецептов, и отфильтруйте их по кухне, времени приготовления, уровню навыков и т. д.
- Автоматические списки покупок. Нажмите, чтобы составить списки покупок на основе рецептов, которые вы хотите приготовить. Легко добавляйте или удаляйте элементы и организуйте свой список по проходам для быстрого совершения покупок. Или создайте общий список покупок со всеми в вашем доме.
- Подробная информация о пищевой ценности. Получите подробную информацию о пищевой ценности и количестве калорий в каждом рецепте. Сюда входят рецепты, в которых вы меняете или заменяете ингредиенты, а также рецепты, которые вы отправляете сами. Хотите ли вы сделать более здоровый выбор, похудеть, набрать мышечную массу или просто узнать, что содержится в вашей пище, и сделать осознанный выбор в отношении своего рациона, точная информация о питании сделает это возможным.
- Поиск рецептов по ингредиентам: Нет необходимости ходить в магазин. Найдите рецепты, которые можно приготовить, используя ингредиенты, которые у вас уже есть (или которые нужно быстро израсходовать!) В холодильнике или кладовой. Сократите пищевые отходы, правильно используйте остатки и сэкономьте деньги и время, используя то, что у вас уже есть под рукой.
- Редактируйте рецепты в соответствии со своими потребностями. Добавляйте примечания и комментарии о том, что вы хотите изменить, чтобы запомнить их в следующий раз. Замените ингредиенты, измените количество или добавьте примечания о способах приготовления. Вы также можете легко и автоматически конвертировать метрическую систему в британскую и наоборот. Идите вперед и персонализируйте рецепты в своем ящике для рецептов.
- Доставка продуктов. Превратите свой автоматический список покупок в онлайн-заказ еды всего парой нажатий и наслаждайтесь доставкой продуктов к вашей двери.
- Умное приготовление. Управление приборами означает, что вы можете использовать SmartThings для предварительного разогрева духовок и установки таймеров одним касанием.
- Общайтесь с другими гурманами: ищите, присоединяйтесь и вносите свой вклад в сообщества гурманов всех типов. Следуйте за создателями еды и другими домашними поварами, чтобы черпать вдохновение. Делитесь и получайте кулинарные советы и кухонные хитрости. Добавляйте обзоры рецептов или комментарии, чтобы помочь другим гурманам и поддержать своих любимых авторов. Совершенствуйте свои кулинарные навыки и получайте поддержку от сообщества Samsung Food.

Если у вас есть вопросы, напишите нам по адресу [email protected].

История обновлений

Our app ages like fine wine. Our secret? Fixing bugs and making improvements. Keep updating your app to get the best experience yet!
No news is good news, right? We’ve just fixed a few tiny bugs and made some minor improvements. We’re all ears! Send us an email and tell us about your experience [email protected].
Happy holidays from Samsung Food! Nothing new on the menu today, but we’ve wrapped up some bugs and sprinkled in some small improvements to keep things running smoothly.
Our secret ingredient? Fixing bugs and making improvements. Want the best experience yet? Keep updating your app!
No major updates! Aside from fixing bugs and improving our app's performance. We’re all ears! Send us an email and tell us about your experience [email protected].
We've made some small improvements and squashed one or two sneaky bugs with our latest update. Enjoy food your way with an even better version of our app! Any feedback? Contact our support team [email protected].
Samsung Food’s latest release brings you even more ways to make food work for your health goals. With the newest update, you can access your health data in settings, and edit them to suit your needs and lifestyle.
With our latest update, you'll have the chance to answer some questions about your health profile. By completing these short questions, you'll also receive personalized meal recommendations which are tailored to fit your health goals and needs.
Thanks for using Samsung Food! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
Introducing Samsung Food - formerly Whisk app. The ultimate food companion with recipe saving, meal planning, nutrition information, grocery shopping, and more.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
We’ve made a few minor improvements and bug fixes and whisked up an even better version of our app to keep things cooking.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
Your meal planner has some new and improved features!
- Unscheduled recipes will now remain indefinitely until you schedule them into a day
- You can see each day of your meal planner broken down into more detail
- You can easily plan meals you make regularly from your ‘previously planned’ section
We’ve made a few minor improvements and bug fixes and whisked up an even better version of our app to keep things cooking.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
We’ve made a few minor improvements and bug fixes and whisked up an even better version of our app to keep things cooking.
We’ve made a few minor improvements and bug fixes and whisked up an even better version of our app to keep things cooking.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
Have a Samsung Oven? Now you can easily find and cook recipes using your connected oven with the tap of a button from the Whisk app. Just click on ‘recipes for your oven’ and get ready to cook!
14 мар. 2023 г.
Your Whisk home page has a new look! The ‘community’ tab won’t be going anywhere, but you’ll also be able to scroll through a new activity feed and see recipes, reviews, and posts from friends, communities, and creators who you follow. Take a look around and enjoy!
17 февр. 2023 г.
What’s new this week? Dark Mode for Android! Now, you can choose to use Whisk in Dark Mode to make using the app in low-light environments easier on the eyes. Enable Dark Mode within your account preferences.
8 февр. 2023 г.
Our latest update means you can show all your public recipes in a “created” tab on your profile. It’s easier for creators to share their recipes to a broader audience, and easier for users to find recipes from their favorite cooks without joining a community - just click on the 'created' tab to see them.
Don't worry, communities won't be going anywhere!
18 янв. 2023 г.
Want to follow friends, family, an amazing foodie creator, or someone you saw on Instagram? Whisk’s latest update lets you search by users, so you can keep up to date with what’s cooking in everyone’s kitchens. Just search for their name and then tap ‘follow’ on their profile. Easy!
2 янв. 2023 г.
We’ve made a few minor improvements and bug fixes and whisked up an even better version of our app to keep things cooking.
27 нояб. 2022 г.
Whisk’s explore tab has been updated and improved. Not only are there now suggestions for communities we think you’ll love (whether that’s healthy eating or cookie lovers), but we’ll also recommend popular creators who are serving up top-rated recipes regularly. All of this means your Whisk feed will be full of creators and communities you love to learn from and interact with.
14 нояб. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
1 нояб. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
20 окт. 2022 г.
Our latest update helps you discover recipes by ingredients. Just enter the ingredients into the search bar. Alternatively, choose from our suggested ingredients based on what you’ve used before. Whisk will instantly show recommendations for recipes using the ingredients you’ve chosen.
Now it’s easy to tailor recipe to specific ingredients, whether you want to use what you already have on hand or make the perfect dish for a special occasion.
5 окт. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
6 сент. 2022 г.
Now you can change, add, or update your preferences directly from search results. Toggle them on and off as needed so you can find exactly what you’re looking for every time.
Plus, easily see the rating and creator of every recipe you search for.
26 авг. 2022 г.
In our latest release, easily find the kind of recipes you're looking for with search. Search by popular categories like healthy, chicken, keto, and more to quickly discover new recipes relevant to your interests and tastes.
4 авг. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
7 июл. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
20 июн. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
7 июн. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
16 мая 2022 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
14 апреля 2022 г.
New from Whisk: Make cooking a breeze with guided recipes that make it easy to follow along as you cook. Just tap “Start Cooking” on a guided recipe to swipe through easy-to-read step-by-step instructions that include required ingredients and equipment and allow you to set timers while you cook.
3 марта 2022 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
21 февраля 2022 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
31 января 2022 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
13 января 2022 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
23 декабря 2021 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
16 декабря 2021 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
19 ноября 2021 г.
We’ve made several improvements to provide you with the best possible Whisk experience:

- You'll now have the ability to block users. When you block another Whisk user, you won't be able to see their activity and they won't be able to see yours.
- Enhanced recipe pages that show communities a recipe is a part of.
- Easily log back into your Whisk account if you get logged out. We'll remember the last account you used to log in.
- Added flexibility to crop and reposition made it photos.
2 ноября 2021 г.
Thanks for using Whisk! Our latest release includes bug fixes and a few minor improvements. Having issues or notice something off? Reach out to our support team at [email protected].
25 октября 2021 г.
This week, we're introducing a new way to engage with other Whisk users' reviews and replies. Now, you can thumbs up or "like" any recipe review or reply to a review seen on your home feed, recipe pages, or profiles.

We've made a few small visual improvements to the app. Plus, on recipe pages, you'll now be able to see who created the recipe (if the recipe was originally created on Whisk).

Способы взлома Samsung Food: Meal Planning

Скачать Samsung Food: Meal Planning MOD APK 2.34.0

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