Jakdojade: public transport Mod Apk

Jakdojade: public transport ハック - Mod Apk 6.9.5

開発者: CITY-NAV sp. z o.o.
カテゴリー: 地図&ナビ
価格: 無料です


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Android 用の公式 jakdojade.pl アプリ - ポーランドの都市のすべての公共交通機関の乗客にとって不可欠なアプリケーションです。アプリで簡単に時刻表の確認やチケットの購入ができます。気軽に楽しく旅行😊

• ポーランドの都市間列車接続のトリップ プランナー (PKP Intercity、POLREGIO、Koleje Mazowieckie、Koleje Dolnośląskie、Łódzka Kolej Agromeracyjna、Koleje Małopolskie)
• 現在の公共交通機関の時刻表 (ZTM、MPK、MZK、SKM、PKP、…)
• 公共交通機関の接続で最も正確で人気のある検索エンジン
•  公共交通機関のチケット•  リアルタイム機能 - バスとトラムの実際の位置 (一部の都市で利用可能) - 地図上の車両の位置、現在および予想される遅延、正確な到着時刻を表示します停留所で。
•  停留所の地図、接続、トラム、バス、地方鉄道、トロリーバス、地下鉄のルート
• 簡単で直感的なナビゲーション

•  広告なし
• 乗換案内機能を備えた公共交通機関向けの完全な GPS ナビゲーション•  最寄りのバス停から出発
• デスクトップ上のウィジェット

チケットはポーランドの大都市で購入できます!保存した停留所の時刻表もオフラインで利用できます 😊

Jakdojade のおかげで、市内のルートや都市間鉄道の接続を検索したり、時刻表を確認したり、チケットを購入したり、ポーランドのほとんどの都市で公共交通機関を簡単に利用したりできます。

ビャウィストク、ブィドゴシュチュ、ビトム、ホジュフ、チェンストホバ、グダニスク、グディニャ、グリヴィツェ、グニェズノ、ゴルジュフ国立公園、グルジオンツ、イノウロツワフ、イェレニア グラ、カトヴィツェ、キエルツェ、コニン、クラクフ、レシュノ、ルブリン、ウミアンキ、ウシズィツェ、現在、ミシュジツェ、オルシュティン、オポーレ、パビアニツェ、ピワ、ポズナン、ラドム、ジェシュフ、スウプスク、ソポト、ソスノヴィエツ、スタルガルト、スヴァルツェンツ、シュチェチン、タルノフスキエ ゴリ、タルヌフ、トルン、トロイミアスト、ティヒ、ワルシャワ、ウェヘロボ、ヴロツワフ、ザブジェ、ズギエルツ、ジェロナ グラ

クラクフ、キエルツェ、レシュノ、ルブリン、ウッチ、メトロポリア GZM (ビトム、ホジュフ、グリヴィツェ、カトヴィツェ、ミスウォヴィツェ、ソスノヴィエツ、タルノフスキエ ゴリ、ザブジェ)、パビアニツェ、ポズナン、スワルツェンツ、トロイミアスト (グダニスク、グディニャ、ソポト、ヴェイェロヴォ)、ティヒ、ワルシャワ、ヴロツワフ、ズギェシュ、ジエロナ・グラ。

「どうやってそこにたどり着くの?」と思っていませんか?チケットは必要ですか?それともナビゲーション? Jakdojade を使用してください! アプリをダウンロードして、都会のジャングルに驚かないでください 😉


We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.

This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

In this version, we have made a few minor changes to fix the reported bugs.

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.

Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.

This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

In this version, we have made a few minor changes to fix the reported bugs.

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.

Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.

This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

In this version, we have made a few minor changes to fix the reported bugs.

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.

Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.

This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

In this version, we have made a few minor changes to fix the reported bugs.

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.

Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We've made some changes in this version and the most important is the refreshed Timetables tab! Check out the new design and features.

Do you use the Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.
We have made some changes in this version, e.g.
- NEW! The PKP Intercity tickets (EIP, IC, TLK) purchase option
Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.
Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.
We have made some changes in this version, e.g.
- NEW! The PKP Intercity tickets (EIP, IC, TLK) purchase option
Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.
Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New ticket control screen

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New ticket control screen

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- Quick view of e-wallet status

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New messaging system in the app

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New messaging system in the app

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New messaging system in the app

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New messaging system in the app

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.

We have made some changes in this version, e.g.:
- New messaging system in the app

Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.

Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.
We have made some changes in this version.
Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.
Thanks for being with us!
We make every effort to make traveling around the city with the Jakdojade app even more comfortable and hassle-free.
This is why we are constantly trying to improve our application.
We have made some changes in this version.
Do you use Jakdojade? Please rate the app.
Your opinion is important to us.
Thanks for being with us!

ハッキング方法 Jakdojade: public transport

ダウンロード Jakdojade: public transport MOD APK 6.9.5

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.3 点満点中 5
14.5万 件のレビュー