Version 1.8.4
- Support for the chart block for bar, column, line, and donut chart types
- Support for new cover (slide) type - "Full"
- Added basemap switcher using a basemap gallery inside Map Panel for webmaps only
- Bug fixes and small improvements
Version 1.7.5
- Further enhancements to overview tab within Map panel which now shows the summary, description, credits and terms of use if available for web maps and mobile map packages (offline maps). Map panel was introduced in the previous release (1.6 version)
- Support for approximate device location has been added
- Other improvements and bug fixes
What's new in version 1.6.15?
- View your briefings in portrait mode
- ArcGIS item views count is added on the gallery card along with the sorting option
- Option to update the downloaded briefings
- Navigate through your briefing slides using swipe gestures
- New UI panel for map information, tools, feature popup and legend
- Support for map units and gridlines for web maps, and mobile map packages
- Options menu on the header inside the briefing which includes copy link to the current slide