USB-аудиоплеер ПРО Mod Apk

USB-аудиоплеер ПРО Взлом - Mod Apk

Разработчик: eXtream Software Development
Категория: Музыка и аудио
Цена: 690,00 ₽ (Download for free)


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Высококачественный медиаплеер с поддержкой ЦАП USB-аудио и аудиочипов HiRes из современных телефонов. Играйте с любым разрешением и частотой дискретизации, поддерживаемых ЦАП! Поддерживаются форматы разной популярности, включая wav, flac, mp3, m4a, MQA и DSD.

Приложение обязательно для каждого аудиофила: оно позволит обходить все звуковые ограничения Android. Используете ли вы наш особый аудиодрайвер USB для USB-ЦАП, наш драйвер HiRes для внутренних аудиочипов или стандартный драйвер Android, это приложение - один из лучших медиаплееров.

Начиная с версии 5, приложение включает MQA Core Decoder (нужна покупка в приложении). MQA (Master Quality Authenticated) - это отмеченная наградами британская технология, которая дает звук оригинальной мастер-записи. Мастер-файл MQA полностью аутентифицирован. Он невелик для потоковой передачи или загрузки и имеет обратную совместимость.

Декодер MQA развернет поток MQA от 44,1/48 кГц до 88,2/96 кГц. Он может быть объединен с ЦАП USB, имеющими модуль рендеринга MQA (напр., AudioQuest DragonFly / iFi / Ztella) для дальнейшего развертывания до еще более высоких частот дискретизации.
За доп. информацией о MQA посетите Чтобы узнать больше о MQA в приложении, посетите

• Воспроизведение wav/flac/ogg/mp3/MQA/DSD/SACD/aiff/aac/m4a/ape/cue/wv/и др. файлов (даже 24-битных и 32-битных).
• Поддержка USB-аудио ЦАП, подключенных кабелем OTG.
• Воспроизведение до 32-бит/768 кГц или любой другой скорости/разрешения, поддерживаемой вашим USB-ЦАП, с полным обходом аудиосистемы Android. Другие плееры Android имеют ограничения до 16 бит/48 кГц.
• Использует аудиочипы HiRes, которые есть во многих телефонах (серии LG V, Samsung S, OnePlus, Fiio X5/X7, Pioneer XDP, Nokia и т.д.) и может воспроизводить HiRes аудио с 24-битной точностью без передискретизации! Обходит ограничения передискретизации Android!
• Бесплатное декодирование и рендеринг MQA на LG V30/V35/V40/V50/G7/G8
• DoP, нативное преобразование DSD и DSD в PCM
• Тональные усилители MorphIt Mobile: улучшите качество наушников и имитируйте более 700 их моделей (нужна покупка в приложении)
• Воспроизведение папок
• Медиа-рендерер UPnP и сервер контента
• Сетевое воспроизведение (SambaV1/V2, FTP, WebDAV)
• Потоковое аудио из Tidal (включая Tidal Masters/MQA), Qobuz и Shoutcast
• Воспроизведение без пауз
• Технология Bit perfect
• Технология Replay gain
• Синхронизированное отображение текста песен
• Преобразование частоты дискретизации (если ваш ЦАП не поддерживает частоту дискретизации аудиофайла, она будет преобразована в более высокую частоту, если она доступна, или на самую высокую, если она недоступна)
• 10 -полосный эквалайзер
• Программный и аппаратный регулятор громкости (если применимо)
• Повышение частоты дискретизации (необязательно)
• Скробблинг
• Android Auto
• Рут не требуется!

Покупки в приложении:
* Расширенный параметрический эквалайзер от поставщика эффектов ToneBoosters (ок. 1,99 евро)
* Симулятор наушников MorphIt (ок. 3,29 евро)
* Декодер MQA Core (ок. 3,49 евро)

Предупреждение: это не общий общесистемный драйвер: вы можете воспроизводить только из этого приложения, как из любого другого проигрывателя.

Пожалуйста, посмотрите список протестированных устройств и доп. информацию о подключении устройства USB-аудио:

Для доп. информации о нашем драйвере HiRes и списке совместимости:

Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по эл. почте [email protected]: сообщите о любых проблемах, чтобы мы могли их быстро решить!


История обновлений
* The HiRes logo will be displayed for HiRes albums in Library (clear and rescan required)
* Year information should be present again for TIDAL tracks
* Added HiRes support for the iBasso DX340
* Solved an issue where playback could be paused right after a BT codec property change
* The Qobuz disc numbers are now displayed
* Qobuz 'work' entries are now displayed after the track title such that is displayed in multiple lines. It is also added to the mini player and current track display.
* This release involves many changes related to Bluetooth for Android 8 and higher. The app can now switch between codecs (aptX, aptX HD, LDAC, SSC etc.) and set the sample rate and resolution (when available).
* TIDAL still seems to serve MQA, although there is no MQA indication on albums and tracks anymore. When enabling 'Deep scan', this version will identify MQA tracks shortly before playback so the app can still decode them.
* See the release notes in the app
* Audio focus events are now ignored when casting
* Added an option 'Restore UPnP cast connection' to the UPnP settings.
* Added 'Use UPnP art url' to prefs. When switched off and the tracks contain embedded album art, the embedded art is used, usually providing higher image quality.
* 'Export as M3U' will now ask for a folder on Android 11+
* New MorphIt profiles
* Added an option 'Release USB audio driver on audio focus loss' and 'Release USB audio driver on transient audio focus loss'. These will help with hearing phone calls or starting other apps that play audio.
* Optimized settings for the NiPo N2 DAP.
* Added support for an embedded cue sheet in FLAC files
* Added support for the FiiO JM21.
and more..
* Solved issue for the HiRes Direct mode on Android 15.
* Improved error message when trying to play a track from TIDAL without an active subscription.
* Solved an issue with using FTP port numbers.
* When UAPP was fully stopped, pressing play in the widget didn't start a song. Solved.
* Solved an issue with BubbleUPnP.
* Tracks couldn't be deleted anymore. Solved.
* The app would crash when playing a MQA track when the DAC did not support 88200Hz. Solved.
* Using the UPnP renderer without WiFi on the same device as the control client didn't work anymore. Solved.
* UPnP servers were not always quickly found. Solved.
* Chromecast TV devices should now work.
* Fixed issue with Creative BT-W5.
* Tracks in playlists originating from Folders are now displayed when using Android Auto.
* 'Open with' using a file browser did not work on devices with scoped storage. Solved.
* The UPnP renderer should be better discoverable.
* Improvements in detecting changed meta data in Library.
* Solved MQA symbol being displayed over the duration in an editable playlist.
and more..
* Added a work-around for USB disconnects in the latest firmware update for Pixel 6 and 7 phones.
* Added an Info button to the track display of playlists that contain a description (Tidal and Qobuz).
* Widget sizing improvements. The current widget needs to be removed and a restart of your Android device might be required.
* Improved speed of determining recently added albums.
* Added 'Shuffle all albums' to the Library.
* Added an option 'Open Current Track display after selecting a track' to the User Interface settings.
* Album art is now displayed in the Playlists section for UAPP playlists.
* Solved an issue where album art files would not be displayed or would not show up in the Meta Data dialog.
* When the up/down and left/right gestures are disabled, swiping down the album art in the Current Track display will now hide it.
Fix for an issue with the latest Play Store
* Solved issue with the Direct driver stopping playback or causing a crash on Android 13 when playing or skipping through many tracks.
* Solved an issue with handling non-audio files in Folders/SAF which could lead to no playback or playing the wrong track.
* Solved an issue with the Folders/SAF view slowly scrolling to the first track.
* When 'Quick scan using the Android media database' was enabled, the 'Group multidisc albums' option was ignored. Solved.
* Added options to import, export and clear the settings.
* Exporting a M3U file containing scoped storage path names resulted in an empty file. Solved.
* M3U files with a scoped storage file name format are now supported.
* Solved a crash when moving a control in the hardware mixer display after a USB DAC was detached.
* Solved a crash that could occur when exiting the app while casting.
and more..
2 мар. 2023 г.
Solved an issue with cue files
27 янв. 2023 г.
Solved an issue with Qobuz artist display.
19 янв. 2023 г.
This version should fix the getStreamURL3 error that could occur when starting the app with a USB DAC attached and Tidal tracks in the queue.
2 янв. 2023 г.
* In some situations, selecting a track in Folders using the Storage Access Framework did not result in playback. Solved.
* Added HiRes support for the Poco X4 Pro 5G and F4, Hisense A5, Sony XQ-BC72, XQ-CQ62 and XQ-BE62, Vivo X70 Pro+ and Samsung SM-S901 and A23 5G.
30 нояб. 2022 г.
* Added HiRes support for the TempoTec V6 (PCM, DSD, MQA), Nokia G400, Zenfone 9, Xiaomi 12T Pro, Redmi Note 11, XPeria 1 IV and 1 III and Z Flip 4.
* Added an option to the USB audio tweaks 'DAC warm-up time' to introduce a short delay for USB DACs that skip a short amount of audio on start of playback.
* When selecting multiple tracks in the queue for deletion, the wrong tracks could be removed. Solved.
* When switching languages, the Library tabs could disappear. Solved.
and more..
19 окт. 2022 г.
* Solved issue with cast not working anymore on Android 12+ since last version.
* Solved a race condition that could cause a failure to start cast playback.
* Added HiRes support for the HiBy RS8 (untested!).
14 окт. 2022 г.
* Added HiRes Direct support for Android 13.
* DSF tracks always took the file name as track title since 6084. Solved.
2 окт. 2022 г.
* 'Add to Qobuz favorites' did not work from the album browser section. Solved.
* Solved issue with not enough recent items being displayed in the Recent tab.
17 сент. 2022 г.
* The Tempotec Sonata HD V was incorrectly hardcoded to be a MQA decoder. The information on the Tempotec website (and distributors) is false. This DAC is a MQA renderer only.
* Meta data editing was not enabled when using Folders -> Add folder using Storage Access Framework. Solved.
* The file name is now used as track title for DSF files without meta data.
24 авг. 2022 г.
* Solved issue with the Mcdodo CA-0940 DAC.
* Raised the time from 2 to 5 seconds at which the previous button moves to the previous track and not to the start of the track.
* The replay gain compensation range is now between -6 and 12dB (was between 0 and 12dB).
* After rotating the screen, the time counter wouldn't update anymore. Solved.
* Solved a crash.
16 авг. 2022 г.
* Loading the queue with files from scoped storage was extremely slow. 'Solved' by not checking if the file exists anymore.
* Reverted the changes for the Cayin N8ii in previous version.
4 авг. 2022 г.
* Added HiRes support for the Zenfone 8 and XCover 6 Pro.
* Corrected HiRes mode for Asus models: max. freq is 192kHz (higher was resampled to 48kHz by Mixer).
* Solved noise on multi-channel USB audio interfaces featuring a 24-bit mode.
* A message to check the global 'Microphone access' permission in Android Settings is now displayed on Android 12+ when accessing a USB DAC fails.
17 июл. 2022 г.
* Solved an issue with the UPnP renderer stopping playback in certain situations.
* Added HiRes support for the Japanese LG G8X model, 901LG.
* Added a 'Digest authentication' option to WebDAV.
* For Android 13, the Android audio system is now forced when not using a USB DAC until a solution is found.
4 июл. 2022 г.
MQA decoding did not work anymore on LG V50/60 series running Android 12. Solved.
15 июн. 2022 г.
* Raised the number of elements in the Recent view for Android Auto to 25.
* Added a 'Force Volume Sync' setting which can be enabled if you experience that one channel of your USB DAC plays much louder than the other when changing the volume.
* The regular TIDAL login button was not visible on smaller screens. Solved.
* The hardware volume in dB is now displayed underneath the volume slider.
* Added HiRes support for the Shanling M7
and more..
24 мая 2022 г.
* Added a work-around for volume buttons not working outside the app or with the screen off on Xiaomi's running Android 12.
* Adding tracks to a playlist using multi-selection from within an album view did not work. Solved.
* Added 'Album artists' section to Android Auto.
* Solved issue with playing native DSD through a USB DAC connected to a Hiby/Cayin/Shanling/FiiO DAP.
* 98 new MorphIt profiles
6 мая 2022 г.
* Recognizing added/removed tracks in the file system should now be a lot quicker.
* Added a Rescan button to the Library scan dialog (Android 11+).
* No album art was displayed when shuffling Qobuz tracks. Solved.
16 апреля 2022 г.
* Another attempt: restarting an Android device running Android 11 or higher with Bluetooth enabled could cause the app to go in an endless loop consuming battery and heating up the device until the app crashed. Should be solved now.
* Solved an issue where the queue could be saved while it was being loaded which could lead to an empty queue on next start.
* Solved issue with playlist name when converting from m3u to UAPP playlist.
* Added HiRes support to the iBasso DX240 and Cayin N8ii.
20 марта 2022 г.
'folder.jpeg' is now accepted as album art when using scoped storage.
7 марта 2022 г.
* Android 11+ with scoped storage: when the album, artist or title from the UAPP scan does not match the data from the Android media database, the meta data from the UAPP audio properties scan phase is now taken instead.
* When a USB DAC lacks the 88200 or 96000Hz and a MQA track switched from 88.2 to 96kHz, the track would play at the wrong speed. Solved.
* Solved an issue where a second DFF track wouldn't play anymore
* Solved an issue with the seek bar jumping back to the previous location
31 октября 2021 г.
* DSD128 did not play correctly on the FiiO M11. Solved.
* Casting with the screen off could cause playback to stop. Solved.
* Removed account button at the top of the TIDAL screens and added a 'Switch account' menu item because it caused too much confusion.
* When starting the app with the Tracks tab active, the number of tracks and duration were incorrect. Solved.
* Channels were swapped when playing native DSD on the Hiby DAPs and Cayin N6MKii. Solved.

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