Money Lover - 費用管理 Mod Apk

Money Lover - 費用管理 ハック - Mod Apk

開発者: Finsify
カテゴリー: ファイナンス
価格: 無料です


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Money Loverへようこそ – あなたの財務のお供です! 🚀

お金の管理がこれほど簡単になったことはありません!Money Loverは、支出の追跡、予算の設定、プロのように節約するための友好的なアシスタントです。笑顔でファイナンスの世界を探索しましょう! 😊

なぜMoney Loverアプリを選ぶのか?
😊 500万人以上のユーザーに信頼されています
🏆 2017年ベストAndroidアプリに選ばれました
🏅 Googleのトップ開発者
👍 2016年からのエディターズ・チョイス

🔑 主な特徴 🔑
💰 お金を追跡

🌟 予算を立てる
予算に悩んでいますか?Money Loverは予算を設定するだけでなく、あなたの履歴に基づいて将来の支出を予測します。予算に従うためのヒントも提供します。 📆

🔐 セキュリティを保つ
あなたの財務データを真剣に考えています。PINコードの設定や指紋を使って追加の安心感を得ることができます。 🛡️

📲 どこからでもアクセス可能

💡 追加特典 💡
✔ 自動的に繰り返し発生する取引を設定し、役立つリマインダーを受け取ります。
✔ 債務、ローン、回収を簡単に管理します。
✔ 複数の通貨やアカウントを簡単に使用します。
✔ クイックな計算に便利な組み込みの電卓をお楽しみください!

🌟 プレミアム特典 🌟

📚 複数のウォレット:
✔ ウォレットとは、現金、銀行口座、貯蓄口座、クレジットカードなど、あなたが持っているお金の金額を示す場所です。
✔ 家族、仕事、個人的な支出、または貯蓄目標の追跡など、さまざまな目的のために異なるウォレットを作成します。 🏦💼

📆 複数の予算:
✔ 特定の支出カテゴリーに予算を設定して、支出を抑えます。
✔ リアルタイムの統計データと日々の支出の提案を受け取って、予算にとどまるのを支援します。 📈

📊 多様なレポート:
✔ パイチャート、棒グラフ、カテゴリー別の内訳など、さまざまな形式で詳細な財務レポートを取得します。
✔ 財政状況の明確な概要を得ます。

📊 Google Sheetsへのエクスポート。

🚫 広告なし

🔗 リンクされたウォレットのサブスクリプション 🔗
銀行口座をリンクして、残高や取引が自動的に更新されるのを見守ります。すべてを一箇所にまとめて、あなたのお金を完全にコントロールします。さまざまな国で利用可能です! 🌏

🌐 プライバシーと利用規約 🌐
❓ 助けが必要ですか?質問がありますか? ❓
お手伝いします![email protected]までお問い合わせいただくか、アプリ内のヘルプ&サポートでチャットしてください。

📌 Facebook:
🌐 ウェブサイト:
📖 ブログ&ガイド:

Money Loverと共に財政的な旅を始めて、簡単で楽しい方法でお金を管理しましょう! 💪💰🎊

Fix bug widget
A Festive Look: Christmas-themed app icon and "+" button for adding transactions.
Enhanced Linked Wallet Service: Now supporting more banks in the Philippines, Malaysia, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
Improved bank connection stability and performance.
General bug fixes and improvements.
We've added the option to turn off dark mode in this version of the app. We hope our users who prefer the light mode will enjoy this update and give us a 5-star rating!
We've added the option to turn off dark mode in this version of the app. We hope our users who prefer the light mode will enjoy this update and give us a 5-star rating!
We've added the option to turn off dark mode in this version of the app. We hope our users who prefer the light mode will enjoy this update and give us a 5-star rating!
We have updated the interface for the amount displayed in dark mode, making everything easier to read.
Have you waited for DARK mode for a long long time?

We added dark mode to Money Lover which allows users to switch to a darker color scheme that is easier on the eyes in low light environments (and improve battery life)! Try and enjoy!
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
Happy new year!!!
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.
Thanks for using Money Lover! We regularly update to bring you the best experience.
Every update of Money Lover app includes bug fixes and performance improvements. As new features become available, we’ll highlight those for you in the app. If you need any support, please email to [email protected], we're always ready to support.

ハッキング方法 Money Lover - 費用管理

ダウンロード Money Lover - 費用管理 MOD APK

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4.1 点満点中 5
19.5万 件のレビュー