DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV Mod Apk

DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV Взлом - Mod Apk 4.4.7-gplay

Разработчик: bitfire web engineering
Категория: Работа
Цена: 599,00 ₽ (Download for free)


Game screenshot DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV mod apkGame screenshot DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV hackGame screenshot DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV apk download


Если у вас возникли проблемы, свяжитесь с нами: [email protected] или загляните на наши форумы: https://www.davx5.com/forums/ вместо того, чтобы голосовать против. приложение, чтобы мы могли оказать поддержку.

DAVx⁵ — единственное универсальное приложение для CalDAV, CardDAV и WebDAV! Это полнофункциональное решение для синхронизации ваших контактов (CardDAV), календарей (CalDAV) и ваших задач (на основе VTODO). Приложение легко настроить и прекрасно интегрируется с вашим любимым приложением календаря/контактов (включая приложения по умолчанию). Его также можно использовать отдельно, если у вас есть CalDAV, CardDAV или только Tasks. DAVx⁵ также можно использовать для доступа к удаленным файлам WebDAV.

Хотите отслеживать задачи, заметки и журналы? Попробуйте jtxBoard:
DAVx⁵ может синхронизировать все с jtx Board с вашим собственным сервером!

Совместим практически со всеми серверами и сервисами CalDAV/CardDAV, включая Nextcloud, iCloud и Synology!

После установки вы можете добавить учетную запись DAVx⁵ для CalDAV и CardDAV из приложения. См. https://www.davx5.com/tested-with/ для получения помощи. Для получения дополнительной информации см. руководство: https://www.davx5.com/manual/, часто задаваемые вопросы: https://www.davx5.com/faq/ и наши форумы: https://www.davx5.com. /форумы/

Основные особенности:

⊛ Синхронизируйте свои календари (CalDAV), адресные книги (CardDAV) и задачи (VTODO через CalDAV) в одном приложении.
⊛ Двусторонняя синхронизация (сервер ↔ клиент)
⊛ Получайте доступ к файлам WebDAV и работайте с удаленными хранилищами — так же легко, как если бы они были локальными на устройстве.
⊛ Безупречная интеграция с вашим устройством и любимыми приложениями.
⊛ Простая настройка (автоопределение ресурсов, поддержка самозаверяющих сертификатов, аутентификация по клиентским сертификатам)
⊛ Быстрые алгоритмы для высокой производительности (CTag/ETag, ограничение диапазона времени синхронизации для прошлых событий, многопоточная синхронизация)
⊛ Оптимизировано для телефонов и планшетов. Обратная совместимость со старыми версиями Android.
⊛ Возможности управления в приложении (создание и удаление новых календарей, адресных книг и списков дел*)
⊛ Супербезопасность, и мы уважаем вашу конфиденциальность!
⊛ Абсолютно никакой рекламы и никакого отслеживания.
⊛ Соответствует GDPR.
⊛ DAVx⁵ имеет полностью открытый исходный код.

* зависит от реализации сервера/может поддерживаться не всеми серверами

Важные замечания по совместимости

Внимание: DAVx⁵ нельзя переносить на SD-карту! Это приведет к странному поведению, включая потерю учетной записи и данных.

Воспользуйтесь преимуществами этого приложения…

⊛ … при использовании с вашим собственным сервером DAV (Radicale, DAViCal, SabreDAV, Baikal, …) и HTTPS — вы владеете и контролируете все свои данные, одновременно имея комфортную синхронизацию между различными устройствами. Или воспользуйтесь размещенной службой DAV, которой вы доверяете, или службой вашей компании.
⊛ … и объединить его с хранилищем Evolution / Thunderbird / WebDAV и т. д. на своем компьютере.

Успешно протестировано с:

⊛ 1CRM
⊛ А1.нет
⊛ all-inkl.com
⊛ Почта АОЛ
⊛ Байкал
⊛ Битрикс24
⊛ Сервер календаря и контактов
⊛ cПанель
⊛ Сайрус IMAP
⊛ ДАВиКал
⊛ Шлюз Давмейл
⊛ Дэйлайт
⊛ EG групповое программное обеспечение
⊛ Фастмейл
⊛ фрукты
⊛ Гугл
⊛ Офис группы
⊛ Hetzner КонсольH
⊛ Орда
⊛ Ледяная Варп
⊛ Айклауд
⊛ Керио Коннект
⊛ Колаб сейчас
⊛ Копано
⊛ счастливое облако
⊛ Сервер macOS
⊛ mail.de
⊛ почта.ру
⊛ mailbox.org
⊛ Почтовый забор
⊛ МДаемон
⊛ Следующее облако
⊛ openCRX
⊛ Улей Оракула
⊛ Oracle Communications UCS
⊛ собственноеОблако
⊛ СобственныйКуб
⊛ Постео
⊛ Радикале
⊛ Умная почта
⊛ Синология ДСМ
⊛ Командная коробка
⊛ Зубец 2.0
⊛ Т-Онлайн
⊛ веб-сайт
⊛ Ксандикос
⊛ Yahoo Mail! (только календарь)
⊛ Яндекс
⊛ Зимбра
⊛ Зохо

⊛ … и многие другие: https://www.davx5.com/tested-with/

Также доступна отдельная бизнес-версия с корпоративными функциями, такими как массовое развертывание и предварительно настраиваемые параметры: https://www.davx5.com/organizations/managed-davx5

Политика конфиденциальности: Узнайте, как мы обрабатываем ваши данные: https://www.davx5.com/privacy/

История обновлений


* Fix a crash with certificate handling
* Fixes displaying of unneeded notifications
* A lot of refactoring under the hood

3 new Badges are available! DAVx⁵ is a one-time payment but if you like what we do you can collect "Badges" from the navigation menu to further support us. This is highly appreciated <3

* Various UI improvements (show hints if storages are deactivated, "show only personal" now displays immideately, whitespaces in URIs are now automatically trimmed)
* A lot of refactoring under the hood

3 new Badges are available! DAVx⁵ is a one-time payment but if you like what we do you can collect "Badges" from the navigation menu to further support us. This is highly appreciated <3

* A lot of refactoring under the hood
* Better error handling when dealing with RDATE and EXDATE
* [WebDAV] Improve chaching
* [Push] Provide drop-down to choose desired push distributor
* [Push] Automatic re-subscribing to CalDAV collections

3 new Badges are available! DAVx⁵ is a one-time payment but if you like what we do you can collect "Badges" from the navigation menu to further support us. This is highly appreciated <3

* Improved compatibility for processing
* Basic Edge-To-Edge compatibility
* [Push] Expiration is now handeled for subscribed collections
* 3 new Badges available!

and much more below the surface regarding bug fixing and improvements.

New Badges are available! DAVx⁵ is a one-time payment but if you like what we do you can collect "Badges" from the navigation menu to further support us. This is highly appreciated <3

A lot of work and improvements, mostly under the hood has been done ;-)

DAVx⁵ is a one-time payment but if you like what we do you can collect "Badges" from the navigation menu to further support us. This is highly appreciated <3

* [TLS] allow users to manually verify and accept valid certificates that are issued for a wrong host name again
* [CalDAV] fix double-quote escaping
* [CardDAV] show sync status correctly also for address book synchronization
* minor fixes + improvements

10 incredible years of DAVx⁵ - WOW! If you like this project and our on-going development you can purchase various badges from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

* custom (self-signed) certificates: persist user trust across app restarts again
* clean up translations
* minor bug fixes and improvements (including documentation)

10 incredible years of DAVx⁵ - WOW! If you like this project and our on-going development you can purchase various badges from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3


* new VPN setting to better control "Internet" connectivity
* fix problem that caused battery drain
* fixed rare migration bug
* [CalDAV] better ignoring of local empty or blank values
* [CardDAV] improved group support with KIND values
* and more!

10 incredible years of DAVx⁵ - WOW! If you like this project and our on-going development you can purchase various badges from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

* [Google OAuth] fix redirect problem in davx5-ose
* fix background crash when sync framework tries to interrupt sync
* add native per-app language support again
* 3 new badges can be purchased in the side menu if you want to additionally support us

10 incredible years of DAVx⁵ - WOW! If you like this project and our on-going development you can purchase various badges from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

* New: _all_ Calendars detected when using Google as Server
* Test Internet connection before Sync is run (important for VPN);
* Sync via Sync-Framework (triggered by Calendar Apps or jtx Board) blocks the sync again (= possible to see when sync is finished);
* minor Bug fixes

9+ years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can purchase various badges from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

* New: _all_ Calendars detected when using Google as Server;
* Test Internet connection before Sync is run (important for VPN);
* Sync via Sync-Framework (triggered by Calendar Apps or jtx Board) blocks the sync again (= possible to see when sync is finished);
* minor Bug fixes

9+ years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can purchase various badges from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

* Provide OAuth Login for Google
* automatic sync over WorkManager → now also syncs when Android thinks that "storage is low"
* improve timezones compatibility /w negative DST
* [WebDAV] fix time-zone issue
* [UI] added "Last sync" time to collection properties
* improve features with jtx Board

9+ years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can purchase various badges from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

* automatic sync over WorkManager → now also syncs when Android thinks that "storage is low"
* improve timezones compatibility /w negative DST
* [WebDAV] fix time-zone issue
* [UI] added "Last sync" time to collection properties
* makeAmazon devices more compatible
* improve features with jtx Board

9+ years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can now purchase our anniversary badge from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

* service detection: don't show error when display names are not available
* [CalDAV] some invalid properties are now ignored
* improved logging
* minor improvements and bug fixes, new translations

9+ years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can now purchase our anniversary badge from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3
20 мар. 2023 г.
https://github.com/bitfireAT/davx5-ose/discussions/10 new and updated translations

* Fixed missing languages and wrong display
* support jtx Board recurrence handling
* show real name of davowner
* Provide owner url in jtx collection
* Fixed language selector icon for night mode

9+ years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can now purchase our anniversary badge from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3
13 мар. 2023 г.

* Fixed missing languages and wrong display
* support jtx Board recurrence handling
* show real name of davowner
* Provide owner url in jtx collection
* Fixed language selector icon for night mode

9+ years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can now purchase our anniversary badge from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3
8 февр. 2023 г.

- WorkManager for manual sync
- refactored service detection
- improved jtx Board compatibility
- [WebDAV] improved compatibility with SeedVault
- [UI] added Mastodon link to navigation drawer
- [UI] support per-app language selection (Android 13)

9 years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can now purchase our anniversary badge from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3
10 дек. 2022 г.

* Nextcloud Login Flow should work again
* Remove forced "Sync only in WiFi" when Data Saver is active

9 years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can now purchase our anniversary badge from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3
29 нояб. 2022 г.

● marked as compatible with Android 13 (handle notification permission)
● better read-only address book support
● minor improvements and bug fixes

9 years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can now purchase our anniversary badge from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3
25 окт. 2022 г.

● use switches instead of checkboxes in account
● improved read-only option for contacts
● workaround for HUAWEI Harmony OS3 upgrade bug
● improved compatibility with structured addresses within Android Contact apps that support structured addresses
● and much more!

9 years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can now purchase our anniversary badge from the navigation menu. Thank you so much! <3
20 сент. 2022 г.

* [CalDAV] fix issue that occured because of time zone renaming Europe/Kiev → Europe/Kyiv
* [CalDAV] don't validate email addresses of attendees strictly
* [CalDAV] fix parsing of empty colors (
* Ignore empty X-APPLE-CALENDAR-COLOR ical4android#52)
* [jtx Board] increase compatibility and bug fixes

If you want to support this project and our on-going development you can always purchase in-app badges from the navigation menu. Thank you very much in advance! <3
8 сент. 2022 г.

* [CardDAV] fixed contacts sync problem on Android <8
* [CalDAV] fixed problem where COUNT=-1 was mistakenly added when invalid RRULE was repaired
* [CalDAV] always set UNTIL of repaired RRULEs in UTC
* [CalDAV] generate random filename if UID can't be used
* migrate to billing libv5

If you want to support this project and our on-going development you can always purchase in-app badges from the navigation menu. Thank you very much in advance! <3
29 авг. 2022 г.

* CalDAV: refactor and improve event validation and repairing (especially with recurring events)
* WebDAV: connections now have a delete symbol, so that people know that they would delete the connection
* minor bug fixes and improvements

If you want to support this project and our on-going development you can always purchase in-app badges from the navigation menu. Thank you very much in advance! <3
21 июн. 2022 г.
Version 4.2.2

* improve compatibility with jtxBoard
* WebCal activity does work again and transmit the feed URL to a capable webcal app
* minor improvements and bugfixes

If you like the DAVx⁵ project you can always further support us by earning in-app badges (side drawer / earn badges). Thank you! <3
22 мая 2022 г.
* fixing the newly added "Earn badges" feature. If you supported us please earn the badge again (already bought badges have been refunded). Thank you <3!
* you can now unlock feature-free badges to further support our project *THANK YOU!*
* you can now setup DAVx5 via clicking a link caldavs:// carddav:// or davx5:// URLs. It will preload data in the setup (QR code scan is also possible).
* fixed a crash when PERIOD and RDATE is used
5 мая 2022 г.
* you can now unlock feature-free badges to further support our project *THANK YOU <3!*
* improved handling of servers that don't support VJOURNAL (mailbox.org)
* improved compatibility with servers (Joomla extension DPcalendar for example)
* you can now setup DAVx5 via clicking a link caldavs:// carddav:// or davx5:// URLs. It will preload data in the setup (QR code scan is also possible).
* fixed a crash when PERIOD and RDATE is used
24 марта 2022 г.

* NEW: jtx Board integration: Sync Journals, Notes and Tasks with "jtx Board" app is now possible. jtx Board is using the open standards VJOURNAL and VTODO
Get it here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=at.techbee.jtx
* NEW: SOCKS proxy support for .onion URLs with Orbot/Tor
* allows saving high resolution contact photos
25 декабря 2021 г.

* improve WebDAV access and cache
* debug info: show available/total storage memory
* improve SRV record resolving (especially on Android ≥10)
* fixed a bug when the FN field was not present in a contacts vcard
* minor optimizations and bug fixes
11 октября 2021 г.
DAVx⁵ 4.0!

New core feature: Live and remote access for your WebDAV files is now available. DAVx⁵ offers a seamless integration of your files in your Android! This feature is accessible via DAVx5 → Tools → WebDAV mounts.

* New UI for WebDAV files access
* WebDAV: New notifications when streaming files
* WebDAV: Now shows quotas for the directory (when provided by the server)
* CardDAV: fixed a few bugs when using contact groups

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Скачать DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV MOD APK 4.4.7-gplay

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