★答えが「はい」の場合 - ベストメトロノームは完璧です! ★
★20〜240 BPM(ビート/分)のテンポチューニング
★イタリア語のテンポ表示を表示する - Vivaceの速さがわからない場合は便利です
★LED /スクリーンフラッシュモード
★ユニバーサルアプリ - 携帯電話とタブレットでサポート
[email protected]。さらに多くの機能をご利用いただくには、Best Metronome Proをご利用ください。
★ Accurate and reliable metronome★
★ Designed and tested by professional musicians ★
★ Precision tool that quickly will help you with playing on music instrument ★
Do you play guitar? Drums? Violin? Any other instrument?
Do you need a reliable device that accurately presents the tempo for each played song?
Do you want to have full control over your song?
★ If the answer is yes - Best Metronome is perfect for you! ★
Our handy and simple metronome will become a close friend of every musician who needs a metronome for daily exercise. It's a perfect app for drummers, guitarists and pianists. But as we now people use it also to keep a steady tempo during running, golf putting practice, dancing and many other activities.
Metronome offers a variety of rhythmic patterns whose parameters are changed in an intuitive way. The whole is complemented by a large and legible interface.
Best Metronome supports several ways to experience beats.
★ Tempo tuning from 20 to 240 BPM (Beats Per Minute)
★ Tap tempo
★ Save songs
★ Adjustable tempo signature for simple, compound and complex meters
★ From 2 to 20 beats per measure
★ Beat subdivision as quarter, eighth, triplet, sixteenth, quintuplet and sextuplet notes
★ Displays Italian tempo markings – handy if you’re not sure how fast Vivace should be
★ Counter bar
★ 4 sound packs
★ Automatically turns off when there´s an incoming call
★ Runs in background
★ Setting saved automatically on exit
★ All popular time signatures
★ Two skins (new and old)
★ LED/Screen Flash Mode
★ Vibrate Mode, makes you FEEL the beats
★ Accelerando slider for gradual speeding up/slowing down
★ Load and save presets
★ Universal app – supported on phones and tablets
★ Adjustable volume