AWS Console Mod Apk

AWS Console Взлом - Mod Apk 3.9.1

Разработчик: AWS Mobile LLC
Категория: Бизнес
Цена: Бесплатно


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Мобильное приложение AWS Console, предоставляемое Amazon Web Services, позволяет вам просматривать выбранный набор ресурсов и управлять ими, а также получать push-уведомления, чтобы оставаться в курсе и оставаться на связи с вашими ресурсами AWS, находясь в пути.

Консольное мобильное приложение позволяет настраивать и получать push-уведомления для сервисов AWS, отслеживать ресурсы с помощью специальной информационной панели и просматривать сведения о конфигурации, метрики и сигналы тревоги для выбранных сервисов AWS. Панель мониторинга предоставляет разрешенным пользователям обзор состояния учетной записи, а также данные в режиме реального времени об Amazon CloudWatch, панели мониторинга состояния AWS, управлении выставлением счетов и затратами AWS и недавно посещенных сервисах. Вы можете просмотреть текущие проблемы и перейти к соответствующему экрану сигналов тревоги CloudWatch для подробного просмотра с графиками и параметрами конфигурации. Кроме того, вы можете проверить состояние определенных сервисов AWS, просмотреть подробные экраны ресурсов и выполнить выбранные действия.

Для консольного мобильного приложения требуется существующая учетная запись AWS. После первоначальной настройки консольное мобильное приложение позволяет вам оставаться в системе одновременно с несколькими учетными данными. В процессе входа используется биометрическая аутентификация (на поддерживаемых устройствах), что делает доступ к ресурсам AWS простым и быстрым.

Консольное мобильное приложение поддерживает Amazon API Gateway, AWS Billing and Cost Management, AWS Cost Explorer, AWS CloudFormation, AWS CloudShell, AWS CloudTrail, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon DynamoDB, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), Amazon Elastic Container Сервис (Amazon ECS), Elastic Load Balancing, AWS Identity and Access Management, AWS Lambda, AWS OpsWorks, AWS Personal Health Dashboard, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS), Amazon Route 53, функции Amazon Simple Queue Service, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), виртуальное частное облако Amazon (Amazon VPC). Кроме того, консольное мобильное приложение поддерживает 16 сервисов AWS, включая AWS Systems Manager, инструменты разработчика AWS и Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), через интегрированный мобильный веб-браузер.

Консольное мобильное приложение поддерживает Восток США (Северная Вирджиния), Восток США (Огайо), Запад США (Северная Калифорния), Запад США (Орегон), Африку (Кейптаун), Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Гонконг), Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Хайдарабад). ), Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Джакарта), Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Мельбурн), Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Мумбаи), Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Осака), Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Сеул), Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Сингапур), Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Сидней), Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион (Токио), Канада (Центр), Европа (Франкфурт), Европа (Ирландия), Европа (Лондон), Европа (Милан), Европа (Париж), Европа (Испания), Европа (Стокгольм), Европа (Цюрих), Ближний Восток (Бахрейн) , Ближний Восток (ОАЭ) и Южная Америка (Сан-Паулу).

Мы регулярно выпускаем обновления с новыми функциями. Расскажите нам, какие функции вам нужны и как вы будете их использовать, используя ссылку «Отзыв» в меню консольного мобильного приложения. Мы слушаем!

История обновлений

Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes bug fixes and UX enhancements.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes bug fixes and UX enhancements.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
Amazon Q Developer’s AWS account resources chat is now available in the AWS Console Mobile Application.

Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes few bug fixes.
This update adds support for Push Notifications. You can now create actionable push notifications from AWS services, such as CloudWatch, to be delivered to your mobile device when a resource requires your attention.

Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
This update adds support for Push Notifications. You can now create actionable push notifications from AWS services, such as CloudWatch, to be delivered to your mobile device when a resource requires your attention.

Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
This update adds support for Push Notifications. You can now create actionable push notifications from AWS services, such as CloudWatch, to be delivered to your mobile device when a resource requires your attention.

Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
15 февр. 2023 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
3 янв. 2023 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
16 нояб. 2022 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
26 окт. 2022 г.
This update adds support for AWS CloudShell. You can now quickly run scripts with the AWS Command Line Interface to interact with 250+ AWS services while on-the-go.

Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
19 окт. 2022 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes a new feature on the Dashboard which provides you with shortcuts to your recently visited AWS services.
22 сент. 2022 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes a new feature on the Dashboard which provides you with shortcuts to your recently visited AWS services.
8 сент. 2022 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes a new feature on the Dashboard which provides you with shortcuts to your recently visited AWS services.
31 авг. 2022 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes a new feature on the Dashboard which provides you with shortcuts to your recently visited AWS services.
23 авг. 2022 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes a new feature on the Dashboard which provides you with shortcuts to your recently visited AWS services.
27 июл. 2022 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes a new feature on the Dashboard which provides you with shortcuts to your recently visited AWS services.
6 июл. 2022 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
13 мая 2022 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
21 апреля 2022 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
7 апреля 2022 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
10 марта 2022 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
29 января 2022 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
10 декабря 2021 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
16 ноября 2021 г.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
15 октября 2021 г.
You can now use the Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) on the AWS Console Mobile Application. The app provides a secure and easy-to-use on-the-go solution for monitoring ECS clusters, services, configurations, tasks and container workloads. Customers can also stop ECS tasks and launch desired number of tasks for an ECS service.

Способы взлома AWS Console

Скачать AWS Console MOD APK 3.9.1

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