AWS Console Mod Apk

AWS Console ハック - Mod Apk 3.9.1

開発者: AWS Mobile LLC
カテゴリー: ビジネス
価格: 無料です


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アマゾン ウェブ サービスが提供する AWS コンソール モバイル アプリケーションを使用すると、選択したリソースのセットを表示および管理したり、プッシュ通知を受信したりして、外出先でも AWS リソースの情報を入手して接続し続けることができます。

コンソール モバイル アプリケーションを使用すると、AWS サービスのプッシュ通知を設定および受信したり、専用のダッシュボードを通じてリソースを監視したり、選択した AWS サービスの設定の詳細、メトリクス、アラームを表示したりできます。ダッシュボードは、許可されたユーザーに、Amazon CloudWatch、AWS Health Dashboard、AWS Billing and Cost Management、および最近アクセスしたサービスに関するリアルタイム データを含むアカウント ステータスの概要を提供します。進行中の問題を表示し、関連する CloudWatch アラーム画面に進み、グラフや設定オプションを含む詳細なビューを表示できます。さらに、特定の AWS サービスのステータスを確認したり、詳細なリソース画面を表示したり、選択したアクションを実行したりすることができます。

コンソール モバイル アプリケーションには既存の AWS アカウントが必要です。初期セットアップ時に、コンソール モバイル アプリケーションを使用すると、一度に複数の ID にサインインした状態を維持できます。ログインプロセスでは生体認証 (サポートされているデバイス上) が利用され、AWS リソースへのアクセスが簡単かつ迅速になります。

コンソールモバイルアプリケーションは、Amazon API Gateway、AWS Billing and Cost Management、AWS Cost Explorer、AWS CloudFormation、AWS CloudShell、AWS CloudTrail、Amazon CloudWatch、Amazon DynamoDB、AWS Elastic Beanstalk、Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)、Amazon Elastic Container をサポートします。サービス (Amazon ECS)、Elastic Load Balancing、AWS Identity and Access Management、AWS Lambda、AWS OpsWorks、AWS Personal Health Dashboard、Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS)、Amazon Route 53、Amazon Simple Queue Service の機能、Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)、Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)。さらに、コンソールモバイルアプリケーションは、統合されたモバイルウェブブラウザエクスペリエンスを介して、AWS Systems Manager、AWS Developer Tools、Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) を含む 16 の AWS サービスをサポートします。

コンソール モバイル アプリケーションは、米国東部 (バージニア北部)、米国東部 (オハイオ)、米国西部 (北カリフォルニア)、米国西部 (オレゴン)、アフリカ (ケープタウン)、アジアパシフィック (香港)、アジアパシフィック (ハイデラバード) をサポートしています。 )、アジアパシフィック (ジャカルタ)、アジアパシフィック (メルボルン)、アジアパシフィック (ムンバイ)、アジアパシフィック (大阪)、アジアパシフィック (ソウル)、アジアパシフィック (シンガポール)、アジアパシフィック (シドニー)、アジアパシフィック (東京)、カナダ (中部)、ヨーロッパ (フランクフルト)、ヨーロッパ (アイルランド)、ヨーロッパ (ロンドン)、ヨーロッパ (ミラノ)、ヨーロッパ (パリ)、ヨーロッパ (スペイン)、ヨーロッパ (ストックホルム)、ヨーロッパ (チューリッヒ)、中東 (バーレーン) 、中東(UAE)、南米(サンパウロ)。

新しい機能を含むアップデートを定期的にリリースします。コンソール モバイル アプリケーションのメニューにあるフィードバック リンクを使用して、必要な機能とその使用方法をお知らせください。聞いていますよ!


Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes bug fixes and UX enhancements.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes bug fixes and UX enhancements.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
Amazon Q Developer’s AWS account resources chat is now available in the AWS Console Mobile Application.

Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes few bug fixes.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes few bug fixes.
This update adds support for Push Notifications. You can now create actionable push notifications from AWS services, such as CloudWatch, to be delivered to your mobile device when a resource requires your attention.

Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
This update adds support for Push Notifications. You can now create actionable push notifications from AWS services, such as CloudWatch, to be delivered to your mobile device when a resource requires your attention.

Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
This update adds support for Push Notifications. You can now create actionable push notifications from AWS services, such as CloudWatch, to be delivered to your mobile device when a resource requires your attention.

Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
This update adds support for Push Notifications. You can now create actionable push notifications from AWS services, such as CloudWatch, to be delivered to your mobile device when a resource requires your attention.

Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
This update adds support for Push Notifications. You can now create actionable push notifications from AWS services, such as CloudWatch, to be delivered to your mobile device when a resource requires your attention.

Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
This update adds support for AWS CloudShell. You can now quickly run scripts with the AWS Command Line Interface to interact with 250+ AWS services while on-the-go.

Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes a new feature on the Dashboard which provides you with shortcuts to your recently visited AWS services.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes a new feature on the Dashboard which provides you with shortcuts to your recently visited AWS services.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes a new feature on the Dashboard which provides you with shortcuts to your recently visited AWS services.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We're always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

This update includes a new feature on the Dashboard which provides you with shortcuts to your recently visited AWS services.
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!
Thank you for using the AWS Console Mobile Application. We are always working to improve the user experience and add functionality. Use the menu in the app to provide feedback, report bugs, or make feature requests - we're listening!

ハッキング方法 AWS Console

ダウンロード AWS Console MOD APK 3.9.1

ダウンロード MOD APK


4.5 点満点中 5
2.19万 件のレビュー