Now group all your treatments together for quicker checkins!
Activity Durations at a Glance:
Easily view activity durations right in your Today screen reminders.
Clearer Timeline View: Dive into your symptoms with the ungrouped Timeline for better clarity.
Optimized Performance:
Enjoy faster, smoother tracking with significant improvements.
Powerful Search Tools:
Quickly locate medications, symptoms, and more with advanced filtering options.
Activity Durations at a Glance:
Easily view activity durations right in your Today screen reminders.
Clearer Timeline View: Dive into your symptoms with the ungrouped Timeline for better clarity.
Optimized Performance:
Enjoy faster, smoother tracking with significant improvements.
Powerful Search Tools:
Quickly locate medications, symptoms, and more with advanced filtering options.
- Today Screen: Mark as taken can be unmarked rather than leading to new check-ins
- Improved secure syncing for Caregivers of their dependents data + increased limits
This update introduces new features and improvements that are scientifically grounded to enhance your health and wellness journey.
Expanded Exercise Library
Historical Record Caching
Direct Entry Marking from Today Screen
Persistent Soundscapes
To make the most out of these robust updates, download the latest version today!
Brand New Mood Insights including: Mood Factors,Best Day of Week,Feelings Chart,Mood Distribution,Mood in Pixels,Mood in Words Cloud.
Enter or paste your release notes for en-US here
- Accelerate your journey with enhanced performance, as CareClinic now seamlessly syncs your data across devices
- Discover redesigned comparison charts that remember your selections, revealing correlations and hidden patterns
- Mood tracker is now its own tracker for easier & comprehensive tracking
- Insights screen + notifications to quickly understand your health, more coming soon
- UI improvements to cards reduce clutter, visual effects, slider tap enabled, & more
- See connected symptoms in the My Conditions screen
- Sort treatments in your care plan alphabetically and newest
- Charts also show Time for many treatments for better analysis
- Duration shown in trackers for all trackers when changing time
- Therapy tracker now accepts dates like other trackers
- Dates shown for all points on charts when tapped
12 мар. 2023 г.
Get ready to take your well-being to the next level with our latest release! We’ve listened to your feedback and made improvements that make tracking and optimizing your health easier and more enjoyable than ever before. Download and install the latest version now to get full access to all the new features and functionality, including:
- Lightning-fast check-ins and medication tracking: You can now track your progress and mark medications as taken with lightning speed
- Seamless check-in updates
21 февр. 2023 г.
- Mood tracker is now its own tracker for easier & comprehensive tracking
- Insights screen + notifications to quickly understand your health, more coming soon
- UI improvements to cards reduce clutter, visual effects, slider tap enabled, & more
- See connected symptoms in the My Conditions screen
17 янв. 2023 г.
- Weather tracker added, automatically sync weather data with check-ins
- Rearrange trackers and items within trackers
- Toggle for full screen charts and correlations screen
- Many UI improvements for quicker check-ins
11 янв. 2023 г.
- Weather tracker added, automatically sync weather data with check-ins
- Rearrange trackers and items within trackers
- Toggle for full screen charts and correlations screen
- Many UI improvements for quicker check-ins
12 дек. 2022 г.
- Pain Catastrophizing Scale + FOSQ-10 sleep scale added
- Logs & Charts upgraded (totals, colors, order, tooltips, etc)
- Further insights added for single symptoms
2 дек. 2022 г.
- Pain Catastrophizing Scale added
- Additional therapies added to database
- Changing time in main check-in changes time for all unselected items
- Chart colors, order, tooltips fixed
14 нояб. 2022 г.
- Backfill wearable data now available for Android devices via Google Fit
- Mark as taken generates adherence charts & check marks remain persistent in the Today screen
- Hide/Show individual items in charts with the new filter/eye button
- Vastly improved rendering time for check-ins, nutrition searches, logs and charts
- Individual symptom insights now available via the filter button
- Associated symptoms chart shows insights that frequently occur with the current symptom
23 окт. 2022 г.
- Many UI/UX fixes pertaining to scrolling in check-ins, color persistency in charts, pull to refresh caregiver data, factors saving
13 окт. 2022 г.
Keep track of your health data more easily with this update!
With the new backfill feature, you can now fill in your health data up to a month in advance. The reports section has also been revamped for faster loading times. Plus, sleep quality is now taken into account in the sleep charts. And the average length of symptom flare-ups has been added to the Symptom Insights section.
28 сент. 2022 г.
- 2 new charts to better understand your symptoms & triggers (one in Insights and one on the main charts screen)
- See totals in Logs of each Tracker and its modalities when using filters
- Many performance improvements, and minor upgrades, such as Sleep notes, chart duration saved, export journal entries, staying on check-in screen after checking-in and bug fixes related to factors
9 сент. 2022 г.
- Added additional health assessments
- Fixed bugs
14 авг. 2022 г.
- Nicer visuals in Charts and Logs screens! Many new charts and detailed comparison charts
- Chart comparison now render correlation scores between different modalities directly below the charts with an explanation
11 июл. 2022 г.
Мы сделали много важных обновлений:
- Обновлена интеграция Google Fit, теперь вы можете автоматически импортировать: фитнес, шаги, вес, кровяное давление, калории, гидратацию, сон, тренировки.
- Мы также улучшили таблицы питания! Отслеживайте все макросы + отдельные продукты (а не частоту)
- Опросы и анкеты обновлены и теперь включают опросы СДВГ, такие как ASRS и отчет о симптомах Вейсса (WSR II).
18 июн. 2022 г.
Попробуйте CareClinic v3.6, чтобы управлять своими лекарствами, добавками, витаминами, а также отслеживать свои симптомы, действия и методы лечения. Мы обновили и добавили гораздо больше функций, сохранив при этом простоту использования:
- Графики теперь загружаются молниеносно даже в течение более длительных периодов времени.
- Добавляйте расстояние к своим действиям, а не сохраняйте их в заметках
- Для отслеживания тревожности реализована шкала GAD-7.
23 мая 2022 г.
Свежее обновление! В этом новом выпуске мы добавили больше визуальных элементов для понимания ваших симптомов со здоровьем. Они включают:
- Более 10 новых диаграмм и данных о симптомах и настроениях теперь доступны в отчетах.
- Просматривайте свою историю, нажав на любое лекарство, симптом или другое прямо из плана обслуживания.
- Быстрая очистка данных регистрации, которые вам больше не нужны в определенных трекерах
28 апреля 2022 г.
We have added more emphasis on tracking your digestive health and mental health in this new release. You can now export your health logs directly from the Reports screen as well. Explore additional functionality by upgrading to v3.4!
7 апреля 2022 г.
We have made many improvements to make managing symptoms, conditions, and overall well-being easier. Now you can also search your logs with filters to find a specific entry or filter by entire modalities.
15 марта 2022 г.
We have added an incredible amount of new functionalities to help you track your health more efficiently! Starting with the ability to make record multiple data points for a modality within a single check-in. We have also made it even easier to record and understand your digestive issues with a brand new stool tracker for managing your digestive issues. Enable the Stool Tracker today from the Trackers & Modules section!
6 марта 2022 г.
- Add additional information to the nutrition tracker, medication tracker and fluids tracker
- See calorie breakdowns by macronutrients when managing your nutrition
- Personalize CareClinic further, hide any module or tracker you don’t use from the app
- More comprehensive Factors/Triggers based on recommendations from DBSA (Depression And Bipolar Support Alliance)
- Add more than 5 reminders per medication, now up to 8!
23 февраля 2022 г.
- Save time by checking-in quickly with a recent list in all check-in tracker screens for unsaved items
- Save time with personalized pathways for all health goals
- Fluid tracker now provides a quick way to setup daily water intake reminders
- Symptom tracker now renders colors based on severity based on clinical scales
- 100's of UI/UX accessibility improvements
14 января 2022 г.
- New AI for adding medications and supplements by taking a photo of the prescription or medication/supplement
- Improved privacy protection with better touch ID management between app transitions
- Settings menu for making sure you are always up to date with backups, app version, and premium status
- Many bug fixes in the Diary/Journal section, alert tones menu, sound on start, guided care plans, and session expiry issues fixed
30 декабря 2021 г.
- Improved nutrition charts and logging
- Improved user flow for chronically ill patients
- Notification/Reminder snooze screen improvements
7 декабря 2021 г.
- Streamlined way to Add Treatments with Care Plan preview
- Now enter values for reminders directly from one screen for quicker check-ins
- Hide unneeded charts from Reports and hide trackers you don’t use directly from the Care Plan screen
- Better notifications with tracker relevant icons
- Resume startup wizard if incomplete
- Other improvements to check-in quicker on the check-in screen, updated snooze screens and never accidentally delete incomplete data on any screens!
9 ноября 2021 г.
- Additional charts for measurements now include frequency along with averages
- Streamlined symptom entry and well-being reminders
- UI improvements including user feedback on actions and dark mode improvements
- Optimized app performance (data syncing and responsiveness for larger screens)
- Onboarding flow simplified and streamlined for chronically ill patients
- Improved UX when setting Medication Reminders, Health Conditions and Immunizations
15 октября 2021 г.
- Caregivers can now request dependents to sync their data via the App to see the most up to date information of dependents
- See your longest streak in charts based on the current period to stay motivated
- Usability improvements for reminder notifications to make check-ins quicker
- Improved new user wizard to help create personalized care plans quickly
- Check-in buttons inside of modalities to check in even quicker
- Additional localization and personalization settings for users