Money Lover - Расходы и бюджет Mod Apk

Money Lover - Расходы и бюджет Взлом - Mod Apk

Разработчик: Finsify
Категория: Финансы
Цена: Бесплатно


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Награжденное финансовое приложение

★ Best of 2017 App
★ Google Top Developer
★ Editors' Choice App
★ Best of 2016, 2017 money manager & budget app on Android
(Google Play nomination)

У Вас есть цель для достижения финансовых результатов или личные проблемы, которые нужно решить? Вы нуждаетесь в управлении личными финансами?

Тогда Вы можете положиться на Money Lover: красивый, простой, но исчерпывающий инструмент, столь необходимый в Вашей современной жизни. Это решение всё-в-одном, которое подойдёт для каждого, кто хочет окончательно решить все проблемы, связанные с финансами. Не важно, хотите ли Вы контролировать затраты, сформировать бюджет или держать на пульсе Ваши сбережения и счета, Money Lover всегда будет рядом, чтобы защитить Вашу жизнь и жизнь ваших близких на пути улучшения финансово независимого образа жизни.

Money Lover упростит Вашу жизнь и сделает её проще. Он легко интегрируется между различными платформами и устройствами, как в бесплатной, так и в Премиум версиях.

Обратите Ваше внимание на то, что Приложение уже стало обязательным для свыше чем 2 млн человек, которые хотели бы окончательно решить свои финансовые проблемы.

Лёгкий доступ всегда и везде.

Записывайте или регистрируйте Ваши затраты на телефоне, планшете или ноутбуке. Мы тут же всё синхронизируем на всех Ваших устройствах.

Управляйте своими деньгами с умом.

Планируйте бюджет и отсекайте маловажное. Получайте сиюминутные уведомления о том, что Вы достигли установленного лимита.

Создавайте осуществимые цели для сбережений и будьте в курсе всего в режиме реального времени. Ведь, "сэкономленный доллар - заработанный доллар".

Знайте, куда уходят Ваши деньги…

Тщательно подобранные категории Money Lover не дадут деньгам уйти на ветер. А если и этого недостаточно, можете создавать свои категории на все случаи жизни.

Кроме того, дружелюбные подсказки с интуитивно понятными диаграммами дадут вам детализированную картину всех ваших финансовых будней.

Будьте у истоков ваших затрат.

Moner Lover управляет Вашими затратами и напоминает о подходящих к оплате счетов. Вам нужно всего лишь внести ещё не оплаченные затраты наперёд.

И ещё:
- Отслеживание и напоминание в режиме Долг/Заём
- Режим путешествий для туристов и странников.
- Сохранение и восстановление личных данных. Dropbox тоже.
- Делитесь Вашими кошельками со своими партнёрами и членами семьи.
- Поддержка наглядной часо-образной диаграммы.
- Пакет красивых иконок для конкретных целей: уход за детьми, спорт, ежедневное, покупки и т. д.

Эксклюзивные бонусы для пользователей Премиум:

- Возможности Премиум работают на всех поддерживаемых устройствах. Купите один раз и сохраните Ваши деньги на всё время.
- Неограниченные бюджеты, сбережения и мероприятия. Разблокируйте контроль управления над всеми финансовыми затратами.
- Веб-версия.
- Прочь надоедливой рекламе.
- Управление кредитными и дебетовыми картами. Просто сядьте и расслабьтесь. Money Lover сом всё сделает за Вас.
- Экспортируйте все операции в печатную версию.

И ещё многое, многое другое…


Уточнение разрешений доступа:
- Сетевая связь (доступ в Интернет) предназначена для получения обменного курса валюты и синхронизации данных резервного копирования и / или обычного кошелька.
- Социальная информация (Read Contact) предназначена для того, чтобы предлагать «С» пометить своих людей в вашем списке контактов.
- Ваше местоположение предназначено для определения вашего местоположения транзакции.
- Хранение (изменение или удаление содержимого на USB-накопителе) предназначено для создания и хранения данных резервного копирования на USB-накопителе.
- Доступ к системным инструментам - это добавление ярлыков и виджета на главном экране.

История обновлений
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
We've added the option to turn off dark mode in this version of the app. We hope our users who prefer the light mode will enjoy this update and give us a 5-star rating!
We've added the option to turn off dark mode in this version of the app. We hope our users who prefer the light mode will enjoy this update and give us a 5-star rating!
We've added the option to turn off dark mode in this version of the app. We hope our users who prefer the light mode will enjoy this update and give us a 5-star rating!
We have updated the interface for the amount displayed in dark mode, making everything easier to read.
Have you waited for DARK mode for a long long time?

We added dark mode to Money Lover which allows users to switch to a darker color scheme that is easier on the eyes in low light environments (and improve battery life)! Try and enjoy!
8 мар. 2023 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
10 февр. 2023 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
29 янв. 2023 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
8 янв. 2023 г.
Happy new year!!!
26 дек. 2022 г.
15 дек. 2022 г.
Merry Christmas!!!
7 дек. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
28 нояб. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
8 нояб. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
26 окт. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
12 окт. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
23 сент. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
20 сент. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
4 сент. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
31 июл. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
12 июл. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
6 июл. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
21 июн. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
9 июн. 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
20 мая 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
9 мая 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
25 марта 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
15 марта 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
14 февраля 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
9 января 2022 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
20 декабря 2021 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
22 ноября 2021 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
26 октября 2021 г.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.

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