Brainscape флеш-карточки Mod Apk

Brainscape флеш-карточки Взлом - Mod Apk 4.20241202.11

Разработчик: Brainscape
Категория: Образование
Цена: Бесплатно


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Находите, создавайте и делитесь интерактивными карточками на любом устройстве. Изучение материала станет В ДВА РАЗА БЫСТРЕЕ с помощью самой эффективной методической системы на планете. Все учебные материалы можно синхронизировать с веб-сайтом Brainscape и устройствами Android.

Brainscape устанавливает для вас индивидуальное ВРЕМЯ повторения каждой карточки на основании данных доказательной когнитивистики. Если вы изучаете язык, готовитесь к экзамену или просто узнаёте что-то новое для собственного интереса, Brainscape устанавливает частоту повторений каждого понятия в соответствии с правильными интервалами работы для ВАШЕГО мозга.

Всё, что вам нужно, — это оценить, насколько хорошо вы знаете каждое понятие по шкале от 1 до 5, и Brainscape определит правильное время для повторения вопроса. Это, как ни странно, очень увлекательно и, согласно научным данным, сокращает время, необходимое для изучения материала.

Откуда же взялись эти замечательные карточки Brainscape? Из трех источников:

(1) ЛУЧШИЕ СПЕЦИАЛИСТЫ МИРА. Brainscape создает карточки для изучения предметов, в том числе иностранных языков, музыкальной теории, подготовки к тестам MCAT, SAT, AP, Series 7 и спортивным викторинам, в сотрудничестве с лучшими издательствами, школами и работниками образования.

(2) ВАШИ КОЛЛЕГИ. Лучшие студенты, профессора, преподаватели и организации по всему миру создали материалы по более 1 миллиону предметов, которые имеются в наличии в нашем магазине.

(3) ВЫ! Вы сможете с легкостью создавать интерактивные карточки как на веб-сайте Brainscape, так и в самом приложении, а также отправлять свои наборы карточек одноклассникам и вместе с ними создавать новые материалы.

Создание, отправка и поиск карточек, созданных другими пользователями, являются БЕСПЛАТНЫМИ. А новый тарифный план Brainscape Pro даст вам доступ к неограниченным материалам высокого класса, а также к дополнительным функциям на сайте и целой группе новых функций, которые будут выпущены в более поздних версиях для Android.

Подписку на Brainscape Pro можно приобрести внутри приложения — на месяц ($19,99 за месяц), на полгода ($59,99 за 6 месяцев) и на год ($95,99 за год). Кроме того, можно приобрести бессрочную подписку за $199,99.

Оплата за возобновляемые подписки будет автоматически списываться за 24 часа до окончания оплаченного периода, если автоматическое списание не будет отключено хотя бы за 24 часа до окончания периода. Вы можете отменить автоматическое списание в любое время, перейдя в настройки учетной записи; отмена вступит в силу после завершения активного периода подписки. Дополнительную информацию о наших Условиях обслуживания и Политике конфиденциальности можно получить на

В будущем Brainscape планирует сделать свою систему обучения еще более эффективной, удобной, интересной и социальной, поэтому не забывайте оставлять нам отзывы — с вашей помощью мы сможем улучшить наш продукт. Такие пользователи, как ВЫ, уже помогли нам охватить миллионы пользователей. Помогите нам создать сообщество Brainscape, в которое вступит весь мир!

История обновлений

This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
Wondering if you must get this update of Brainscape? Well . . .

- We've made it easier to find / get to the new AI card creation tools;
- And we fixed a few miscellaneous bugs that users like you told us about (Thanks!)
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Ability to set a Streak Reminder notification to prevent you from losing your day streak. Find it in the menu in the top-right of your Dashboard.”
- Fix to audio recording problems for users with Android 11 and 12.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Easier control of the % weight of each class included in yur Smart Study mix
- Ability to change the % weight for each class in your Smart Study mix directly from the Checkpoint screen at the end of any study round
- Power to adjust multiple study settings at once in the study options menu

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
This new version includes:

- Refinements to Brainscape’s proprietary Confidence-Based Repetition (CBR) study algorithm (spaced repetition) through which flashcards are repeated at optimal learning frequencies.

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Easier controls to select multiple Decks for your Study mix
- Easier toggling between Random and Progressive mode
- Long-press an individual Deck to study only that one Deck

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
8 мар. 2023 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
27 февр. 2023 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Smart Study -- the ability to create a custom study mix of multiple classes on your dashboard -- is now available!
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
12 янв. 2023 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
9 янв. 2023 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
22 нояб. 2022 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Better support for company & school licenses
- Ability to enter a code to redeem Pro access to private flashcards

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
7 нояб. 2022 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Better support for company & school licenses
- Ability to enter a code to redeem Pro access to private flashcards

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
12 окт. 2022 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Better support for authoring flashcards when device is connected to a keyboard
- Improved study experience when switching to landscape mode on a tablet.

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
23 сент. 2022 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
9 сент. 2022 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Major beautification (visual improvements) to the card layout of many Brainscape Certified Classes (content made by experts)
- Further optimization of the new Record Audio functionality

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
9 авг. 2022 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- You can now record audio clips to attach to your flashcards
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
27 июл. 2022 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
18 июл. 2022 г.
As promised, we’re rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Enhancement of the bookmarking interface
- Significant performance improvements (speed) for studying on less powerful devices
- Improved new content access in Explore for certain key subjects (e.g Anatomy)

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
13 июн. 2022 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Automatic updates of classes that you have previously downloaded to your device when they are updated on the website; and
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
3 июн. 2022 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:
- Faster loading of "Explore," our massive marketplace of Brainscape-certified & user-generated flashcards
- Ability to download entire classes with a single tap on your main dashboard
- New class download status indicators

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
18 мая 2022 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Ability to edit / add your own profile image & class icons
- Improved suggestions in "You Might Also Like"
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
10 мая 2022 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Improved information on Brainscape Certified Classes
- Ability to re-hide the answer after revealing it (before rating a card)
- Clearer notifications when sharing private classes
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
26 апреля 2022 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes the following:

- Study in Reverse added as a new study option
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
13 апреля 2022 г.
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes the following::

- Improved consistency of background sync (saves user data)
- Better deck download performance on poor connection speeds
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
2 февраля 2021 г.
Bug fixes.

Способы взлома Brainscape флеш-карточки

Скачать Brainscape флеш-карточки MOD APK 4.20241202.11

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