Carousell: Sell and Buy Mod Apk

Carousell: Sell and Buy ハック - Mod Apk 2.391.10

開発者: Carousell
カテゴリー: ショッピング
価格: 無料です


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カルーセルは、シンガポール、香港、台湾、マレーシア、フィリピン、インドネシアにおける大手のマルチカテゴリー広告およびリコマース マーケットプレイスで、ファッション、高級品、携帯電話、本、おもちゃ、車、バイク、ホーム サービスなど、あらゆるものを売り買いできます (リフォーム、クリーニング、引っ越し)など。

私たちは、人々があまり活用されていないアイテムを無駄にするのではなく本能的に売却し、他の人がそれらを第一の選択肢として購入する世界を夢見ています。そこで、中古品の売買を簡単にするために Carousell が開始されました。

販売するには、写真を撮るだけでマーケットプレイスへの出品が開始でき、オンライン ストアも開始できます。忙しすぎてリストできませんか?衣類、携帯電話、高級バッグ、車を Carousell* に直接販売することもできます。

購入するには、欲しいものを検索するだけです。 「認定」タグが付いたカルーセル認定リストを検索することで、中古の携帯電話、高級バッグ、車を安心して購入できます^。また、「購入者保護」タグと「購入」ボタン# が付いているリストにも注目してください。これにより、エスクロー保護付きの安全な支払い方法を介してアプリ上で直接購入でき、人気の物流パートナーによる配送オプションにアクセスできます。

★ スナップ、リスト、販売: 最大 10 枚の写真を含む無料リストを作成して、お気に入りのアイテムや新しいアイテムを販売します。
★ 一連の販売者ツールを使用してオンライン ストアを簡単に開始したり、CarouBiz サブスクリプションを使用して Carousell でビジネスを運営したりできます
★ Facebook、Instagram、Telegram、Wechat などの人気プラットフォームでリスティングを簡単に共有して、注目度を高めます
★ 購入者から肯定的なレビューを獲得して、信頼される販売者になる
★ 衣料品、携帯電話、高級バッグ、車をカルーセルに直接販売(携帯電話と高級バッグはシンガポールのみ、マレーシア)
★ 注文品をドロップオフまたは玄関先で受け取ることができるカルーセル公式配送 (シンガポールのみ) または台湾でも利用できるセブンイレブン代金引換による統合配送オプションにアクセスしてください。

★ ユニークなヴィンテージアイテムや限定版アイテムの宝庫を探索
★ キーワードで検索をカスタマイズして、すばやく簡単に見つけられるようにします
★ エアコンの整備、改装、修理、クリーニング、引っ越し、配達などのホームサービスを利用してあなたの家を改善しましょう
★ 安全なプラットフォーム上の支払い方法で「購入」ボタンを使用してアプリ上で直接購入し、商品が到着しない場合、または説明と著しく異なる場合は購入者保護をお楽しみください (シンガポール、マレーシア、香港のみ)



Every week, we polish the app to help you buy, sell (or give for free!) better. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.

Love Carousell? Rate and share us with your family and friends, so we can keep growing our community. Happy Carouselling!
Every week, we polish the app to help you buy, sell (or give for free!) better. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.

Love Carousell? Rate and share us with your family and friends, so we can keep growing our community. Happy Carouselling!
Every week, we polish the app to help you buy, sell (or give for free!) better. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.

Love Carousell? Rate and share us with your family and friends, so we can keep growing our community. Happy Carouselling!
Every week, we polish the app to help you buy, sell (or give for free!) better. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.

Love Carousell? Rate and share us with your family and friends, so we can keep growing our community. Happy Carouselling!
Every week, we polish the app to help you buy, sell (or give for free!) better. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.

Love Carousell? Rate and share us with your family and friends, so we can keep growing our community. Happy Carouselling!
Every week, we polish the app to help you buy, sell (or give for free!) better. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.
Love Carousell? Rate and share us with your family and friends, so we can keep growing our community. Happy Carouselling!
Every week, we polish the app to help you buy, sell (or give for free!) better. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.

Love Carousell? Rate and share us with your family and friends, so we can keep growing our community. Happy Carouselling!
Every week, we polish the app to help you buy, sell (or give for free!) better. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.

Love Carousell? Rate and share us with your family and friends, so we can keep growing our community. Happy Carouselling!
Every week, we polish the app to help you buy, sell (or give for free!) better. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.

Love Carousell? Rate and share us with your family and friends, so we can keep growing our community. Happy Carouselling!
[SG] Introducing paperless option with Carousell official delivery!

Enable doorstep pick-up and delivery to your buyers now. Choose the paperless option ship your item without having to print shipping labels or receipts!

Update your app for a safer and more convenient way to deal!
[SG & MY] Introducing the "Buy" button!

As a buyer, look out for ‘Buyer Protection’ listings and pay via the ‘Buy’ button. If your order doesn’t arrive or is not as described, you’ll get a full refund.

And as a seller, enable the ‘Buy’ button on your listings so buyers can pay via Carousell to confirm the deal. This ensures that you only deal with genuine buyers! You’ll receive your earnings once your buyer receives their order.

Update your app for a safer and more convenient way to deal!
[SG only] Introducing the "Buy" button!

As a buyer, look out for ‘Buyer Protection’ listings and pay via the ‘Buy’ button. If your order doesn’t arrive or is not as described, you’ll get a full refund.

And as a seller, enable the ‘Buy’ button on your listings so buyers can pay via Carousell to confirm the deal. This ensures that you only deal with genuine buyers! You’ll receive your earnings once your buyer receives their order.

Update your app for a safer and more convenient way to deal!
[SG only] Introducing the "Buy" button!

As a buyer, look out for ‘Buyer Protection’ listings and pay via the ‘Buy’ button. If your order doesn’t arrive or is not as described, you’ll get a full refund.

And as a seller, enable the ‘Buy’ button on your listings so buyers can pay via Carousell to confirm the deal. This ensures that you only deal with genuine buyers! You’ll receive your earnings once your buyer receives their order.

Update your app for a safer and more convenient way to deal!
[SG, HK and MY only] Too many listings you want to Bump? Say goodbye to bumping your listings one by one, Bulk Bump gives you the option to bump multiple listings at once!

Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.
Every week, we polish the app to help you buy, sell (or give for free!) better. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.

Love Carousell? Rate and share us with your family and friends, so we can keep growing our community. Happy Carouselling!
[SG only] Second-hand goods, first-rate experience – Carousell's Certified programme makes for a worry-free shopping experience! Buy secondhand with the peace of mind that everything's been thoroughly checked for quality and authenticity.

On top of Cars, Mobiles and Luxury products, we now have Sneakers joining our family of certified products!

Identify certified listings by looking for the 'Certified' tag. Update your app today and start browsing in our Certified tab in the homescreen!
[Singapore only] Sell from the comforts of your home!

With door-to-door shipping, you don't even need to leave your home to sell. Simply enable "Pick-up" on your listings and we'll do the rest.

Once you receive an offer for your item and the buyer selects "Courier (Carousell Partner)" as the method of delivery, you'll be able to schedule a pick-up time for our courier partner to pick up the item right at your door step!

Update your app and start enabling "Pick-up" on your listings today!
[Singapore only] Sell from the comforts of your home!

With door-to-door shipping, you don't even need to leave your home to sell. Simply enable "Pick-up" on your listings and we'll do the rest.

Once you receive an offer for your item and the buyer selects "Courier (Carousell Partner)" as the method of delivery, you'll be able to schedule a pick-up time for our courier partner to pick up the item right at your door step!

Update your app and start enabling "Pick-up" on your listings today!
[Singapore only] Sell from the comforts of your home!

With door-to-door shipping, you don't even need to leave your home to sell. Simply enable "Pick-up" on your listings and we'll do the rest.

Once you receive an offer for your item and the buyer selects "Courier (Carousell Partner)" as the method of delivery, you'll be able to schedule a pick-up time for our courier partner to pick up the item right at your door step!

Update your app and start enabling "Pick-up" on your listings today!
[Singapore only] Sell from the comforts of your home!

With door-to-door shipping, you don't even need to leave your home to sell. Simply enable "Pick-up" on your listings and we'll do the rest.

Once you receive an offer for your item and the buyer selects "Courier (Carousell Partner)" as the method of delivery, you'll be able to schedule a pick-up time for our courier partner to pick up the item right at your door step!

Update your app and start enabling "Pick-up" on your listings today!
[Singapore only] Sell from the comforts of your home!

With door-to-door shipping, you don't even need to leave your home to sell. Simply enable "Pick-up" on your listings and we'll do the rest.

Once you receive an offer for your item and the buyer selects "Courier (Carousell Partner)" as the method of delivery, you'll be able to schedule a pick-up time for our courier partner to pick up the item right at your door step!

Update your app and start enabling "Pick-up" on your listings today!
[Singapore only] Carousell's Certified programme ensures you can buy secondhand, with the peace of mind that everything's been thoroughly checked for quality and authenticity.

Certified listings are either from Carousell Official Stores, or from our authorised Certified Partners. You can identify Carousell Cars, Mobiles, and Luxury Certified listings by looking for the 'Certified' tag.

Update your app and start browsing our Certified tab in the homescreen for a worry-free shopping experience!
[Singapore only] Carousell's Certified programme ensures you can buy secondhand, with the peace of mind that everything's been thoroughly checked for quality and authenticity.

Certified listings are either from Carousell Official Stores, or from our authorised Certified Partners. You can identify Carousell Cars, Mobiles, and Luxury Certified listings by looking for the 'Certified' tag.

Update your app and start browsing our Certified tab in the homescreen for a worry-free shopping experience!
[Singapore only] List more than ever, with our new Category-based General listing quota!

For all categories except Autos, Property, Jobs & Services, we are introducing listing quota that refreshes every month. Instead of the current general quota of 30, you can now list up to 50 listings each month in the respective categories. General listings will not expire, and you get to keep them on your profile until it gets sold.
Every week, we polish the app to help you buy, sell (or give for free!) better. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.

Love Carousell? Rate and share us with your family and friends, so we can keep growing our community. Happy Carouselling!
Every week, we polish the app to help you buy, sell (or give for free!) better. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.

Love Carousell? Rate and share us with your family and friends, so we can keep growing our community. Happy Carouselling!
Every week, we polish the app to help you buy, sell (or give for free!) better. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.

Love Carousell? Rate and share us with your family and friends, so we can keep growing our community. Happy Carouselling!
Say goodbye to missed chats with our latest feature! Manage your chats better with our new chat inbox filter – unread chats.

Update your app and start replying like a pro.
Say goodbye to missed chats with our latest feature! Manage your chats better with our new chat inbox filter – unread chats.

Update your app and start replying like a pro.
[Singapore Only] PayNow now available as a payment method for Carousell Protection.

Carousell Protection makes your buying experience safer. Your money is held by Carousell until you receive your purchase as listed.

PayNow through Carousell Protection to pay now!
Every week, we polish the app to help you buy, sell (or give for free!) better. This update includes bug fixes and performance improvements. Update your Carousell app to enjoy the latest improvements our engineers have been working hard on.

Love Carousell? Rate and share us with your family and friends, so we can keep growing our community. Happy Carouselling!
We know you've been waiting for this – Join us on the dark side.

Dark mode now available for our Android users! Update your app now and shop all night long, we won't judge.
[Singapore only] Carousellers, are the items you've listed not flying off the shelf? Or not sure of how much to price your items? Let us show you what similar listings are going for and you get to decide if you want to price your items as competitively.

Update your app and check out "Pricing Tip" next to your listing's price to check out what other Carousellers are pricing their items at!
Can’t complete the deal in 14 days? We’ve extended our review window. Users now have 30 days from when offer and acceptance is made to leave a review!

After your review is published, you can add a follow-up review to reflect your latest transaction experience to share any after-service experience!
Can’t complete the deal in 14 days? We’ve extended our review window. Users now have 30 days from when offer and acceptance is made to leave a review!

After your review is published, you can add a follow-up review to reflect your latest transaction experience to share any after-service experience!

ハッキング方法 Carousell: Sell and Buy

ダウンロード Carousell: Sell and Buy MOD APK 2.391.10

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