Jakdojade: расписание Mod Apk

Jakdojade: расписание Взлом - Mod Apk 6.9.5

Разработчик: CITY-NAV sp. z o.o.
Категория: Карты и навигация
Цена: Бесплатно


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Официальное приложение сервиса jakdojade.pl – необходимый помощник для тех, кто пользуется общественным транспортом в различных городах Польши. Тут ты найдешь удобную навигацию, сможешь проверить расписание и купить билеты. Пользуйся им ежедневно и путешествуй легко и весело 😊

Jakdojade – это:
•  Поисковая система для междугородних железнодорожных сообщений в Польше и за границей - прямо из Польши
•  актуальное расписание движения общественного транспорта (ZTM, MPK, MZK, SKM, PKP, ...)
•  самая точная и популярная поисковая система транспортных сообщений
•  удобная покупка билетов на общественный транспорт в твоём телефоне (доступна в выбранных городах)
•  отправления в режиме реального времени – фактическое местоположение автобусов и трамваев (доступно в выбранных городах) – позиция транспортного средства на карте, текущая и ожидаемая задержка, и точное время прибытия на остановку
•  карты остановок, пересадок и маршрутов трамваев, автобусов, регионального железнодорожного транспорта, троллейбусов и метро
•  понятная и простая в использовании навигация

Дополнительно в Премиум версии:
•  нет рекламы
•  полная GPS-навигация с функцией оповещения о необходимой пересадке
•  расписание движения на ближайшей остановке (определение местоположения с помощью GPS)
•  виджеты для рабочего стола (отправления с выбранных остановок или с остановки, на которой ты находишься в данный момент)

Возможность покупки билетов в крупнейших городах Польши! Расписание на сохраненных остановках также доступны офлайн 😊

С Jakdojade ты можешь найти городские маршруты и междугородние поезда, проверить расписание, купить билеты и с легкостью пользоваться общественным транспортом в большинстве польских городов. Мы постоянно работаем над улучшением навигации и регулярно добавляем в базу данных новые города.

Приложение доступно в городах:
Белосток, Быдгощ, Бытом, Хожув, Ченстохова, Гданьск, Гдыня, Гливице, Гнезно, Гожув-Великопольски, Грудзендз, Иновроцлав, Еленя-Гура, Катовице, Кельце, Конин, Краков, Лешно, Люблин, Ломянки, Лодзь, Мысловице, Новы-Сонч, Ольштын, Ополе, Пабянице, Пила, Познань, Прушкув, Радом, Рыбник, Жешув, Слупск, Сопот, Сосновец, Старгард, Сважендз, Щецин, Тарновске Горы, Тарнув, Труймясто, Тыхы, Варшава, Вейхерово, Вроцлав, Забже, Згеж, Зелёна-Гура.

Билеты доступны в городах:
Краков, Лешно, Люблин, Лодзь, Агломерация городов Верхней Силезии (Бытом, Хожув, Гливице, Катовице, Мысловице, Сосновец, Тарновске Горы, Забже), Пабянице, Познань, Сважендз, Труймясто (Гданьск, Гдыня, Сопот, Вейхерово), Тыхы, Варшава, Згеж, Зелёна-Гура, Вроцлав, Кельце.

Поддерживаемые перевозчики и расписания общественного транспорта:
Городской транспорт Белостока, Bus Marco Polo, KKP Костшин, MPK Краков, Нижнесилезские железные дороги, Малопольские железные дороги, Мазовецкие железные дороги, Силезские железные дороги, Великопольские железные дороги, Железная дорога Лодзинской агломерации, Город Прушкув, MPK Ченстохова, MPK Гнезно, MPK Иновроцлав, MPK Лодзь, MPK Новы-Сонч, MPK Вроцлав, MUK Згеж, MZDiK Радом, MZK Гожув, MZK Зелёна-Гура, MZK Конин, MZK Лешно, MZK Ополе, MZK Пабянице, MZK Пила, MZK Старгард, MZK Торунь, MZK Вейхерово, MZK Зелёна-Гура, POLREGIO, Общественный транспорт в Сехнице, SKM Труймясто, UM Грудзендз, UM Сважендз, UM Вроцлав, WKD Варшава, ZDIK Тарнув, ZDiTM Щецин, ZDMIKP Быдгощ, ZDZiT Ольштын, ZIM Слупск, ZKM Гдыня, ZTM Гданьск, ZTM Кельце, ZTM Познань, ZTM в Жешуве, ZTM в Катовице, ZTM в Люблине, ZTM Варшава, ZTZ Рыбник.

Не знаешь, “как доехать?” Срочно нужен билет? Нуждаешься в навигации? Пользуйся Jakdojade! Скачай приложение и не дай себе потеряться в городских джунглях 😉

История обновлений

We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.

This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

In this version, we have made a few minor changes to fix the reported bugs.

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.

Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.

This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

In this version, we have made a few minor changes to fix the reported bugs.

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.

Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.

This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

In this version, we have made a few minor changes to fix the reported bugs.

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.

Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We've made some changes in this version and the most important is the refreshed Timetables tab! Check out the new design and features.

Do you use the Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.
We have made some changes in this version, e.g.
- NEW! The PKP Intercity tickets (EIP, IC, TLK) purchase option
Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.
Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.
We have made some changes in this version, e.g.
- NEW! The PKP Intercity tickets (EIP, IC, TLK) purchase option
Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.
Thanks for being with us!
18 янв. 2023 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New ticket control screen

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
9 дек. 2022 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New ticket control screen

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
19 нояб. 2022 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- Quick view of e-wallet status

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
28 окт. 2022 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New messaging system in the app

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
14 окт. 2022 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New messaging system in the app

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
26 сент. 2022 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New messaging system in the app

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
11 сент. 2022 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New messaging system in the app

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
31 авг. 2022 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New messaging system in the app

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
11 авг. 2022 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New messaging system in the app

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
19 июл. 2022 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.
We have made some changes in this version.
Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.
Thanks for being with us!
24 июн. 2022 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.
We have made some changes in this version.
Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.
Thanks for being with us!
15 апреля 2022 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.
We have made some changes in this version.
Below you will find the most important of them:
- Ukrainian language added to our app
- Design fixes on ticket screens
Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.
Thanks for being with us!
23 февраля 2022 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.
We have made some changes in this version.
Below you will find the most important of them:
- New Blik code screen
- New wallet top-up screen
- Active ticket counter fixes in routes view
Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.
Thanks for being with us!
5 января 2022 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.
We have made some changes in this version.
Below you will find the most important of them:
- New Blik code screen
- New wallet top-up screen
- Active ticket counter fixes in routes view
Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.
Thanks for being with us!
7 декабря 2021 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.
We have made some changes in this version.
Below you will find the most important of them:
- Navigation improvements
- Correction of the Schedules tab’s layout
- Design and animation improvements
Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.
Thanks for being with us!
1 декабря 2021 г.
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.
We have made some changes in this version.
Below you will find the most important of them:
- Navigation improvements
- Correction of the Schedules tab’s layout
- Design and animation improvements
Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.
Thanks for being with us!
5 ноября 2021 г.
New tickets design

Способы взлома Jakdojade: расписание

Скачать Jakdojade: расписание MOD APK 6.9.5

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