Brainscape - スマートフラッシュカード Mod Apk

Brainscape - スマートフラッシュカード ハック - Mod Apk 4.20250109.13

開発者: Brainscape
カテゴリー: 教育
価格: 無料です


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すべての端末上で「スマートフラッシュカード」を見つけたり、作成したり共有します。地球上で最も効果的な学習システムを使って、あなたの学習スピードを2倍にします。あなたのコンテンツを Brainscape のウェブサイトとすべてのAndroid 端末上で同期します。

Brainscape は実績のある認知科学を使って、各フラッシュ カードの繰り返しのタイミングをパーソナライズ化します。言語学習、テストの準備、または単に雑学を習得するためかどうかにかかわらず、Brainscape はあなたの脳の最適なインターバルに基づいて、一口サイズの各学習コンセプトの繰り返しの間隔を設定します。

あなたのすることは、各学習コンセプトをどれくらい理解したかを1から5までの基準で評価するだけで、Brainscape が次回のクイズをするためにふさわしい時間を判断します。それは不思議と癖になり、必要な学習時間を大幅に削減することが科学的に証明されています。

Brainscape の大規模なフラッシュカードはどうやってできているのでしょうか?3つあります:

(1) 世界最高の専門家。 Brainscape は最高の出版社、学校および教育者と提携して、スペイン語、フランス語、MCAT、司法試験、音楽理論、SATの準備、AP アメリカ史、AP 化学、 CPA、 シリーズ 7 の準備、およびスポーツ雑学などの多様な題材のフラッシュカードを作成しています。

(2) あなたの仲間。 世界中の最高のの学生、教授、先生達、そして企業が、当社のマーケットプレイスで検索可能な 100 万以上の題材を作成しました。

(3) あなた自身! あなたは、Brainscape のウェブサイトとアプリの両方で簡単にマルチメディアのフラッシュカード作ることができます。あなたは同級生とあなたのデッキを共有したり、一緒に協力してコンテンツを開発することも可能です。

フラッシュ カードの作成、共有、そして多くのユーザーによって作成されたフラッシュカードを体験することは無料です。そして、Brainscape の新しいPro 購読オプションは、ウェブサイトの多くの追加機能だけでなく、無制限のプレミアムコンテンツ、そして今後 Android 版で多くの新機能を利用することができます。

Brainscape Pro 購読はアプリ内で購入可能で、199.99ドルの生涯購読オプションに加え、月刊購読(毎月 19.99ドルの請求)、半年購読(6ヵ月毎に59.99ドルの請求)、そして年間購読(毎年95.99ドル請求)があります。

3つの定期購読は、期間終了の少なくとも24時間前に解約しない限り、現在の期間終了前の24時間以内に自動的に更新されます。自動更新は、いつでもアカウントの設定で取り消すことができます。キャンセルは有効な購読期間が終了した後に適用されます。当社の利用規約と個人情報保護方針の詳細についてはお気軽に でご覧ください。

Brainscape は将来ずっと、当社の学習システムを、より効率的で、便利で、楽しく、社交的なものにする予定です。そのため製品の向上の為に製品のフィードバックをしていただくようお願いいたします。それは、すでに何百万もの学習者のコミュニティになることを助けてくれたあなたのようなユーザーからのものです。学習者の全世界にまたがる Brainscape コミュニティを作成することへの援助をお願いいたします!


Huge update for power creators!
- You may now create & edit at full speed! Our app editor has been massively updated to revise its card saving protocols to eliminate card-by-card save delays.
- The new editor also includes a numbered card list to allow quick intra-deck navigation, visual save status, and one-click access to the new AI card creation tech.
This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
Wondering if you must get this update of Brainscape? Well . . .

- We've made it easier to find / get to the new AI card creation tools;
- And we fixed a few miscellaneous bugs that users like you told us about (Thanks!)
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Ability to set a Streak Reminder notification to prevent you from losing your day streak. Find it in the menu in the top-right of your Dashboard.”
- Fix to audio recording problems for users with Android 11 and 12.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Easier control of the % weight of each class included in yur Smart Study mix
- Ability to change the % weight for each class in your Smart Study mix directly from the Checkpoint screen at the end of any study round
- Power to adjust multiple study settings at once in the study options menu

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
This new version includes:

- Refinements to Brainscape’s proprietary Confidence-Based Repetition (CBR) study algorithm (spaced repetition) through which flashcards are repeated at optimal learning frequencies.

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Easier controls to select multiple Decks for your Study mix
- Easier toggling between Random and Progressive mode
- Long-press an individual Deck to study only that one Deck

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Better support for company & school licenses
- Ability to enter a code to redeem Pro access to private flashcards

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Better support for company & school licenses
- Ability to enter a code to redeem Pro access to private flashcards

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Better support for authoring flashcards when device is connected to a keyboard
- Improved study experience when switching to landscape mode on a tablet.

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Major beautification (visual improvements) to the card layout of many Brainscape Certified Classes (content made by experts)
- Further optimization of the new Record Audio functionality

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- You can now record audio clips to attach to your flashcards
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!
As promised, we’re rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Enhancement of the bookmarking interface
- Significant performance improvements (speed) for studying on less powerful devices
- Improved new content access in Explore for certain key subjects (e.g Anatomy)

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks
As promised, we're rapidly releasing updates of the new app. This new version includes:

- Automatic updates of classes that you have previously downloaded to your device when they are updated on the website; and
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes and performance improvements

Please continue to share your feedback with our Tech Support team. Thanks!

ハッキング方法 Brainscape - スマートフラッシュカード

ダウンロード Brainscape - スマートフラッシュカード MOD APK 4.20250109.13

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