ミュージックエディターの音高再生速度: Up Tempo Mod Apk

ミュージックエディターの音高再生速度: Up Tempo ハック - Mod Apk 3.1.0

開発者: Stonekick
カテゴリー: 音楽&オーディオ
価格: 無料です


Game screenshot ミュージックエディターの音高再生速度: Up Tempo mod apkGame screenshot ミュージックエディターの音高再生速度: Up Tempo hackGame screenshot ミュージックエディターの音高再生速度: Up Tempo apk download


ミュージシャンが設計したオーディオスピードチェンジャーおよび音高シフトアプリです。Up TempoでAndroidデバイス上のオーディオファイルの速度とピッチを個別または同時に簡単に変更できます。速い曲や別のチューニングが必要な曲の練習に便利です。Up Tempoは、ミュージックルーパーとしても使えます。

シンプルなコントロールとクリアなビジュアルにより、精度を損なわずにUp Tempoを簡単に使えます。波形ビューを使用すると、曲の現在地をすばやく確認でき、曲の特定のポイントにスキップできます。



- 音高チェンジャー - 曲のピッチを上下に変更
- スピードチェンジャー - オーディオ速度を元の速度の%に変更
- ミュージックルーパー - ループポイントを正確に設定
- 波形ビュー - ピンチ&ズームで精度向上
- さまざまな形式のオーディオファイルをAndroidデバイスから開く(mp3など…..)
- リアルタイムのオーディオ速度とピッチ調整ですぐに再生します。
- 調整した曲をエクスポート
- 設定を保存して後で使用
- ベースカット (Proバージョンのみ)
- センターとサイドの分離 (Proバージョンのみ)
- イコライザー (Proバージョンのみ)
- オーディオの録音 Proバージョンのみ)

このソフトウェアは、LGPLv2.1 の下でライセンスされた FFmpeg のコードを使用しており、そのソースはここからダウンロードできます。


Up Tempoがお役に立てば幸いです。いつでも[email protected]までご連絡ください。


This release fixes a bug with marker positions when using track separation. You can also now choose to increase the size of the waveform in landscape.

We hope that you like these improvements. You can contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
This release adds a new source separation feature for pro users and a more compact multitrack layout. We've added a 'duplicate track' button to the multitrack editor, and Up Tempo will now remember your export choices (bit rate, file type, etc).

We hope that you like these improvements. You can contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
You can now more easily trim or add fades to your tracks by tapping on the trim icon below the waveform.

We hope that you like these improvements. You can contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
We've added a new playback mode so that you can now play through your playlists either in order or shuffled. There is also a new Preferences option which allows you to select from different pitch shifting methods.

We hope that you like these improvements. You can contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
We've added a new playback mode so that you can now play through your playlists either in order or shuffled. There is also a new Preferences option which allows you to select from different pitch shifting methods.

We hope that you like these improvements. You can contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
We've made some user interface updates and fixed a few bugs.

We hope that you like these improvements. You can contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
We've updated the way Playlists are handled in the app to fix issues that were happening on devices with the latest versions of Android. We've also improved the quality of recordings and added text input to the effects sliders.

We hope that you like these improvements. You can contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
Following user requests we have now added a reverse track button. For pro users there is a new cut section effect which allows you to cut the track between any 2 markers. You can now also select loop points by tapping directly on the waveform.

We hope that you like these improvements. You can contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
This update adds a new bit crusher effect. We have also fixed a few bugs and improved the display for users who read right to left.

We hope that you like these improvements. You can contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
We have added lots of new effects including panning, delay, and high/low pass filter. You can also now export your edits as a FLAC file, and as mono or stereo. There is a new option in the Preferences menu which lets you set Up Tempo to keep playing along with other audio apps.

We hope that you like these improvements. You can contact us at [email protected] with any questions.
We have improved the translations within the app and fixed a few bugs.

We hope that you like these improvements. You can contact us at [email protected] with any questions.

ハッキング方法 ミュージックエディターの音高再生速度: Up Tempo

ダウンロード ミュージックエディターの音高再生速度: Up Tempo MOD APK 3.1.0

ダウンロード MOD APK


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8900 件のレビュー