* Новое:
- Очередь → Опция "Автоочистка": автоматически очищает очередь перед добавлением новых треков
* Улучшено обнаружение hi-res возможностей на Android 15+
! Исправлено:
- скроллбар списка выходит за пределы видимой области в портретном режиме на некоторых разрешениях
- падение приложения в 32-битном ARM apk
* Новое:
- Драйвер Hi-Res: поддержка Android 15+
- Режим виджета DSP: виджет RMS + обложка альбома
- Руководство Пользователя в настройках → Помощь
- ручная сортировка записей источников в категории "Источники"
- поддержка DSD2048, PCM 2822400, 3072000 Гц
* Разрешить Ambiophonics RACE для вывода более 2 каналов для имитации эффекта концертного зала с многоканальной конфигурацией (>3 канала)
! Исправлено:
- Путь IPv6 WebDAV усекался при вводе в поле Адрес
- различные мелкие сбои
* Новое:
- Драйвер Hi-Res: поддержка Android 15+
- Режим виджета DSP: виджет RMS + обложка альбома
- Руководство Пользователя в настройках → Помощь
- ручная сортировка записей источников в категории "Источники"
- поддержка DSD2048, PCM 2822400, 3072000 Гц
* Разрешить Ambiophonics RACE для вывода более 2 каналов для имитации эффекта концертного зала с многоканальной конфигурацией (>3 канала)
! Исправлено:
- Путь IPv6 WebDAV усекался при вводе в поле Адрес
- различные мелкие сбои
* Поддержка DAP FiiO серии J (JM21)
! Исправлено:
- Невозможно было сканировать папку или открыть файл, если имя начиналось с пробела
- Поврежденный FLAC не мог быть полностью прочитан из -за того, что процесс повторной синхронизации прерывал операцию чтения
- Настройки сети не обновлялись визуально при сбросе нижней средней кнопкой
- Сбой при ручной сортировке треков во время перезагрузки списка треков из-за обновлення источника
- Другие редкие сбои
! Исправлено:
- Задержка Surround DSP не могла быть установлена на максимальное значение при частоте 384+ кГц
- Полосы эквалайзера не обновлялись на экране управления при сбросе настроек эквалайзера
- Искаженное воспроизведение DSD, если функция "Подключение и Нправление - Звуковая обратная связь" включена и воспроизведение управляется с помощью медиакнопок гарнитуры
New DSP UI widget mode: Waveform only with/without album art in background
* Use signal for Alarm if music is playing during the Alarm time
* Updated AutoEQ database to the latest (end of Oct 2023)
! Fixed:
- FLAC file reading could be stopped due to bitstream errors inside the file
- playback button does not change state to Stop if streaming to UPnP/Chromecast and breaking it by pressing the icon
- rare crash in UI
- reverted to max 8 I/O channels
* New:
- tracks sorting type solely by filename
- ability to remove track from Recently Played, Most Played by -Playlist action
- support max 10 channels
* Increased size of EQ bands slider in Controls screen
* Show -fp for bits of floating-point format
* Improved Lyrics dialog
* Updated AutoEQ database to the latest (Oct 2023)
! Fixed:
- Recently Played behavior
- Most Played entry not counted if playing from Most Played list
- could not connect to some modern HTTPS WebDAV servers
- ...
* New:
- Targeted Android 13: !!! make sure you created source entry via SAF, old Linux paths are no longer supported by OS !!!
- category option All Songs to switch off All Songs
- Tile View option for Albums, Artists, Genres, ... separately
- [+ Queue] to Songs for easier handling of random playback via Dynamic, Random Queue
- Czech translation
* Improved:
- resolving playlist's paths with SAF
! Fixed:
- Filter DSP: Q giving insufficiently steep slope for Shelf filters (HS, LS)
- ...
* New:
- time label on Queue entry: to show total time of all tracks in the Queue
! Fixed:
- streaming to Chromecast Audio devices with latest firmware (1.56.281627+)
- looping of the first track in the Queue when more tracks were enqueued after the first one and Loop Track List is On
* New:
- full hi-res PCM/DSD for HiBy R6 Pro II
- support for FLAC inside M4A/MP4/MOV containers
- support for 32-bit Int FLACs, also for Output To (note: not compatible with majority of renderers)
- support for external calls to playback API via NeutronMPRpc interface with com.neutroncode.mp.action.RPC_CALL intent (for Developers)
! Fixed:
- Sequential playback mode when playing via Android Auto
- noise in the end of PCM track playback if followed by DSD track with Oversampling = On
* New:
- AH - Direct USB Access - Release Inactive Device: release USB device to the OS and other apps when paused
- UI - Optional Features - Recently Added: to disable/enable Playlists -> Recently Added
- Playlists - Most Played in Android Auto
* Improved:
- album-art lookup for Albums list by using album-art image from the first music track
! Fixed:
- hi-res for FiiO 11 Pro
- interrupted playback for 1-2 seconds when resumed after focus loss
7 февр. 2023 г.
* New category Playlists - Most Played
* [+ Streaming] action for streaming entries of the media library
* Switch groups in a loop (now default behavior, including swipe up/down in Playing Now)
* Enable 32-bit Int format for Shanling DAPs
* Improved compatibility with Android 12+
* Full PCM and DSD support for HiBy R6 III
* Improved compatibility with WebDAV servers
* Updated FRC - AutoEq presets to the latest
! Fixed:
- rare crash when connecting to Chrome cast device which rejects connection
18 дек. 2022 г.
* Updated FRC DSP - AutoEq database to the latest
* Improved hi-res audio support for Shanling M3 Ultra DAP
! Fixed:
- imprecise MP3 seeking which caused mismatching of the synchronized lyrics
- silent background crashes on Android 12+ if widget is installed (OS limitation: on Android 12+ background service can no longer be started by the widget)
- silent crash when placing widget and service is not started
4 дек. 2022 г.
* Support for full hi-res audio on HiBy RS8 DAP (up to PCM 1536 kHz, DSD1024)
! Fixed:
- could not send DSD from one Neutron Player to another (UPnP/DLNA Renderer) if WAV transport not selected
- crash on DSD1024 to PCM conversion if target sample rate was not multiple of 44100
- short interruptions when switching apps on some rare firmwares when Direct USB Access is active (not fully though, firmware issue)
- unable to start on Android 4.3 or less (regression since 2.19.x)
6 нояб. 2022 г.
* Support for hi-res audio on Android 13
* Support for FiiO M11S, R7-R9
* Better support for iBasso DX170, DX240, DX300MAX, DX320
* Web-search by the title, album, artist (long-press song entry - press item to search)
* Make URLs in UPnP device properties openable in a web browser
! Fixed:
- Recently Added playlist not updated during playback
- Proximity control not working on some firmwares
- compatibility with Asus router WebDAV server where router path was hidden from the folder list
12 окт. 2022 г.
* Support for hi-res audio on Android 13
* Support for FiiO M11S, R7-R9
* Better support for iBasso DX170, DX240, DX300MAX, DX320
* Web-search by the title, album, artist (long-press song entry - press item to search)
* Make URLs in UPnP device properties openable in a web browser
! Fixed:
- Recently Added playlist not updated during playback
- Proximity control not working on some firmwares
- compatibility with Asus router WebDAV server where router path was hidden from the folder list
11 окт. 2022 г.
* Support for hi-res audio on Android 13
* Support for FiiO M11S, R7-R9
* Better support for iBasso DX170, DX240, DX300MAX, DX320
* Web-search by the title, album, artist (long-press song entry - press item to search)
* Make URLs in UPnP device properties openable in a web browser
! Fixed:
- Recently Added playlist not updated during playback
- Proximity control not working on some firmwares
- compatibility with Asus router WebDAV server where router path was hidden from the folder list
19 авг. 2022 г.
* New:
- Tempo categories are long-pressable and provide +Queue, +Playlist for easier mixing;
- "All Tempo" category which does not group BPM for a more fine grained mixing;
- optional Tempo category in the top-panel;
- uninterrupted playback of SFTP sourced track when Internet connection changes.
* Updated FRC/AutoEQ database to the latest.
! Fixed:
- Global Search result cleared if source entry is refreshed;
- other crashes ...
10 авг. 2022 г.
* New:
- Tempo/BPM Analysis: accessible from top-level settings list (or long-press Album), analyzes BPM of tracks and creates media liberary - Tempo category
- [PCM to DSD] - Oversample 8x option: to force 8x oversampling for PCM core before conversion to DSD (REQUIRES VERY FAST FUTURE CPU!!!)
- Digest authentication for WebDAV source
* Bound Audio Hardware - Hardware Volume and Playback - 64-bit Processing to profile
* Improved SAF permissions handling
! Many fixes (see Release Notes)
3 июн. 2022 г.
* New:
- full hi-res (PCM, DSD) support for Sony Walkman and Cayin N8ii DAPs.
* Improved tolerance to database failures by keeping last working version.
* Updated FRC presets to the latest.
* Added group switches to the widgets.
* Removed limitation for DSD128 for 192 kHz DACs.
! Fixed:
- ABC widget could point list to the wrong position;
- infinite duration not detected in case of Foobar2000 UPnP streaming via WAV.
28 мая 2022 г.
* New:
- full hi-res (PCM, DSD) support for Cayin N8ii and Sony Walkman DAPs.
* Improved tolerance to database failures by keeping last working version.
* Updated FRC presets to the latest.
* Added group switches to the widgets (UI - Playing Now - Group-switch Mode).
! Fixed:
- ABC widget could point list to the wrong position;
- infinite duration not detected in case of Foobar2000 UPnP streaming via WAV.
28 апреля 2022 г.
* New:
- PM - Sequential - Rewind Tracklist: to rewind tracklist to the beginning when reached its end
! Fixed:
- fixed Bluetooth device frequencies not listed
- noise when switching gapless DSD tracks
- UPnP: incompatibility with devices using [Range: bytes=0-] header in request
- playing Ogg/Opus files from SAF source
- missing support for DPAD CENTER button (as Enter)
- could not clear Chromecast devices from Output To list
- USB Driver: use volume resolution reported by device
8 марта 2022 г.
Neutron is now targeting Android 11 as per Google Play requirement, so your media library could become inaccessible after an update:
1) You can get old unrestricted behavior by downloading Generic package from Neutron's web site:
2) You have to re-create sources and use SAF, see full FAQ:
All release notes are available on Neutron forum.
5 марта 2022 г.
Neutron is now targeting Android 11 as per Google Play requirement, so your media library could become inaccessible after an update:
1) You can get old unrestricted behavior by downloading Generic package from Neutron's web site:
2) You have to re-create sources and use SAF, see full FAQ:
All release notes are available on Neutron forum.
24 февраля 2022 г.
* New:
- targeted Android 11 as required by Google for new updates, Android 11+ users will only be able to use Scoped Storage file access now;
- DSD and DSD sub-settings, Oversample and Follow Source Frequency settings are managed by Profile now;
- ability to clear/refresh UPnP/Chromecast device list in Output To and Source - + - UPnP/DLNA.
! Fixed:
- AGP affecting FRC preset.
* All other improvements and fixes (2.18.5-1 - 2.18.5-5) see on Neutron's forum.
31 октября 2021 г.
* New:
- support SAF storage: Sources - + - File System - + [bottom], adds support for USB Storage on some firmwares
- option:
# Audio Hardware - Upmix
# Network - Prefer Direct
- DSD256 option for PCM to DSD mode (only for powerful devices!)
- IPv6 support
- support 705.6 and 768 kHz frequencies on HiBy R6 DAPs
- support DSD256 on FiiO M11
- bind Audio Hardware - Follow Source Frequency to Profile
* Improved USB driver compatibility with Rockchip SoC
* Updated FRC - AutoEq database