Phobies: PVP Monster Battle Mod Apk

Phobies: PVP Monster Battle ハック - Mod Apk 1.11.2093.0

開発者: Phobies Holdings Inc.
カテゴリー: ストラテジー
価格: 無料です


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恐ろしい PvP 戦場を備えた戦略カードゲーム、Phobies であなたの恐怖に命を吹き込みましょう!👁?️

🌀? ターンベースの戦略カードゲーム(CCG)である Phobies で潜在意識のねじれた領域に入り、他のプレイヤーと決闘し、最悪の恐怖に触発された 180 以上の恐ろしい Phobies を集めて戦いましょう。🧟?‍♂️🧟?‍♀️

👄? 受賞歴のある Company of Heroes と Age of Empires の背後にある業界のベテランによって作成された Phobies は、戦略的なゲームプレイとユニークで不気味なアートスタイルを融合させ、プレイヤーをハラハラさせます。👄?

あなたの恐怖があなたを待っています!👁?️‍🗨?️ 恐怖を克服するのに十分な勇気がありますか?👁?️‍🗨?️

Phobies を無料でダウンロードして、非同期バトル、アリーナモード、頭を悩ませる PvE チャレンジに挑戦してください。集め、アップグレードし、対戦相手を出し抜いてマウントエゴのリーダーボードを登り、毎週の報酬と季節の報酬を獲得しましょう!


ハースストーン、ポケモン TCG、マジックザギャザリングなどの人気のコレクションカードゲームのファンは、ぜひ Phobies を試してみてください。これまでに 100 万回以上のインストールが行われているため、Phobies が市場でトップクラスの新しい CCG の 1 つである理由がわかると確信しています。😈?🔥?


👹? 恐ろしい恐怖症を集める:180 以上のユニークな恐怖症のロックを解除してアップグレードし、それぞれが戦闘を支配する恐ろしい力を持っています。恐怖の軍隊があなたを勝利に導きます!

🧠? マスタータクティカルゲームプレイ:ヘックスベースのマップで戦略を立て、環境を利用して背筋も凍る戦場で優位に立ちましょう。

🎯? 戦略を磨きましょう:疑うことを知らない相手に恐怖を解き放つ前に、練習モードで戦術をテストしてください。すべての動きが重要です!

🧩? チャレンジモードで知恵を試す:簡単な頭の体操が必要ですか?さまざまなパズルと目標を含む PvE チャレンジモードを試して、知恵を磨きましょう。

🤝? 友達とプレイ:非同期 PvP バトルで友達を追加して決闘します。それは、それらを所定の位置に置くための 1 つの方法です!

🌍? 非同期バトルを体験:ターンベースの非同期バトルで世界中のプレイヤーと対戦。一度に複数の試合をプレイして、どこでも恐怖を解き放ちましょう!

⚔️ アリーナモードで競争:リアルタイムのアリーナバトルに飛び込み、激しいペースの速い決闘で優位性を主張しましょう。

📱?好きな場所でプレイ:恐怖があなたを一人にしてしまうと思いますか?👁?️ もう一度考えてみましょう...クロスプラットフォームプレイにより、PC でもモバイルでも、外出先で恐怖を取り除くことができます。あなたのやり方で恐怖症をプレイしましょう!

今すぐ Phobies をダウンロードして、悪夢が現実になる究極の戦略カードゲームを体験してください!




Release 1.11.2 brings a long-requested option for making your new Phobies competitive more quickly:

• Phobies Acceleration allows players to “accelerate” a new card to the average level of their total Phobies collection using Coffee.
• This version includes a hotfix for crashes caused by the virtual keyboard overlay and for users with 32-bit Android devices.
• Updated app icon.

Check out our notes at for full details.

Happy battling!
Release 1.11.1225 focuses on fixes for potential causes of ANR issues.

Happy battling!
It’s your Phobies' favorite time of year once again - Symphony of the Undead is at hand, and you’re just in time for our grandest show yet!
• 9 new Phobies have arisen!
• Our biggest-ever event features 4 weeks of epic battles, challenges, and double the rewards!
• Battle it out on 7 new maps, including the new Pet Cemetery theme!
• Offers and spooky surprises throughout the month!
• Fixes and improvements!
Check out the update notes at
Our newest update focuses on quality updates and fixes:

• Fixed some potential game desync causes.
• Fixed some visual issues with Event presentation elements.
• Fixed some additional ANR causes in boot code.
• Other critical and non-critical fixes.

Check out the update notes at for a full list of details.
Our newest update focuses on quality updates and fixes:

• Fixed some potential game desync causes.
• Fixed some visual issues with Event presentation elements.
• Fixed some additional ANR causes.
• Other critical and non-critical fixes.

Check out the update notes at for a full list of details.
Our newest update focuses on quality updates and fixes:

• Fixed some potential game desync causes.
• Fixed some visual issues with Event presentation elements.
• Fixed additional ANR causes.
• Other critical and non-critical fixes.

Check out the update notes at for a full list of details.
Our newest update focuses on quality updates and fixes:

• Fixed some potential game desync causes.
• Fixed some visual issues with Event presentation elements.
• Fixed some ANR causes.
• Other critical and non-critical fixes.

Check out the update notes at for a full list of details.
Turn up the heat with our biggest update yet, Under Pressure!

•10 brand-new Phobies join the fray!
•Events evolved! Grab the Event VIP Pass to score more rewards and new Event Tickets - the more Tickets you earn, the better the chances of winning the best Grand Prize at the end of each Event!
•Strategize on 2 new maps, featuring new Tainted and Infected Ground tiles!

Check out the update notes at for a full list of details.
Update 1.6.1 focuses on fixes and some experience improvements:
•Added an option to skip the final turn of a match while viewing replays.
•Players can now scroll back to view completed Stress Levels.
•Fixed a bug that could cause Lippy’s Quest to get stuck in a bad state.
•Other critical and non-critical bug fixes.
Check out the update notes at for a full list of details.
It’s the first birthday of Phobies and you’re invited to the celebration!
•8 brand-new Phobies join the party, with 4 new abilities to strategize with
•Earn a daily birthday gift from Vendy for the first week
•All-new environment with 3 new maps
•Limited Time Events: earn points for sweet rewards in the new Events feature!
Our newest update focuses on quality updates and fixes:
• Players can now choose multiple or max upgrade levels when upgrading cards.
• Fixed various causes of game desyncs.
• Fixed some memory-related errors that could occur while navigating between screens.
• Fixed assorted visual issues with replay presentation.
Check out the update notes at for a full list of details and features!
Update 1.5.3261 is a hotfix to address an issue with rewards not being granted immediately if an offer is claimed through a pop-up.
Our newest update includes balancing changes, a new language and a new avenue for earning some free coffee:

•Adjustments to Beauty, Russell, Smiley, Bad Sushi and Charon!
•Brazilian Portuguese has been added to game text options!
•Grab free rewards from Ad Jacks and the new offer wall!
•Added a volume slider for Lippy’s voice!

Check out the update notes at for a full list of details and features!
Trick or Treat - it’s your Phobies favorite time of year and you’re invited to the Carnival of Fears… grab your ticket and step right up!

• 8 brand-new Phobies step out of the shadows
• Battle it out on 10 new maps
• Overcome 30 new Challenges
• Terrifying new Halloween-themed visuals

Check out the update notes at for a full list of details and features!
Our new update adds some great new features and functionality:

More Lippy: Everyone’s favorite inner voice will now offer commentary on your matches and progress as you play!

Arena matches with Frenemies: Challenge your friends against the clock!

Many other fixes and improvements!

Check out the update notes at for a full list of details and features!
Update 1.4.1097 includes a critical fix for a game crash that can be caused by triggering traps during gameplay.
The time has come for secrets to be revealed - Update 1.4, Full Disclosure, has finally arrived on our planet!

In honor of the 75th Anniversary of the Roswell Incident, 13 otherworldly new Phobies have been unleashed! Discover 8 new abilities, 5 new Stress Worlds, 5 new maps and master countless new strategies.

Check out the update notes at for a full list of details and features… and keep watching the skies!
Update 1.3.1040 includes balancing updates and critical fixes:

- Adjusted number of duplicate cards awarded in card packs based on rarity to ensure more balanced upgrades
- Fixed an issue that could cause users to get stuck in a tutorial loop
- Fixed various server and network errors

Check out our update notes at for full details.

ハッキング方法 Phobies: PVP Monster Battle

ダウンロード Phobies: PVP Monster Battle MOD APK 1.11.2093.0

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