Audio Evolution Mobile TRIAL Mod Apk

Audio Evolution Mobile TRIAL Взлом - Mod Apk

Разработчик: eXtream Software Development
Категория: Музыка и аудио
Цена: Бесплатно


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Audio Evolution Mobile устанавливает стандарты создания музыки на Android - от записи идей песен до полноценного мобильного производства. Независимо от того, выполняете ли вы запись с использованием внутреннего микрофона или записи с многоканального звука через USB (см. Покупки в приложении ниже) или через интерфейс MIDI, Audio Evolution Mobile составляет конкуренцию DAW на настольных ПК. Благодаря виртуальным инструментам, виртуальному аналоговому синтезатору, эффектам в реальном времени, автоматизации микшера, индукционным петлям, редактированию ударных и многим другим, приложение расширяет ваши творческие возможности.

Обратите внимание, что это пробная версия полной платной версии и, как таковая, имеет некоторые ограничения:
• Загрузка проектов ограничена 3 дорожками
• Время разгона ограничено 45 секундами
• Запись и воспроизведение прекращаются через 2 минуты (45 секунд для USB-аудио)
• Приложение закроется через 20 минут
• Приложение перестанет работать через некоторое время

Посмотрите наш новый Видеоучебник:

• Многодорожечная аудио- и MIDI-запись / воспроизведение.
• Виртуальный аналоговый синтезатор "Evolution One" на основе популярного Synth One от AudioKit. Оснащены трансформирующимися осцилляторами, FM, Sub Osc, Noise, Portamento, 2 LFO, фильтрацией Moog, ARP, секвенсором и другими.
• Виртуальные инструменты на основе семплов Soundfont
• Редактор ударных шаблонов (включая триплеты)
• Аудиоинтерфейс USB (*) • Редактируйте аудио и MIDI-клипы с неограниченным количеством отмен/повторов.
• Добавляйте изменения темпа и времени, включая постепенное изменение темпа. и т. д.
• Эффекты в реальном времени, включая хорус, компрессор, задержки, эквалайзеры, реверберацию, шумовой затвор, сдвиг высоты тона и т. д.
• Гибкая маршрутизация эффектов: неограниченное количество эффектов может быть размещено на сетке с параллельными путями эффектов.
• Назначение LFO для параметров эффектов или блокировки параметров для темпа
• Боковая цепь эффектов компрессора
• Автоматизация всех параметров микшера и эффектов
• Импорт многих аудиоформатов, таких как WAV, MP3, AIFF, FLAC, OGG и MIDI
• Мастеринг (микширование) в стереофайл WAV, MP3, AIFF, FLAC или OGG с возможностью общего доступа
• Неограниченное количество дорожек и групп
• Нормализация, автоматическое разделение и растягивание аудио по времени
• Метроном
• Врезка/выгрузка
• Коррекция задержки для синхронизации дорожек
• Пульт дистанционного управления MIDI
• Экспорт в другие DAW путем рендеринга всех дорожек в отдельные аудиофайлы (основы)
• Синхронизация в облаке с Google Drive (резервное копирование или обмен проектами с другими устройствами на Android или iOS и совместная работа с друзьями)

(*)Следующие дополнительные покупки в приложении доступны в полной версии:(in-app purchases):
• Разработанный пользователем аудио-драйвер USB, который обходит ограничения аудио Android при подключении аудио-интерфейса USB/микрофона (R 375): низкая задержка, высококачественная многоканальная запись и воспроизведение с любой частотой дискретизации и разрешением, поддерживаемые устройством (например, 24-бит/96 кГц). Дополнительную информацию и совместимость устройств вы наидёте здесь: Обратите внимание, что вы всегда можете бесплатно использовать драйвер USB для Android без этой покупки в приложении (с такими ограничениями, как высокая задержка и 16-битный звук).
• Vocal Tune с двухголосным гармонизатором и Vocal Tune PRO

Мы также продаем эффекты и контент от других поставщиков по сниженным ценам в полной версии:
• ToneBoosters pack 1 (Barricade, DeEsser, Gate, Reverb)
• ToneBoosters V3 EQ
• ToneBoosters V3 Compressor
• ToneBoosters V3 Ferox
• ToneBoosters V4 Barricade
• ToneBoosters V4 EQ
• ToneBoosters V4 ReelBus
• ToneBoosters V4 Reverb
• Loop/sample packs
• Soundfont packs


История обновлений
* In the drum pattern editor's Range mode, long-tap now reactivates range selection.
* Pasting a range in the DPE could result in duplicate events. Solved.
* Preset names in Load FX Grid and Load presets are now sorted.
* The bottom bar was smaller than before v5507. Solved. If you find it too large now, you can use the Bottom bar scale setting in the preferences.
* On phones, the bottom left arrow now works in the virtual keyboard display.
* Preset names were not visible anymore in 'Load preset' of Evolution One since v5525. Solved.
* Solved a crash when saving VTS.
Solved several issues with the Android MIDI driver.
* Attempting to split an audio clip at its start (for example due to the grid setting) could cause an error message that the length of the audio clip was negative or zero. Solved.
* Solved a possible exception message on exit.
* A center pitch bend event is now sent at the start of playback for tracks using a SoundFont.
* Solved an issue with low sample rates in combination with Vocal Tune Studio.
* The save button was disabled in Lowtone. Solved.
* Solved a crash in the Clean up project dialog on older Android versions.
* Projects with a USB MIDI track couldn't be saved anymore. Solved.
* Added a 'DYN' mode to the piano roll editor. When active, the length of a note is determined by the visible grid.
* Added a 'DRAW' toggle to the piano roll editor. When active, the length of a note can be 'drawn'.
* Added a 'Ghost tracks' option to the piano roll editor making it easy to align notes with notes of other tracks.
* Added multi-core processing to the settings. Can perform worse than single core (depends on the Android device).
* Added the Toneboosters GonioMeter plug-in
and more..
* Added a 'DYN' mode to the piano roll editor. When active, the length of a note is determined by the visible grid.
* Added a 'DRAW' toggle to the piano roll editor. When active, the length of a note can be 'drawn'.
* Added a 'Ghost tracks' option to the piano roll editor making it easy to align notes with notes of other tracks.
* Added multi-core processing to the settings. Can perform worse than single core (depends on the Android device).
* Added the Toneboosters GonioMeter plug-in
and more..
* New 'Export MIDI' dialog with new options to save in a public folder or share the MIDI file.
* Added a 'Reverse sustain pedal' option to the USB MIDI settings to solve issues with some (Yamaha) pedals that behave reversed.
* Solved an issue with some USB audio interfaces failing to playback or record.
* Solved a possible crash in Vocal Tune Studio when no notes were found.
Solved issue with layout of Load Project dialog.
* The pitch of the metronome sound will not change anymore when changing sample rate.
* New 'Clean up project' dialog that takes all project files of the project into account.
* MIDI Parameter feedback did not work for busses. Solved.
* Bus volume could only be controlled up to 0dB using MIDI Remote Setup. Solved.
* Vocal Tune Pro now updates its controls after loading a preset or applying automation.
* Added a MIDI remote setup command 'Next button'
and more..
10 февр. 2023 г.
* Solved an issue with the bottom bar scaling returning to 100%.
* Solved an issue with clip selection/actions.
1 февр. 2023 г.
* Added a 'Rename' option to the MIDI clip pop-up menu.
* Added 'Merge audio clips' option to the audio clip pop-up menu that will merge selected audio clips that are on the track (without effect processing).
* Tempo markers can now be locked.
* Added a 'reference pitch' (440 to 460Hz) setting to Vocal Tune Studio.
* Added the automation touch/read button to the effects display.
* Improved the accuracy of audio clip selection when two audio clips are adjacent.
and many bug fixes..
21 дек. 2022 г.
18 дек. 2022 г.
This version adds Vocal Tune Studio, an editor to correct pitch and time of vocal recordings, a unique feature in mobile apps. It features retune time, retune amount, volume and formant correction per note as well as vibrato controls. Notes or groups of notes can be time corrected.

Besides vocal pitch correction, it also features time correction on arbitrary points for any type of audio material. An in-app purchase and Android 9 or higher is required.

and more..
25 нояб. 2022 г.
* Added MIDI parameter control (CC and channel pressure) for effects. The new 'MIDI' button in the effects display opens the MIDI parameter control dialog where you can assign MIDI controls to effect parameters. MIDI mappings are per instance and saved with the project. Presets can also be loaded and saved.
* On Android devices featuring a UNISOC processor (Samsung Tab A8, A03, etc.), MIDI input could stall. Solved.
* Added a preference option to scale the bottom (transport) bar.
and more..
18 нояб. 2022 г.
* Added MIDI parameter control (CC and channel pressure) for effects. The new 'MIDI' button in the effects display opens the MIDI parameter control dialog where you can assign MIDI controls to effect parameters. MIDI mappings are per instance and saved with the project. Presets can also be loaded and saved.
* On Android devices featuring a UNISOC processor (Samsung Tab A8, A03, etc.), MIDI input could stall. Solved.
* Added a preference option to scale the bottom (transport) bar.
and more..
23 сент. 2022 г.
* Opening the MIDI input dialog will not un-arm the track anymore. Furthermore, all options inside the dialog can be changed in real-time without having to close the dialog first.
* Changed the 'Octave offset' in the MIDI input dialog to a more generic 'Transpose'.
* Added an option 'Send note off on un-arm' to the MIDI input dialog which now is turned off per default.
2 сент. 2022 г.
Flowtones and Evolution One couldn't be selected anymore. Solved.
14 авг. 2022 г.
* Added the Toneboosters MBC (multi-band compressor) effect
* Solved an issue that could lead to a crash when selecting a drum sample in the drum pattern editor
* Solved an issue with merging overlapping MIDI clips
* When importing a file with a file name that already exists in the project, the copied file is now automatically renamed
* When un-arming an instrument track while another track is armed, a sustain pedal 'off' command is sent

and more...
3 авг. 2022 г.
* Solved a crash that could occur when changing instruments while the app was playing due to a race condition.
* Effects on a multi-instrument drum pattern track were not loaded and could cause a crash when using a sidechain. Solved.
* MIDI remote control did not work on ChromeOS. Solved.
* Solved a crash that could occur when restarting playback with a USB audio interface after a playback failure.
17 июл. 2022 г.
* Added a preference option 'Max. 1 armed track'
* Added an option 'Arm toggles' to the MIDI remote setup -> Tracks section to arm/unarm tracks regardless of the MIDI CC value. In combination with 'Max. 1 armed track', you can easily switch between sounds using MIDI CC commands.
* When an instrument track is unarmed in monitoring mode, the sound is not cut off anymore on other tracks.
* [ and ] keyboard commands are now working in the piano roll editor.
* Reduced font size in several dialogs.
17 июн. 2022 г.
* Added the Toneboosters Dual VCF V4 effect: DualVCF adds motion, shape, colour. It contains a total of 68 (!) analog filter models with that sought after sound of the 70s, 80s and 90s. In addition, it provides unique multi-resonant filters and an intuitive, beat-synced modulation editor and an envelope follower to drive filter parameters over time. Dial in non-linear filter operation for character and shape.
* USB MIDI is now supported for the Yamaha PSR-1500/3000.
27 мая 2022 г.
* Added the Toneboosters Sibalance V4 effect
* Added USB audio support for the Roland System-8 and possibly other Roland synths.
* Using a USB MIDI keyboard on Android 8 or lower would cause a large latency since version v5124. Solved.
* Selecting 'None' in the sidechain dialog did not remove the sidechain. Solved.
* Solved issue with freezing a multi-drum track when aux sends were used on individual lanes.
* Added the Toneboosters BitJuggler effect: BitJuggler is the most complete tool to simulate vintage digital processing and recreate digital imperfections. Create that 80's digital sound, add vintage sampler character, simulate lossy audio codecs from the 90's or shape your audio beyond analog simulation.
* Added latency compensation for the Toneboosters VoicePitcher 4.
* Loading a project with a sampler instrument on an instrument track would load the default stereo grand instead. Solved.
13 мая 2022 г.
* Added the Toneboosters BitJuggler effect: BitJuggler is the most complete tool to simulate vintage digital processing and recreate digital imperfections. Create that 80's digital sound, add vintage sampler character, simulate lossy audio codecs from the 90's or shape your audio beyond analog simulation.
* Added latency compensation for the Toneboosters VoicePitcher 4.
* Loading a project with a sampler instrument on an instrument track would load the default stereo grand instead. Solved.
12 марта 2022 г.
* Solved an issue with 'Playback failed to start' being displayed in the drum pattern editor and piano roll editor under certain conditions.
* When using AudioTrack, arming an audio track and pressing record would not display the input level and audio being recorded anymore. Solved.
22 февраля 2022 г.
* Added an option to the User Interface settings to blur/grey out muted tracks.
* Instrument tracks can now be armed and unarmed while playing back/recording.
* The piano roll editor can now be opened while playing back.
* Solved an issue accidentally introduced in 5122 that could cause some lag when a track was armed and possibly an 'Error starting playback'.
* Solved a crash when selecting Flowtones when the instrument track was armed and a USB MIDI keyboard was attached.
10 февраля 2022 г.
* Added the Toneboosters Flowtones virtual analog synthesizer (Android 9+): Flowtones is a modern, unique-sounding virtual analog synthesizer with two parts featuring two analog-modelled VCOs each. Each oscillator has an extensive feature set including pulse width and ring modulation, subharmonic synthesis, noise and unison synthesis and a wide range of modulation options.
* and more..
25 января 2022 г.
* Solved an issue with Yamaha MODX synths that was introduced in 5.1.
* Calculation of storage space on export to Portal was incorrect for anything other than internal storage. Solved.
* Solved an issue with TB Compressor V4 presets.
21 января 2022 г.
* Added the Toneboosters Enhancer V4 effect
* Added a 'Delete' option on long-press of a SF2 file in the instrument selection dialog (except for the Default Sound Set).
* Improved MIDI CC editing accuracy on the piano roll.
* Copy didn't work when selection mode was active. Solved.
* Solved a rare crash that could occur when zooming during playback.
* Audio tracks now can record from the output of another track or bus for advanced applications.
* Automation wasn't saved for instruments. Solved.
31 октября 2021 г.
* Added support for the ATR2500x-USB mic.
* Added a pop-up menu to project folders in the file browser using which you can zip and share an entire project.
* When replacing a mono audio clip with a stereo clip or when inserting an effect that always outputs stereo and a ToneBoosters V3 effect was on the track that was initialized in mono mode, the app would crash at playback. Solved.

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