Headspace: Meditation & Sleep Mod Apk

Headspace: Meditation & Sleep ハック - Mod Apk 4.242.4

開発者: Headspace for Meditation, Mindfulness and Sleep
カテゴリー: 健康&フィットネス
価格: 無料です


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瞑想し、マインドフルネスを実践し、リラックスしてよく眠りましょう。ヘッドスペースを使用すると、1 日わずか数分でストレスを軽減でき、10 日間でストレスが 14% 軽減されることが証明されています。無料トライアルを開始して、変化を実感してください。

🧘‍♂️ 毎日の瞑想とマインドフルネス
500 以上のガイド付き瞑想でメンタルウェルネスとマインドフルネスを発見してください。 3 分間の簡単なメンタル リセットから、より長いマインドフル瞑想まで、瞑想を毎日の習慣にするお手伝いをします。マインドフルネスのエクササイズ、毎日の瞑想、セルフケアの実践を通じて、新しい瞑想スキルを学びましょう。

🌙 睡眠瞑想とリラックスできる音

🌬️ ストレス解消と呼吸法

👥 マインドフルなコーチとメンタルヘルスサポート
あなた専用のオンライン メンタルヘルス コーチとマッチングしてメッセージを送り、都合の良いときにセッションをスケジュールしましょう。ヘッドスペース メンタルヘルス コーチは、目標の設定と達成、日常の不安やストレスの管理、全体的な考え方のコーチングを支援する個別のケアを提供する訓練を受けた専門家です。

💖 セルフケアツールとリソース

🚀 ウェルネスとバランスを見つける

💪 マインドフルな動きと瞑想ヨガ
ストレスや不安を軽減するヨガと、心と体のつながりを強化するマインドフルな動き。オリンピック選手のキム グラスとレオン テイラーと一緒に、ガイド付きランニング、ヨガ、28 日間のマインドフル フィットネスに参加しましょう。

📈 進捗状況の追跡
メンタルヘルスの旅を追跡し、目標を設定するためのセルフケア トラッカー。あなたの個人的なマインドフルネスコーチと洞察を共有し、目標に向かって順調に進んでもらえるようにしてください。

Headspace は、ワンストップのメンタルヘルス アプリです。睡眠を改善したい場合でも、ストレスを軽減したい場合でも、日々の不安を管理したい場合でも、メンタルヘルスコーチとテキストメッセージを送りたい場合でも、当社の実証済みのツールは、より良い精神的幸福と考え方の健康を達成するのに役立ちます。

組織を通じてオンライン療法と精神医学にアクセスします* (対象となる内容についてコーチとチャットするか、組織の福利厚生チームに問い合わせてください)。

Headspace で健康を高めましょう。マインドフルネスのエクササイズ、睡眠のための心を落ち着かせる音、日常の不安やストレスを軽減するためのガイド付き瞑想テクニックに取り組みましょう。マインドフルな呼吸を実践してリラックスして心を落ち着かせ、ストレスのないマインドフルなライフスタイルを育みましょう。

無料トライアルを開始して、癒しの瞑想、マインドフルネス、専門家のメンタルヘルスコーチングの恩恵を体験してください。サブスクリプション オプション: 月額 12.99 ドル、年間 69.99 ドル。これらの価格は米国向けです。他の国の価格は異なる場合があり、実際の料金は現地通貨に換算される場合があります。コーチングの価格はサブスクリプションによって異なります。定期購入の支払いは、購入確認時に Google アカウントに請求されます。


A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]
A steady meditation practice can calm the mind. But sometimes a bug appears in the app and it distracts us. We removed that bug from this latest version, and we already feel more at ease.

If you run into any trouble, let us know at [email protected]

ハッキング方法 Headspace: Meditation & Sleep

ダウンロード Headspace: Meditation & Sleep MOD APK 4.242.4

ダウンロード MOD APK


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