ACNH Pocket Guide Mod Apk

ACNH Pocket Guide Взлом - Mod Apk 20.2.8

Разработчик: Dapper App Developer
Категория: Инструменты
Цена: Бесплатно


Game screenshot ACNH Pocket Guide mod apkGame screenshot ACNH Pocket Guide hackGame screenshot ACNH Pocket Guide apk download


Приложениe ACHN: Pocket Guide обладает удобным и тщательно проработанным дизайном, что позволяет легко следить за прогрессом вашей игры. В приложении отображается информация о всевозможных коллекциях - от насекомых до предметов искусства. Также приложение не даст вам забыть о важных событиях в игре. Это отличный помощник в игре!

Преимущества приложения:
- Без рекламы + полностью бесплатно
- Ночной режим
- Современный и удобный дизайн
- Оповещения об игровых событиях
- Предстоящие игровые события и дни рождения жильцов
- Календарь игровых событий и дней рождений
- Гид по подаркам от жильцов
- Поддержка нескольких островов/профилей
- Настраиваемая дата и время (для путешественников по часовым поясам)
- Список желаемого
- Список ежедневных дел
- Отслеживание цен на репку
- Отслеживание гостей NPC
- Импорт каталога
- Гид по скрещиванию цветов
- Гид по таинственным островам
- Интеграция гида и советов по игре
- Настраиваемый интерфейс и меню
- Детализированные фильтры поиска для любых вещей
Russian / Русский
(Если есть желание добавить перевод на другие языки или добавить пропущенный перевод, напишите мне на электронную почту)

- Список активных существ
- Рецепты и списки ингредиентов с указанием места их добычи
- Существа и тени рыб
- Отслеживание музейных коллекций и гид по искусству
- Информация о жителях
- Коллекции Мебели, Одежды, Полов и Обоев
- Коллекция песен К.К. Слайдера
- Коллекция реакций
- Коллекция новых вещей
- Строения и внешняя утварь
- Список открыток
- Коллекция карточек Amiibo

Нашли ошибку или есть конструктивные предложения? Просьба писать на [email protected]
Делать такого рода программы очень непросто, это заняло у нас действительно очень много времени. Мы планируем продолжать разработку обновлений и улучшать программу, насколько это возможно. Огромная просьба поставить оценку нашей программе, это поможет нам в дальнейшей работе (разумеется, мы надеемся, что вам всё нравится, иначе напишите нам письмо с описанием проблемы)

История обновлений

+ Bug Fixes
+ New ToDo list icons
+ Major internal upgrades
+ Filter Presets
Check the in-app changelog for more info!

+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Tap an item name title to view full details
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page
+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!
+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
+ New ToDo list icons
+ Major internal upgrades
+ Filter Presets
Check the in-app changelog for more info!

+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Tap an item name title to view full details
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page
+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!
+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
+ Major internal upgrades
+ Filter Presets
Check the in-app changelog for more info!

+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Tap an item name title to view full details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page
+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!
+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
+ Major internal upgrades
+ Filter Presets
Check the in-app changelog for more info!

+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Tap an item name title to view full details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page
+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!
+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Translations
+ Support page
Check the in-app changelog for more information!

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page
+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!
+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Translations
+ Support page
Check the in-app changelog for more information!

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Translations
+ Support page
Check the in-app changelog for more information!

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Translations
+ Support page
Check the in-app changelog for more information!

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Translations
+ Support page
Check the in-app changelog for more information!

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Translations
+ Support page
Check the in-app changelog for more information!

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
10 февр. 2023 г.
+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Translations
+ Support page
Check the in-app changelog for more information!

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
4 февр. 2023 г.
+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Translations
+ Support page
Check the in-app changelog for more information!

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
25 янв. 2023 г.
15 янв. 2023 г.
+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Translations
+ Support page
Check the in-app changelog for more information!

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
4 янв. 2023 г.
28 дек. 2022 г.
+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Translations
+ Support page
Check the in-app changelog for more information!

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
17 дек. 2022 г.
+ New Catalog Scanner integration
+ Translations
+ Support page
Check the in-app changelog for more information!

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
7 дек. 2022 г.
+ Translations
+ Improved user interactions and animations
+ Support page

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
4 дек. 2022 г.
+ Translations
+ Improved user interactions and animations
+ Support page

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
14 нояб. 2022 г.
+ Improved user interactions and animations
+ Improved data generation
+ Support page
+ Translations

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
3 нояб. 2022 г.
+ Improved user interactions and animations
+ Improved data generation
+ Support page
+ Translations

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
1 нояб. 2022 г.
+ Improved user interactions and animations
+ Improved data generation
+ Support page
+ Translations

+ Tap an item name title to view raw details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
12 окт. 2022 г.
+ Music box songs
+ Bug fixes
+ Translations
+ Catalog scanner variants
+ Tap an item name title to view all details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ Drag and drop tasks to change the order!
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
12 сент. 2022 г.
+ Music box songs
+ Bug fixes
+ Translations
+ Catalog scanner variants
+ Tap an item name title to view all details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ Drag and drop tasks to change the order!
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
28 авг. 2022 г.
+ Bug fixes
+ Translations improvements
+ Catalog scanner variants
+ Tap an item name title to view all details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ Drag and drop tasks to change the order!
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
16 авг. 2022 г.
+ Bug fixes
+ Translations improvements
+ Catalog scanner variants
+ Tap an item name title to view all details
+ Edit ToDo list page
+ Drag and drop tasks to change the order!
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
7 авг. 2022 г.
+ Bug fixes
+ Catalog scanner improvements
+ Tap an item's name title to view all the item's details
+ Edit ToDo items page
+ Drag and drop tasks to change the order!
+ More ToDo icons
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
25 июл. 2022 г.
+ Bug fixes
+ Catalog scanner improvements
+ Tap an item's name title to view all the item's details
+ Edit ToDo items page
+ Drag and drop tasks to change the order!
+ More ToDo icons
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
13 июл. 2022 г.
+ Bug fixes
+ Tap an item's name title to view all the item's details
+ Edit ToDo items page
+ Drag and drop tasks to change the order!
+ More ToDo icons
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page
+ Other formatting fixes

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
15 июн. 2022 г.
+ Bug fixes
+ Tap an item's name title to view all the item's details
+ Edit ToDo items page
+ Drag and drop tasks to change the order!
+ More ToDo icons
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page
+ Other formatting fixes

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
2 июн. 2022 г.
+ Bug fixes
+ Tap an item's name title to view all the item's details
+ Edit ToDo items page
+ Drag and drop tasks to change the order!
+ More ToDo icons
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page
+ Other formatting fixes

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner
+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Cloud backups
3 мая 2022 г.
+ Edit ToDo items page
+ Drag and drop tasks to change the order!
+ See items recently added to your collection in the New Items page
+ Other fixes and improvements

+ Time Travel section in home page
+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner of a list page

+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Shooting star counter
+ Cloud backups
12 апреля 2022 г.
+ Filter fixes
+ Added Time Travel section to home page
+ Calendar and Events improvements
See in app changelog

+ Check all/Uncheck all/Invert checklist for all items currently listed
Tap the three dot menu in the top right corner of a list page
+ Special NPCs for Paradise Planning

+ Custom lists (on Wishlist page)
+ Play music on the songs page!

+ All data backup
+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Tool durability tracking
+ Shooting star counter
+ Cloud backups
20 марта 2022 г.
+ Bug fixes
+ Updated translations

+ New animations
+ Create custom lists to track items and sort into categories
These lists can be accessed in the Wishlist page
+ More ToDo list icons
+ Music Player!
Play your favorite KK songs or BGM on the songs page!
+ Tap the source image for a popup

+ Added TV Guide page
+ Battery saver
+ All data backup

See in app changelog

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Tool durability tracking
+ Shooting star counter
+ Cloud backups
9 марта 2022 г.
+ Added animations
+ Added custom lists
+ Create custom lists to track items and sort into categories
+ These lists can be accessed in the Wishlist page

+ More ToDo list icons
+ Music Player!
Play your favorite KK songs or BGM on the songs page!
+ Tap the source image for a popup

+ Added TV Guide page
+ Battery saver
+ All data backup

See in app changelog

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Tool durability tracking
+ Shooting star counter
+ Cloud backups
23 февраля 2022 г.
+ More ToDo list icons
+ Music Player!
Play your favorite KK songs or BGM on the songs page!
+ Improvements to item variations
+ Tap the source image for a popup
+ Bug fixes

+ Added TV Guide page
+ Battery saver
+ All data backup

See in app changelog

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Tool durability tracking
+ Shooting star counter

Past changes:
+ Paradise Planning Checklist
+ Calendar and Events page
+ Cloud backups
+ Track Amibo collection
+ Event items tracking
5 февраля 2022 г.
+ Craftable items information for creatures
+ Active creature month and time as text label in addition to visual
+ Bug fixes
+ Customize Collection count section
+ Added TV Guide page
+ Battery saver setting
+ All data backup option

See in app changelog

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Tool durability tracking
+ Shooting star counter

Past changes:
+ Paradise Planning Checklist
+ Calendar and Events page
+ Cloud backups
+ Track Amibo collection
+ Event items tracking
30 января 2022 г.
+ Customize Collection count section
+ Bug fixes
+ Added TV Guide page
+ Battery saver setting
+ Added Happy Home Network Code entry to profile
+ All data backup option
+ Updated translations
+ UX improvements

See in app changelog

+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Tool durability tracking
+ Shooting star counter
+ Updated translations
+ Poki prices

Past changes:
+ Paradise Planning Checklist
+ Calendar and Events page
+ Cloud backups
+ Track Amibo collection
+ Event items tracking
24 января 2022 г.
+ Bug fixes and stability
+ Battery saver setting
+ Added Happy Home Network Code entry to profile
+ All data backup option
+ UX improvements

+ Improved back button navigation
+ Swipe down on home page for quick search
+ Tool durability tracking
+ Shooting star counter
+ New animations
+ New filters
+ Updated translations
+ Poki prices

See in app changelog

Past changes:
+ Paradise Planning Checklist
+ Calendar and Events page
+ Cloud backups
+ Track Amibo collection
+ Event items tracking
10 января 2022 г.
+ New items added
+ Poki prices
+ New filters
+ Huge performance improvements
+ Bug fixes
+ Updated translations

See in app changelog

Past changes:
+ ToDo list daily reset feature
+ 2.0 update items
+ Paradise Planning Checklist
+ Added new Calendar and Events page
+ Better navigation
+ Cloud backups
+ Customize the order of the sidebar pages or home page sections
+ Profiles
+ Amiibo card collection
+ Track event items by tapping the event
+ Event notifications
5 января 2022 г.
+ Bug fixes
+ Updated translations
+ Performance improvements

See in app changelog

+ ToDo list daily reset feature
+ Fixed notifications and icon
+ 2.0 update items
+ Password reset for backup account

Past changes:
+ Paradise Planning page and Checklist
+ Added new Calendar and Events page
+ Better navigation
+ Cloud backups
+ Customize the order of the sidebar pages or home page sections
+ Profiles
+ Amiibo card collection
+ Track event items by tapping the event
+ Event notifications
15 декабря 2021 г.
+ Bug fixes
+ ToDo list daily reset feature
+ UI Tweaks
+ Fixed notifications and icon
+ Added 2.0 update items
+ Added password reset for backup account
+ Added Paradise Planning page and Checklist
See in app changelog

+ Added new Calendar and Events page
+ Better navigation
+ Added cloud backups!

Past changes:
+ Customize the order of the sidebar pages or home page sections
+ Profiles
+ Amiibo card collection
+ Track event items by tapping the event
+ Event notifications
8 декабря 2021 г.
+ More bug fixes

+ ToDo list daily reset feature
+ Improved UI
+ Fixed notifications and icon
+ Added 2.0 update items
+ Added password reset for backup account
+ Added Paradise Planning page and Checklist
See in app changelog

+ Added new Calendar and Events page
+ Better navigation
+ Added cloud backups!

Past changes:
+ Customize the order of the sidebar pages or home page sections
+ Profiles
+ Amiibo card collection
+ Track event items by tapping the event
+ Event notifications
3 декабря 2021 г.
+ More bug fixes
+ ToDo list daily reset feature
+ Improved UI
+ Fixed notifications and icon
+ Added 2.0 update items
+ Added password reset for backup account
+ Added Paradise Planning page and Checklist
See in app changelog

+ Added new Calendar and Events page
+ Better navigation
+ Added cloud backups!

Past changes:
+ Customize the order of the sidebar pages or home page sections
+ Profiles
+ Amiibo card collection
+ Track event items by tapping the event
+ Event notifications
24 ноября 2021 г.
+ More bug fixes/tweaks
+ Added password reset for backup account
+ Added 2.0 update items
+ Added Paradise Planning page and Checklist
+ Added Interior Structures
See in app changelog

+ Added new Calendar and Events page
+ Can see all events happening today on home page
+ Better navigation
+ Added cloud backups!

Past changes:
+ Customize the order of the sidebar pages or home page sections
+ Profiles
+ Amiibo card collection
+ Track event items by tapping the event
+ Event notifications
7 ноября 2021 г.
6 ноября 2021 г.
+ Added 2.0 update items
+ Many bug fixes/tweaks
+ Please wait for fixes with the data
See in app changelog

+ Added new Calendar and Events page
+ Can see all events happening today on home page
+ Better navigation
+ Added cloud backups!

Past changes:
+ Customize the order of the sidebar pages or home page sections
+ Added Label Theme filters
+ Donated to museum checklist
+ Profiles
+ Amiibo card collection
+ See event items by tapping the event
+ Event notifications
+ Achievements

Способы взлома ACNH Pocket Guide

Скачать ACNH Pocket Guide MOD APK 20.2.8

Скачать MOD APK


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8,7 тыс. отзывов

Другие приложения этого разработчика