DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV Mod Apk

DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV ハック - Mod Apk 4.4.7-gplay

開発者: bitfire web engineering
カテゴリー: 仕事効率化
価格: ¥950 (Download for free)


Game screenshot DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV mod apkGame screenshot DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV hackGame screenshot DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV apk download


問題が発生した場合は、反対票を投じるのではなく、[email protected] までご連絡いただくか、https://www.davx5.com/forums/ のフォーラムをご覧ください。アプリを使用してサポートを提供します。

DAVx⁵ は、CalDAV、CardDAV、WebDAV のすべてに対応する唯一のオールインワン アプリです。これは、連絡先 (CardDAV)、カレンダー (CalDAV)、およびタスク (VTODO ベース) のための完全な機能を備えた同期ソリューションです。このアプリはセットアップが簡単で、お気に入りのカレンダー/連絡先アプリ (デフォルトのアプリを含む) と完全に統合されます。 CalDAV、CardDAV、またはタスクのみをお持ちの場合は、個別に使用することもできます。 DAVx⁵ を使用して、リモート WebDAV ファイルにアクセスすることもできます。

タスク、メモ、日記を追跡したいですか? jtxBoard を試してください:
DAVx⁵ は、jtx Board からすべてを自分のサーバーと同期できます。

Nextcloud、iCloud、Synology など、ほぼすべての CalDAV/CardDAV サーバーおよびサービスと互換性があります。

インストール後、アプリ内から CalDAV と CardDAV の DAVx⁵ アカウントを追加できます。ヘルプについては、https://www.davx5.com/tested-with/ を参照してください。詳細については、マニュアル: https://www.davx5.com/manual/、FAQ: https://www.davx5.com/faq/、およびフォーラム: https://www.davx5.com を参照してください。 /フォーラム/


⊛ カレンダー (CalDAV)、アドレス帳 (CardDAV)、タスク (CalDAV 経由の VTODO) を 1 つのアプリで同期
⊛ 双方向同期 (サーバー ↔ クライアント)
⊛ WebDAV ファイルにアクセスし、リモート ストレージを操作します。デバイス上でローカルにある場合と同じようにシームレスに操作できます。
⊛ デバイスやお気に入りのアプリとの完璧な統合
⊛ 簡単なセットアップ (リソースの自動検出、自己署名証明書のサポート、クライアント証明書による認証)
⊛ 高性能のための高速アルゴリズム (CTag/ETag、過去のイベントの同期時間範囲の制限、マルチスレッド同期)
⊛ 携帯電話やタブレット用に最適化されています。古い Android バージョンの下位互換性。
⊛ アプリ内の管理オプション (新しいカレンダー、アドレス帳、ToDo リストの作成と削除*)
⊛ 非常に安全で、お客様のプライバシーを尊重します。
⊛ 広告や追跡は一切ありません。
⊛ GDPR に準拠。
⊛ DAVx⁵ は完全なオープンソースです

* サーバーの実装に依存します / すべてのサーバーでサポートされていない場合があります


注意: DAVx⁵ を SD カードに移動しないでください。これにより、アカウントやデータの損失などの奇妙な動作が発生します。


⊛ … 独自の DAV サーバー (Radicale、DAViCal、SabreDAV、Baikal など) および HTTPS と併用する場合 – そのため、さまざまなデバイス間で快適に同期しながら、すべてのデータを所有および制御できます。または、信頼できるホスト型 DAV サービスまたは会社のホスト型 DAV サービスを使用します。
⊛ … コンピューター上のEvolution / Thunderbird / WebDAVストレージなどと組み合わせます


⊛ 1CRM
⊛ all-inkl.com
⊛ バイカル湖
⊛ ビットリックス24
⊛ カレンダーと連絡先サーバー
⊛ DavMail ゲートウェイ
⊛ Eグループウェア
⊛ ファストメール
⊛ Google
⊛ グループオフィス
⊛ ヘッツナー・コンソールH
⊛ 大群
⊛ ケリオコネクト
⊛ コラブナウ
⊛ コパノ
⊛ macOS サーバー
⊛ 郵便柵
⊛ オラクル・ビーハイブ
⊛ オラクル コミュニケーション UCS
⊛ オウンキューブ
⊛ Synology DSM
⊛ チームボックス
⊛ タイン 2.0
⊛ヤフーメール! (カレンダーのみ)

⊛ …その他多数: https://www.davx5.com/tested-with/

大規模展開や事前構成可能な設定などのエンタープライズ機能を備えた個別のビジネス バージョンとしても利用可能です: https://www.davx5.com/organizations/managed-davx5

プライバシー ポリシー: 当社によるお客様のデータの取り扱い方法については、https://www.davx5.com/privacy/ をご覧ください。



* Fix a crash with certificate handling
* Fixes displaying of unneeded notifications
* A lot of refactoring under the hood

3 new Badges are available! DAVx⁵ is a one-time payment but if you like what we do you can collect "Badges" from the navigation menu to further support us. This is highly appreciated <3

* A lot of refactoring under the hood
* Better error handling when dealing with RDATE and EXDATE
* [WebDAV] Improve chaching
* [Push] Provide drop-down to choose desired push distributor
* [Push] Automatic re-subscribing to CalDAV collections

3 new Badges are available! DAVx⁵ is a one-time payment but if you like what we do you can collect "Badges" from the navigation menu to further support us. This is highly appreciated <3

* Improved compatibility for processing
* Basic Edge-To-Edge compatibility
* [Push] Expiration is now handeled for subscribed collections
* 3 new Badges available!

and much more below the surface regarding bug fixing and improvements.

New Badges are available! DAVx⁵ is a one-time payment but if you like what we do you can collect "Badges" from the navigation menu to further support us. This is highly appreciated <3

A lot of work and improvements, mostly under the hood has been done ;-)

DAVx⁵ is a one-time payment but if you like what we do you can collect "Badges" from the navigation menu to further support us. This is highly appreciated <3

* [TLS] allow users to manually verify and accept valid certificates that are issued for a wrong host name again
* [CalDAV] fix double-quote escaping
* [CardDAV] show sync status correctly also for address book synchronization
* minor fixes + improvements

10 incredible years of DAVx⁵ - WOW! If you like this project and our on-going development you can purchase various badges from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

* custom (self-signed) certificates: persist user trust across app restarts again
* clean up translations
* minor bug fixes and improvements (including documentation)

10 incredible years of DAVx⁵ - WOW! If you like this project and our on-going development you can purchase various badges from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3


* new VPN setting to better control "Internet" connectivity
* fix problem that caused battery drain
* fixed rare migration bug
* [CalDAV] better ignoring of local empty or blank values
* [CardDAV] improved group support with KIND values
* and more!

10 incredible years of DAVx⁵ - WOW! If you like this project and our on-going development you can purchase various badges from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

* [Google OAuth] fix redirect problem in davx5-ose
* fix background crash when sync framework tries to interrupt sync
* add native per-app language support again
* 3 new badges can be purchased in the side menu if you want to additionally support us

10 incredible years of DAVx⁵ - WOW! If you like this project and our on-going development you can purchase various badges from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

* New: _all_ Calendars detected when using Google as Server
* Test Internet connection before Sync is run (important for VPN);
* Sync via Sync-Framework (triggered by Calendar Apps or jtx Board) blocks the sync again (= possible to see when sync is finished);
* minor Bug fixes

9+ years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can purchase various badges from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

* New: _all_ Calendars detected when using Google as Server;
* Test Internet connection before Sync is run (important for VPN);
* Sync via Sync-Framework (triggered by Calendar Apps or jtx Board) blocks the sync again (= possible to see when sync is finished);
* minor Bug fixes

9+ years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can purchase various badges from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

* Provide OAuth Login for Google
* automatic sync over WorkManager → now also syncs when Android thinks that "storage is low"
* improve timezones compatibility /w negative DST
* [WebDAV] fix time-zone issue
* [UI] added "Last sync" time to collection properties
* improve features with jtx Board

9+ years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can purchase various badges from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3
https://github.com/bitfireAT/davx5-ose/discussions/10 new and updated translations

* Fixed missing languages and wrong display
* support jtx Board recurrence handling
* show real name of davowner
* Provide owner url in jtx collection
* Fixed language selector icon for night mode

9+ years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can now purchase our anniversary badge from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

- WorkManager for manual sync
- refactored service detection
- improved jtx Board compatibility
- [WebDAV] improved compatibility with SeedVault
- [UI] added Mastodon link to navigation drawer
- [UI] support per-app language selection (Android 13)

9 years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can now purchase our anniversary badge from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

* Nextcloud Login Flow should work again
* Remove forced "Sync only in WiFi" when Data Saver is active

9 years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can now purchase our anniversary badge from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

● marked as compatible with Android 13 (handle notification permission)
● better read-only address book support
● minor improvements and bug fixes

9 years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can now purchase our anniversary badge from the navigation menu. Thank you so much for your support! <3

● use switches instead of checkboxes in account
● improved read-only option for contacts
● workaround for HUAWEI Harmony OS3 upgrade bug
● improved compatibility with structured addresses within Android Contact apps that support structured addresses
● and much more!

9 years of DAVx⁵! If you like this project and our on-going development you can now purchase our anniversary badge from the navigation menu. Thank you so much! <3

* [CalDAV] fix issue that occured because of time zone renaming Europe/Kiev → Europe/Kyiv
* [CalDAV] don't validate email addresses of attendees strictly
* [CalDAV] fix parsing of empty colors (
* Ignore empty X-APPLE-CALENDAR-COLOR ical4android#52)
* [jtx Board] increase compatibility and bug fixes

If you want to support this project and our on-going development you can always purchase in-app badges from the navigation menu. Thank you very much in advance! <3

* CalDAV: refactor and improve event validation and repairing (especially with recurring events)
* WebDAV: connections now have a delete symbol, so that people know that they would delete the connection
* minor bug fixes and improvements

If you want to support this project and our on-going development you can always purchase in-app badges from the navigation menu. Thank you very much in advance! <3
Version 4.2.2

* improve compatibility with jtxBoard
* WebCal activity does work again and transmit the feed URL to a capable webcal app
* minor improvements and bugfixes

If you like the DAVx⁵ project you can always further support us by earning in-app badges (side drawer / earn badges). Thank you! <3
* fixing the newly added "Earn badges" feature. If you supported us please earn the badge again (already bought badges have been refunded). Thank you <3!
* you can now unlock feature-free badges to further support our project *THANK YOU!*
* you can now setup DAVx5 via clicking a link caldavs:// carddav:// or davx5:// URLs. It will preload data in the setup (QR code scan is also possible).
* fixed a crash when PERIOD and RDATE is used

無料ダウンロード DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV

ダウンロード DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV アンドロイド用

ハッキング方法 DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV

ダウンロード DAVx⁵ – CalDAV CardDAV WebDAV MOD APK 4.4.7-gplay

ダウンロード MOD APK


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3410 件のレビュー