Little Alchemist: Remastered Mod Apk

Little Alchemist: Remastered ハック - Mod Apk 2.22.1

開発者: Monumental, LLC
カテゴリー: カード, カジュアル
価格: 無料です


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Little Alchemist:Remastered へようこそ。呪文の作成と戦略的な戦闘の魅惑的な融合が待っています!謎と魔法に満ちたリトルタウンの魅力的な世界に足を踏み入れ、土地のバランスを取り戻す壮大な冒険に乗り出しましょう。
駆け出しの錬金術師として、古代の呪文と秘術の儀式の響きが漂うリトルタウンの曲がりくねった通りと趣のあるコテージの中で旅が始まります。それぞれに独自の特性と能力が吹き込まれた 1,300 以上の膨大な呪文で武装し、錬金術の秘密を深く掘り下げて呪文作成の技術をマスターします。
創造性を解き放ち、さまざまな呪文の組み合わせを試しながら、6000 以上の強力な組み合わせを発見して、敵を打ち負かし、乗り越えられないオッズを克服しましょう。伝説の生き物の召喚から破壊的な元素の呪文まで、究極のマスターアルケミストを目指して、可能性は無限です。
魔法の本とアバターをカスタマイズして、個人のスタイルと好みを反映させ、新しい発見ごとにあなたの力が成長するのを見てください。携帯電話とタブレット向けに最適化されたゲームプレイにより、Little Alchemist:Remastered は、外出先でもシームレスで没入型の体験を提供します。
何よりも、Little Alchemist:Remastered は完全に無料でプレイでき、錬金術の魔法がすべての人にアクセスできることを保証します。追加のエッジを求める人のために、オプションのアプリ内購入は、レアな呪文のロックを解除し、あなたの旅を強化するための近道を提供します。
歴史上最も偉大な錬金術師の仲間入りをして、Little Alchemist: Remastered でこれまでにない魔法の冒険に乗り出しましょう。リトルタウンの運命はあなたの手にかかっています – あなたは困難に立ち向かい、錬金術の力を利用して危機を救うことができますか?


We resolved an issue that was preventing some players from logging into the game.
Greetings, Alchemists!

We've brewed up a sizzling hotfix to tackle a couple of problems:

1. We've quelled the chaos that was causing some players to crash unexpectedly.
2. We've straightened out the wonky pricing on portal keys that had some of you scratching your heads and your wallets.

Consider these issues charmed and disenchanted! 🔮🪄😄

Always check our Discord server for more details, and a complete list of fixes and enhancements can be found at
• Hold onto your cauldrons, Alchemists! Big news is brewing! We're giving our UI a magical makeover to make space for some fantastic new features and updates that are on their way. Get ready for a spellbinding transformation in this latest update!
• We're rolling out a new feature and several bug fixes in this latest version. Get ready to brew up some excitement with an enchanting new feature heading your way: Cauldron Rewards! Coming soon, all you need to do is log in daily, and voilà! You'll uncover special rewards simmering in your cauldron. So mark your calendars, prepare your concoctions, and let the magic flow!

• More details and a complete list of fixes and enhancements can be found at
This hotfix addresses a critical issue that enabled players to manipulate the respawn mechanism of the Goblin, allowing for unintended multiple respawns. Our development team has worked diligently to rectify this anomaly and ensure the integrity of the gameplay experience.

We want to remind our players that using exploits can lead to serious consequences, including termination of your account. Let's keep the game fun and fair for everyone!
• Modified the way the client checks for internet connection that prevented users in some Regions from being able to connect consistently
In this Release, we have several backend fixes and bug fixes. Here are a few


• Increased the transition animation speed on upgrade, recycle, edit deck, research, and Shoppe. Players should now see more snappiness when playing.
• Added a skip button to the intro cutscene.
• Weekly rewards and current rankings look like buttons now! Yes, they can be clicked!

More details and a complete list of fixes and enhancements can be found at
In this Release, we have several backend Fixes and the following:


• Fixed some instances where the store would freeze and players would have to restart their app


• Fixed numerous issues where players were tapping multiple buttons at once which created unexpected behavior (game lock-up, graphical issues, etc. )
Goblin Rewards

• Fixed an issue where the Goblin was not properly rewarding Gems

Boss Rewards

• Fixed a bug where cards won from the Bosses were not being added to players' inventories.
Bug Fix:

• Addresses an issue related to phone times that was causing some players to get stuck during initialization
Arena & Heroics
• Fixed an issue with the Gem rewards from Arena Daily Rewards
• Fixed a bug where the game could soft lock after regaining an internet connection
• Stars will now properly reset after a season has been completed

• Improvements to how the game saves progress
• Card Scrolling smoothness and consistency have been improved
• Added several other stabilization improvements and many other bug fixes
• Please visit Discord for more detailed patch note information
• Fixed a bug that would cause the app to crash under certain circumstances.
• New Card Artwork and Backgrounds
• Improved filtering in Archive mode
• Global Event Calendar for all players
• Improved UX and new tooltips in Bosses and Battle screens
• Account migration (Little Alchemist Original to Little Alchemist Remastered)
• Minor text corrections and optimizations to the UI
• Stability improvements and bug fixes
• Animations and scrolling fluidity improvements
• Updated inconsistently sized Card Artwork, Avatars, and UI text

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1.24万 件のレビュー