Headspace: Mindful Meditation Mod Apk

Headspace: Mindful Meditation ハック - Mod Apk 4.168.0

開発者: Headspace for Meditation, Mindfulness and Sleep
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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ストレスが減り、ぐっすり眠れて、より幸せになります。 Headspace で日々の不安に対処し、安心して心に優しくする方法を学びましょう。ヘッドスペースは毎日のマインドフルネスと瞑想なので、マインドフルネスを毎日の習慣にすることができます。 Headspace のガイド付きアクティビティで、ストレスを管理し、集中力を見つけ、緊張を解放する方法を学びましょう。 Headspace で毎日を穏やかに過ごしましょう。

Headspace では、ストレス、一般的な不安、心配、回復力の構築などのテーマに関するガイド付き瞑想、コース、マインドフルネス エクササイズを随時提供しています。マインドフルネスを学び、あらゆる分野の世界クラスの専門家が指導する何百もの瞑想から選択してください。心地よい呼吸法から睡眠音まで、あなたの好みや気分に基づいて、パーソナライズされたおすすめを毎日入手できます。

あなたのために作られたガイド付き瞑想やマインドフルネスエクササイズを通じてストレスを解消し、リラックスしましょう。ヘッドスペースは、あらゆる経験レベルやライフスタイルに適した瞑想です。忙しいスケジュールに無理なくフィットする 3 分間の短いマインドフル瞑想セッションを試してみたり、1 日の好きな時間に合わせて長めの瞑想を選択したりできます。友達と一緒に瞑想したり、世界中のメンバーとライブのグループ瞑想に参加したりして、ストレスや日々の不安を軽減する健康的で協力的な方法を見つけてください。ホワイトノイズ、睡眠音、心を落ち着かせる音楽を聞いて、安らかな眠りに最適な環境を作りましょう。ストレスを解放し、フォーカス音楽を聴いてゾーンを維持し、緊張を解放する楽しい動きのエクササイズを見つけてください。

瞑想し、マインドフルネスを実践し、リラックスし、ぐっすり眠る — ヘッドスペースを使用すると、1 日わずか数分でストレスを軽減できます。無料トライアルを開始して違いを感じてください。


- ガイド付き瞑想とマインドフルネスエクササイズ
- アクティビティに基づいてヘッドスペースのパーソナライズされた推奨事項に従って瞑想します
- 毎日の瞑想では、毎日ユニークな新しいトピックを取り上げます
- 3 分間のミニ瞑想で呼吸を楽にし、精神を素早くリセットします
- 瞑想スキルとマインドフルネスの洞察はあなた自身で発見できます
- The Wake Up で一日を始めましょう。一日を明るくするために作られた短い毎日のビデオ シリーズです。

- リラックスして、安らかな眠りに最適な環境を作りましょう
- ホワイトノイズをオンにして、気分を紛らわすのに役立ちます
- スリープキャストは、眠りにつくのに役立つ、リラックスできる音と組み合わせた心を落ち着かせるナレーションを提供します
- アンビエント自然録音による心地よいサウンド
- 深い眠りにつくのに役立つ、静かで穏やかな睡眠音楽

- 不安とストレスの軽減 - 不安な瞬間に対する「SOS」セッションでストレスを軽減します。
- リラックスして落ち着くために呼吸法を学びましょう
- Weathering the Storm コレクションで回復力を強化
- 悲しみ、怒りに対処し、変化に適応するのに役立つガイド付き瞑想

- 在宅勤務のための瞑想で集中力を高める
- 集中力を高める音楽で集中力と生産性を高めます
- 厳選されたプレイリストから選んで、その日の気分を盛り上げましょう

- マインドフルな動きでストレスを軽減し、日常の緊張を解放します。
- ヨガやガイド付きランニングなどの自宅でのワークアウトで気分を高め、モチベーションを高める
- 中心的なフィットネス コース: 28 日間のマインドフルなフィットネスと有酸素運動
- 専門家やオリンピック選手のキム・グラスとレオン・テイラーと一緒にトレーニング


メンバーシップまたは無料トライアルで、何百もの瞑想、マインドフルネス トレーニング、心を落ち着かせる呼吸エクササイズを含む、完全なヘッドスペース ライブラリを探索してください。
○ ストレスや睡眠などのテーマに関する 40 以上の瞑想コース
○ あなたの一日にマインドフルネスを加えるための何百もの一回限りの瞑想とエクササイズ
○ 短いミニ瞑想 – 忙しいスケジュールに最適
○ 睡眠、集中力、マインドフルな動きのエクササイズへの完全なアクセス — マインドフルネスと瞑想を生活のあらゆる部分にもたらします


A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]

ハッキング方法 Headspace: Mindful Meditation

ダウンロード Headspace: Mindful Meditation MOD APK 4.168.0

ダウンロード MOD APK


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