Poke Genie -Remote Raid IV PvP Mod Apk

Poke Genie -Remote Raid IV PvP Взлом - Mod Apk 8.10.1

Разработчик: Poke Genie
Категория: Инструменты
Цена: Бесплатно


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⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ Присоединяйтесь к миллионам тренеров, которые используют Poke Genie, чтобы улучшить свои впечатления от Pokemon Go! ⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆
⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆ С более чем 20 000 000 загрузок Poke Genie является самым популярным приложением-компаньоном Pokemon Go во всем мире⋆⋆⋆⋆⋆
Poke Genie — это безопасный, надежный и простой в использовании инструмент, помогающий тренерам Pokemon Go оценивать скрытые значения, анализировать статистику сражений, организовывать сбор покемонов, планировать рейды и PvP-сражения, генерировать собственные имена покемонов, моделировать затраты на усиление и результаты очистки, и т. д. — важное и всеобъемлющее руководство для каждого игрока в Pokemon Go.

Ключевая особенность:

- IV (Individual Value) - показатель потенциала покемона, критический критерий разумного инвестирования звездной пыли и конфет в достойных покемонов. Просто отсканируйте страницу Pokemon или экран оценки руководителя группы, чтобы получить результаты.

- Присоединяйтесь к удаленным рейдам с тренерами по всему миру! Просто выберите рейдового босса, и Poke Genie автоматически сопоставит вас с другими тренерами. Это так просто! Играйте в любом месте в любое время. Региональные и легендарные рейдовые боссы никогда больше не будут недоступны.

- Высокий IV может быть не оптимальным для PvP в Великой и Ультра-лигах. Оптимальный IV для PvP — это очень специфическая комбинация, которая максимизирует боевые характеристики ниже лимита CP и отличается для каждого покемона. Не переносите, пока не проверите PvP IV! Не пропустите эти скрытые драгоценные камни.

- Генератор имен автоматически генерирует форматированный текст для переименования, который можно вставить в Pokemon Go. Эти инструменты помогут вам упростить проверку IV и переименование покемонов быстрее, чем когда-либо прежде.

- Хотите улучшить свою игру в рейдах и битвах в спортзалах? Пусть Poke Genie поможет! Боевой симулятор выберет лучшие фишки из вашей собственной коллекции покемонов, чтобы помочь вам повысить процент побед, а также сократить использование зелий и оживить. Poke Genie порекомендует оптимальные команды для рейдовых сражений с минимальным вмешательством пользователя (просто сканируйте и вперед). Позвольте Poke Genie выбрать вашу команду, собраться в игре и играть. Poke Genie точно скажет вам ваши шансы на победу, чтобы вы могли уверенно и уверенно побеждать рейдовых боссов.

- Система ранжирования наборов приемов Poke Genie запускает большое количество симуляций сражений, чтобы точно рассчитать DPS наборов приемов, отражающий фактическую производительность в бою.

- Poke Genie каталогизирует всех покемонов, доступных в игре, и предоставляет исчерпывающую таблицу данных для каждого покемона с подробным описанием базовой статистики, максимальной статистики, заметных CP, соотношения полов, расстояния приятеля, дерева эволюции, списка движений и т. д.

- Нет необходимости запоминать эффективность типов наизусть. Просто используйте справочный инструмент Poke Genie по эффективности типов, чтобы искать информацию о слабости/сопротивлении/эффективности на ходу.

- Poke Genie автоматически сохраняет историю результатов сканирования, отображаемых в удобном для чтения виде, таким образом сохраняя надежную и легко сортируемую/фильтруемую запись. С Poke Genie вы можете легко оценивать и отслеживать всю свою коллекцию покемонов.

- Вы когда-нибудь задумывались, сколько CP будет у вашего покемона после усиления, эволюции или очищения? Функция «Симулятор усиления/эволюции» Poke Genie показывает вам точные CP и HP, а также количество пыли и конфет, которые тратятся на каждое усиление и эволюцию. Poke Genie рассчитывает их на основе IV вашего покемона, чтобы дать вам наиболее точные результаты. С Poke Genie вы никогда не будете тратить пыль и конфеты на слабого покемона!

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Полагаясь только на снимок экрана/запись экрана и не требуя входа в систему, Poke Genie полностью соответствует условиям обслуживания Niantic и безопасен в использовании.

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Poke Genie — это стороннее приложение, созданное фанатами и не связанное с брендом Pokémon, Niantic, Pokemon Go или Nintendo.

История обновлений

- A new option to report weatherboost discrepancy is available in the post-raid questionnaire, allowing users who have enabled specific weatherboost settings to provide feedback.
** Tip: When hosting a raid, in case of weather changes in the game, use [3-dot menu -> Modify Weather] to keep the weather info up-to-date.
- Bug fixes
Added two more colored favorite stars (indigo & black) for labeling scan entries and applying name template conditions
Added support for Pokemon from the Paldea region.

- The Battle Simulator now supports Shadow Raids, with various settings such as with/without Purified Gems, custom trainer group size, etc.
- Scan entries with Mega form populated are considered in simulations, regardless of current state. A list of appropriate Mega Candidates are offered in the simulation results as well as Raid Lobby screen, so that you can conveniently select the preferred one to incorporate into the Battle Team.
Added support for Pokemon from the Paldea region.

- The Battle Simulator now supports Shadow Raids, with various settings such as with/without Purified Gems, custom trainer group size, etc.
- Scan entries with Mega form populated are considered in simulations, regardless of current state. A list of appropriate Mega Candidates are offered in the simulation results as well as Raid Lobby screen, so that you can conveniently select the preferred one to incorporate into the Battle Team.
Added support for Pokemon from the Paldea region.

- The Battle Simulator now supports Shadow Raids, with various settings such as with/without Purified Gems, custom trainer group size, etc.
- Scan entries with Mega form populated are considered in simulations, regardless of current state. A list of appropriate Mega Candidates are offered in the simulation results as well as Raid Lobby screen, so that you can conveniently select the preferred one to incorporate into the Battle Team.
Vastly improved Battle Simulator!
- The Battle Simulator now supports Shadow Raids, with various settings such as with/without Purified Gems, custom trainer group size, etc.
- Scan entries with Mega form populated are considered in simulations, regardless of current state. A list of appropriate Mega Candidates are offered in the simulation results as well as Raid Lobby screen, so that you can conveniently select the preferred one to incorporate into the Battle Team.
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
Bug fixes
28 февр. 2023 г.
Update game data
22 февр. 2023 г.
Remember to specify your team in the Raid Profile, because now Guests are matched to gyms of their own team color for Legendary raids, whenever possible. This will help earn extra Premier Balls to boost your chance of catching the Boss.
6 февр. 2023 г.
Remember to specify your team in the Raid Profile, because now Guests are matched to gyms of their own team color for Legendary raids, whenever possible. This will help earn extra Premier Balls to boost your chance of catching the Boss.
27 дек. 2022 г.
Remember to specify your team in the Raid Profile, because now Guests are matched to gyms of their own team color for Legendary raids, whenever possible. This will help earn extra Premier Balls to boost your chance of catching the Boss.
13 дек. 2022 г.
- Introducing the new "Raid Shop", where subscriptions and single-use items can be purchased to enhance your raid experience with Poke Genie.
- Guests will be matched to gyms of their own team color for Legendary raids, whenever possible. This will help earn extra Premier Balls to boost your chance of catching the Boss.
1 дек. 2022 г.
- Introducing the new "Raid Shop", where subscriptions and single-use items can be purchased to enhance your raid experience with Poke Genie.
- Coming soon: Guests will be matched to gyms of their own team color for Legendary raids, whenever possible. This will help earn extra Premier Balls to boost your chance of catching the Boss.
11 нояб. 2022 г.
- Host can now remove Guests from the lobby if no friend request is received.
- Hosts can now edit the weather while waiting in the Hosts' queue.
3 нояб. 2022 г.
- Host can now remove Guests from the lobby if no friend request is received.
- Hosts can now edit the weather while waiting in the Hosts' queue.
12 сент. 2022 г.
- Host can now remove Guests from the lobby if no friend request is received.
- Hosts can now edit the weather while waiting in the Hosts' queue.
6 сент. 2022 г.
- Host can now remove Guests from the lobby if no friend request is received.
- Hosts can now edit the weather while waiting in the Hosts' queue.
14 авг. 2022 г.
- New feature coming soon: Host will be able to remove Guests from the lobby if no friend request is received.
- Hosts can now edit the weather while waiting in the Hosts' queue.
19 июл. 2022 г.
- Updated Game Data

Earn rewards and perks through joining and hosting Remote Raids in Poke Genie!
- Introducing Host Levels and Battle Levels, which come with great benefits such as matching with higher quality Trainers as you level up
- Damage Contribution can now be verified, resulting in additional rewards and improved match quality
4 июл. 2022 г.
- Updated Game Data

Earn rewards and perks through joining and hosting Remote Raids in Poke Genie!
- Introducing Host Levels and Battle Levels, which come with great benefits such as matching with higher quality Trainers as you level up
- Damage Contribution can now be verified, resulting in additional rewards and improved match quality
25 июн. 2022 г.
- Host can lock Lobby sooner for Tier 1 & 3 Raids
- Added "Lowest stage of an evolutionary line has higher priority for Little Cup" option to PvP IV Settings

Earn rewards and perks through joining and hosting Remote Raids in Poke Genie!
- Introducing Host Levels and Battle Levels, which come with great benefits such as matching with higher quality Trainers as you level up
- Damage Contribution can now be verified, resulting in additional rewards and improved match quality
17 июн. 2022 г.
- Host can lock Lobby sooner for Tier 1 & 3 Raids
- Added "Lowest stage of an evolutionary line has higher priority for Little Cup" option to PvP IV Settings

Earn rewards and perks through joining and hosting Remote Raids in Poke Genie!
- Introducing Host Levels and Battle Levels, which come with great benefits such as matching with higher quality Trainers as you level up
- Damage Contribution can now be verified, resulting in additional rewards and improved match quality
7 июн. 2022 г.
- Host can lock Lobby sooner for Tier 1 & 3 Raids
- Added "Lowest stage of an evolutionary line has higher priority for Little Cup" option to PvP IV Settings

Earn rewards and perks through joining and hosting Remote Raids in Poke Genie!
- Introducing Host Levels and Battle Levels, which come with great benefits such as matching with higher quality Trainers as you level up
- Damage Contribution can now be verified, resulting in additional rewards and improved match quality
27 мая 2022 г.
- Addressed battle mechanics changes related Mega raids

Earn rewards and perks through joining and hosting Remote Raids in Poke Genie!
- Introducing Host Levels and Battle Levels, which come with great benefits such as matching with higher quality Trainers as you level up
- Damage Contribution can now be verified, resulting in additional rewards and improved match quality
- Tap on Trainer Names in the Lobby screen to see their profiles
17 мая 2022 г.
- Addressed battle mechanics changes related Mega raids

Earn rewards and perks through joining and hosting Remote Raids in Poke Genie!
- Introducing Host Levels and Battle Levels, which come with great benefits such as matching with higher quality Trainers as you level up
- Damage Contribution can now be verified, resulting in additional rewards and improved match quality
- Tap on Trainer Names in the Lobby screen to see their profiles
30 апреля 2022 г.
- Addressed battle mechanics changes related Mega raids

Earn rewards and perks through joining and hosting Remote Raids in Poke Genie!
- Introducing Host Levels and Battle Levels, which come with great benefits such as matching with higher quality Trainers as you level up
- Damage Contribution can now be verified, resulting in additional rewards and improved match quality
- Tap on Trainer Names in the Lobby screen to see their profiles
7 апреля 2022 г.
- Added support for Exeggcute's evolution into Alolan Exeggutor

Earn rewards and perks through joining and hosting Remote Raids in Poke Genie!
- Introducing Host Levels and Battle Levels, which come with great benefits such as matching with higher quality Trainers as you level up
- Damage Contribution can now be verified, resulting in additional rewards and improved match quality
- Tap on Trainer Names in the Lobby screen to see their profiles
23 марта 2022 г.
Earn rewards and perks through joining and hosting Remote Raids in Poke Genie!
- Introducing Host Levels and Battle Levels, which come with great benefits such as matching with higher quality Trainers as you level up
- Damage Contribution can now be verified, resulting in additional rewards and improved match quality
- Tap on Trainer Names in the Lobby screen to see their profiles
20 марта 2022 г.
Earn rewards and perks through joining and hosting Remote Raids in Poke Genie!
- Introducing Host Levels and Battle Levels, which come with great benefits such as matching with higher quality Trainers as you level up
- Damage Contribution can now be verified, resulting in additional rewards and improved match quality
- Tap on Trainer Names in the Lobby screen to see their profiles
2 марта 2022 г.
Added support for Pokemon in the Alola region (Generation 7).
24 февраля 2022 г.
- Added support for Sacred Fire and Aeroblast plus moves

- Added access to the rest of the app while waiting to join Raids.

- New "Raid History" section in the raid trainer profile for reviewing recent raid activities and feedback of other participants.
- New options to report user non-participation and trainer name discrepancy have been added to the post-raid questionnaire.
28 января 2022 г.
- Update Game Data

- Added access to the rest of the app while waiting to join Raids.

- New "Raid History" section in the raid trainer profile for reviewing recent raid activities and feedback of other participants.
- New options to report user non-participation and trainer name discrepancy have been added to the post-raid questionnaire.
23 ноября 2021 г.
- Bug fixes

- Added access to the rest of the app while waiting to join Raids.

- New "Raid History" section in the raid trainer profile for reviewing recent raid activities and feedback of other participants.
- New options to report user non-participation and trainer name discrepancy have been added to the post-raid questionnaire.
11 ноября 2021 г.
Improvements made to the Poke Genie Remote Raid system:

- Added access to the rest of the app while waiting to join Raids.

- New "Raid History" section in the raid trainer profile for reviewing recent raid activities and feedback of other participants.
- New options to report user non-participation and trainer name discrepancy have been added to the post-raid questionnaire.
23 октября 2021 г.
Improvements made to the Poke Genie Remote Raid system:
- New "Raid History" section in the raid trainer profile for reviewing recent raid activities and feedback of other participants.
- New options to report user non-participation and trainer name discrepancy have been added to the post-raid questionnaire.

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