Amaha: anxiety self-care Mod Apk

Amaha: anxiety self-care ハック - Mod Apk 3.107.2

開発者: Amaha Health
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot Amaha: anxiety self-care mod apkGame screenshot Amaha: anxiety self-care hackGame screenshot Amaha: anxiety self-care apk download


InnerHour は、Amaha と共に新たなスタートを切りました。

気分を良くし、より良い状態を維持するための場所であるアマハは、訓練を受けた心理学者と認可された精神科医によって構築されています。このアプリは、メンタルヘルスを改善し、マインドフルネスを養い、セルフケア、セラピー、コミュニティ サポートを通じてよりよく眠れるようにします。

- 自助ツール
- 自助活動
- 使いやすいトラッカー
- 専門家が厳選したリソース
- 天羽コミュニティ

InnerHour は、あらゆるメンタルヘルスのワンストップソリューションでした。 Amaha はすべての人のための場所です。自分の考えを書き留めるスペースが必要な場合でも、落ち着くために瞑想を練習したい場合でも、うつ病、ストレス、不安、睡眠に苦しんでいる場合でも、自助ツールや専門的なサポートが必要な場合でも、ここは最適な場所です。


セルフ ヘルプ ツールを調べる
ストレスを和らげ、マインドフルになり、幸せを植え付けるために、Amaha は CBT、マインドフルネス、ポジティブ心理学の原則に基づいて改善されたエクスペリエンスを提供します。 InnerHour の精神を維持しながら、500 以上のセルフケア、マインドフルネス、瞑想活動 (アファメーション、ガイド付きジャーナル、不安解消瞑想オーディオなど) を使用して、落ち着いた気分を習慣にするお手伝いをします。

一貫した目標、瞑想、日記の維持、および同様の健康的な習慣は、精神的健康をより長く持続させます.強化された Amaha アプリを使用して、日記を記録し、スケジュールを調整して睡眠を改善します。このような活動は、毎日改善し、落ち着きを保ち、ストレスを軽減するように動機付けます。

自分の感情や気持ちを理解することは、メンタルヘルスとセルフケアのもう 1 つの重要な部分です。気分トラッカーを使用して、毎日の気分を効果的にマークし、毎週の気分チャートで分析します。これにより、日々の気分を常に把握し、メンタルヘルスについてより深い洞察を得ることができます。そうすれば、あらゆるパターンを理解し、それらに取り組む方法を見つけて、さまざまな状況で落ち着くことができます.また、目標トラッカーで毎日のセルフケア目標を設定して、メンタルヘルスを改善し、より多くのことを達成するのに役立つタスクを追加することもできます.


アマハ コミュニティの一員になる
自分自身を呼び出して率直に話すスペースである Amaha コミュニティは、苦労を分かち合い、意見を聞いてもらえるように作られています。うつ病、依存症、OCD、または ADHD に苦しんでいて、同様のメンタルヘルスの問題に対処している可能性のある人々とつながることができる場合は、私たちのグループに参加してください。これは、あなたの心にあることを匿名で共有できる安全な場所です。

Amaha (以前の InnerHour) アプリは無料でダウンロードできます。当社の製品のサブセットは永久に無料でご利用いただけます。

ご不明な点がございましたら、[email protected] までお問い合わせください。


We've been working hard to give you a smoother experience on our app. In our latest release, we've improved the user experience and fixed some bugs. We hope this helps ease your journey towards better mental well-being.
In this release, we have streamlined your login and signup experience to allow you to sync your email and phone number correctly with your account, enabling a smooth login experience every time, across devices. As always, we've also fixed some bugs so you can enjoy your time on the app without interruptions.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us from the app itself or by writing to us at [email protected].
In this release, we have streamlined your login and signup experience to allow you to sync your email and phone number correctly with your account, enabling a smooth login experience every time, across devices. As always, we've also fixed some bugs so you can enjoy your time on the app without interruptions.
Don't hesitate to reach out to us from the app itself or by writing to us at [email protected].
In this release, we have refined your experience by improving your in-app navigation across services and, as always, fixed those pesky bugs as part of our continuous efforts to strive for improved user experience
We've been working hard to give you a smoother experience on our app. In our latest release, we've improved the user experience and fixed some bugs. We hope this helps ease your journey towards better mental well-being.
We've been working hard to give you a smoother experience on our app. In our latest release, we've improved the user experience and fixed some bugs. We hope this helps ease your journey towards better mental well-being.
We've been working hard to give you a smoother experience on our app. In our latest release, we've improved the user experience and fixed some bugs. We hope this helps ease your journey towards better mental well-being.
We've been working hard to give you a smoother experience on our app. In our latest release, we've improved the user experience and fixed some bugs. We hope this helps ease your journey towards better mental well-being.
Our team at Amaha is committed to continuously improving your experience on our app. In our latest release, we have fixed some bugs which primarily focus on enhancing the stability and performance of our app.
At Amaha, we are always working towards providing you with the best possible experience on our app. This release introduces several improvements for audio, physical movement, and breathing activities with visually soothing design and better usability to enhance your overall experience and aid your self-care journey.
Our team at Amaha is committed to continuously improving your experience on our app. In our latest release, we have fixed some bugs which primarily focus on enhancing the stability and performance of our app.
Our team at Amaha is committed to continuously improving your experience on our app. In our latest release, we have fixed some bugs which primarily focus on enhancing the stability and performance of our app.
Our team at Amaha is committed to continuously improving your experience on our app. In our latest release, we have fixed some bugs which primarily focus on enhancing the stability and performance of our app.
At Amaha, we are always working towards providing you with the best possible experience on our app. To ensure the same, we have made upgrades to our technology to ensure a smooth and seamless experience for you.
We've been working hard to give you a smoother experience on our app. In our latest release, we've improved the user experience and fixed some bugs. We hope this helps ease your journey towards better mental well-being.
We're constantly striving to improve your experience on our app so you can find the right support at the right time. With our latest update, Indian users can discover professional support more easily.
Reach out to us on [email protected] for any questions or feedback.
We've been working hard to give you a smoother experience on our app. In our latest release, we've improved the user experience and fixed some bugs. We hope this helps ease your journey towards better mental well-being.
In this release, we have implemented a new and enhanced experience for notifications to help nudge you at the right moments in your mental health journey. We've also tweaked some features, and fixed several bugs in this release - so your well-being journey can continue to be smooth & interruption-free!
In this release we have implemented a new and enhanced experience for notifications to help nudge you at the right moments in your mental health journey. We've also tweaked some features, and fixed several bugs in this release - so your wellbeing journey can continue to be smooth & interruption-free!
A new and improved experience with our professionals. To all our Indian users - if you're looking for professional support, we've got you covered. Find the best care from our highly qualified professionals with our recent updates to the experts section. You can access our therapists and psychiatrists from the side menu on the app!
We've been working hard to give you a smoother experience on our app. In our latest release, we've improved the user experience and fixed some bugs. We hope this helps ease your journey towards better mental well-being.
We've fixed a few pesky bugs and also improved your experience across different aspects of the app! Enjoy, and do reach out to us for any questions or feedback at [email protected].
Smoother audio experience
With our streamlined audios, go ahead and feel calm and relaxed without any interruptions.
Our latest update has a lot in store for you: Enjoy a new & improved user experience in our self-care tools on your journey towards better mental health.
In this release, we have introduced changes to our premium offerings to better reflect your needs (applicable to Indian users) and as usual have fixed a few bugs as part of our continuous efforts to strive for improved user experience
In this release, we have implemented a new and enhanced experience for notifications to help nudge you at the right moments in your mental health journey.
In this release, we have implemented a new and enhanced experience for notifications to help nudge you at the right moments in your mental health journey.
An all new anxiety group on our community
After witnessing how the Amaha Community has helped thousands cope with their mental health struggles, we wanted to extend this support system to more people. We have added a new group for "Coping with Anxiety" in our Community Platform to help you when you're feeling overwhelmed, anxious or struggling to catch your breath.
As always, we’ve fixed a few pesky bugs, so you can continue enjoying a seamless experience on our app.
Over the past few years, InnerHour has been growing and building on our offerings to serve you better.

Moving forward, we will present our offerings under a new identity. So welcome to Amaha, your mental health partner. We're glad to have you here!
You will be able to access everything in the app just as before. With a lot more coming your way, we are committed to helping you feel better, get better, and stay better.

Please write to us at [email protected] for any questions.

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ダウンロード Amaha: anxiety self-care MOD APK 3.107.2

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