Monzo Bank - Mobile Banking Mod Apk

Monzo Bank - Mobile Banking ハック - Mod Apk 6.14.0

開発者: Monzo
カテゴリー: ファイナンス
価格: 無料です


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もっとお金を稼ごう MONZO

🏦 こんにちは、私たちは Monzo です – あなたの携帯電話に住む銀行です。


🔹 1,100 万人: 当社で銀行を利用している人の数
🔹 10: 個人または法人の銀行口座を開設するのにかかる時間 (当座預金口座切り替えサービスも利用できます)
🔹 24 時間 365 日: カスタマー サポートにチャットできる時間と曜日

Investments、Instant Access Savings Pots、Monzo Flex クレジット カードにアクセスするには、Monzo 当座預金口座が必要です。


✅ アカウントにお金が出入りしたときに即座に通知を受け取ります
✅ 毎週および毎月の分析情報で自分の支出習慣について学びます
✅ 請求書または定期的な月々の支払いをスケジュールし、サブスクリプションを管理します
✅ 給与が Bac 経由で支払われると、1 営業日早く給料日を感じることができます
✅ 交通費がかからなくなります。デビットカードまたはクレジットカードで、どこでも、どの通貨でもお支払いいただけます。 (隠れた手数料なしで、Mastercard の為替レートを直接お客様に渡します。)


💰 パーソナライズされたポットを作成して、お小遣いと貯蓄を分けます
💰 自動切り上げで小銭を節約に変えましょう
💰 Savings Pots でお金に利子を獲得しましょう

MONZO 方式で分割して支払い

🔀 請求書を分割し、支払いリマインダーを送信し、共同費用を追跡します
🔀 リンクを使用して簡単にお金をリクエストしたり支払いをしたりできます (制限が適用されます。お金のリクエストには £500、リンクを使用した支払いには £250)

MONZO INVESTMENTS: 難しい仕事は私たちにお任せください

この機能を使用するには、18 歳以上である必要があります。

🪙 満足できるリスクのレベルに基づいて 3 つの投資オプションから選択してください
🪙 わずか 1 ポンドから始められます
🪙 投資の必需品に関する簡潔なトピックで投資のノウハウを深めましょう
🪙 投資の価値は上がるこ​​とも下がることもあります。投資した額よりも戻ってくる額が少ない可能性があります。

MONZO FLEX: 受賞歴のあるクレジット カード

Monzo Flex は信頼できるクレジット カードです。リアルタイムの残高更新、最大 3,000 ポンドのクレジット制限、何度でも利用できる 0% オファーが提供されます。

Monzo Flex は、2024 カード & ペイメント アワードでベスト クレジット カードに選ばれました 🏆

💳 フレックス カードで行われた対象となる購入をセクション 75 保護で保護します
💳 Monzo 銀行口座からお申し込みください。資格基準と利用規約が適用されます。 18 歳以上のみ。支払いを守らないと、信用スコアに悪影響を及ぼす可能性があります。
💳 代表的な例: 29% の APR 代表 (変動)。 £1200のクレジット限度額。年利29%(変動)。

MONZO ビジネス: うまくいくからあなたもできる

Monzo Business Banking は、中小企業が財務を健全に保つのに役立ちます。 2024 British Bank Awards で最優秀ビジネス バンキング プロバイダーに選ばれました。

🔹 月額料金なしでビジネスのお金を管理するか、自動タックスポット、統合会計、限られた会社向けのマルチユーザーアクセス、請求書発行などを備えた月額9ポンドのBusiness Proに移行してください
🔹 銀行口座から国際支払いを行う (Wise を利用、手数料が適用されます)
🔹 英国の個人事業主および有限会社取締役のみが申請できます。利用規約が適用されます。

Monzo での対象となる預金は、1 人あたり最大 £85,000 まで金融サービス補償制度 (FSCS) によって保護されます。

登録住所: Broadwalk House, 5 Appold St, London EC2A 2AG


This Is Just To Say* We have fixed the bug / that was in / our app / and which / you were probably / not even / noticing / All done now / system maintenance / bugs fixed / and now this (*but read the real one by William Carlos Williams)
Big news! Urgh that should be bug news. We fixed some bugs.
You can now see your child’s payment link allowance in the app if you have an Under 16s account. Got notifications switched on? We’ll tell you if their birthday money took them over the line.
And if they’ve used up their allowance, anyone trying to send money via the payment link will get a friendly failed payment message. Once their payment link allowance resets (it’s a 30 day period), they’re good to try again. Thanks Uncle David – that fiver should last all of five minutes.
We're keeping things ship-shape with some maintenance and bug fixes. No splashy new features just yet. Good things come to those who wait.
No updates for you this week, we’ve been busy with general maintenance.

Did you know that there are two cash machines in Antarctica? They’re both located at the McMurdo Station US Antarctica research centre. Only one of them is in use at a time, with the other one being there for parts or spare things they might need to keep its neighbour alive and operational.
In the words of Whitney Houston, we have “nothing, nothing, nothing” much to update you on. Since we’re on the song theme, there’s nothing major going on this week, just some minor bug fixes (sorry).
For folks with Monzo Business Pro or Monzo Business Team, you can now open multiple Tax Pots to automatically set a percentage of incoming money aside for things like VAT and other outgoings, so you're never caught short. You can have up to 3 Tax Pots at any time.
If you’re on Extra, Perks or Max, your selected home wallpaper will now show up on your paid tab too.
Nothing exciting to tell you about this week, just general maintenance. But that’s okay with us. After all, if every day was your birthday, would the cake still taste as good?
No big news this week, folks – just the usual fixes. Check out the rest of this page for the good stuff…
No updates other than some bug fixes this week. But we won’t leave you without a bit of historical money trivia. Aegina became the first city state to issue coins in Ancient Greece. The noble Aeginans of old were particularly proud of their seafaring skills – so they featured turtles on their shiny new currency. That’s what we call turtle power.
We've been fixing bugs and doing general maintenance this week. But when we have something exciting to share, you'll be the first to know! (Assuming you're the first person to check this space of course...)
No updates for you this week, we’ve been busy with general maintenance.

Did you know that there are two cash machines in Antarctica? They’re both located at the McMurdo Station US Antarctica research centre. Only one of them is in use at a time, with the other one being there for parts or spare things they might need to keep its neighbour alive and operational.
We’ve been busy banishing bugs. I wish the same could be said about the humongous spider that’s made a home outside my bedroom window.
Not every week is filled with big news. And it's one of those weeks. We've been busy behind the scenes – doing a
little general maintenance here. Fixing a few bugs there. It's those little things that count.
We've been fixing bugs and making small improvements to keep your app running smoothly. You know what doesn't run smoothly? Me, during a 10K.
Bug fixes and general maintenance this week. How about a word fact though? (We like words at Monzo.) The term 'bank' comes from an Italian word 'banco', meaning a bench, since Italian merchants in the Renaissance made deals to borrow and lend money beside a bench which they placed the money on.
We've been tinkering and fixing as usual, but no big news this week.

We have a bank-related fact though if you're interested? Did you know that since 1953, the Italian bank Credito Emiliano has been accepting Parmesan cheese as collateral for small business loans?
We’ve been working hard, fixing bugs and doing general maintenance this week which should mean things are a whole lot smoother for you. Enjoy your bump-free banking!
We haven't got anything big to share this week. But it's the little things that count – like the bug fixes and maintenance we've been doing.
It's been a week of bug fixing and general maintenance over here. How are things on your end?
We've been working hard fixing bugs and making improvements, so you can make managing your money easy.
This update brings bug fixes and some small improvements. We'll have a more exciting update for you soon – pinky promise!
Split the costs in seconds with a QR code
You can skip the awkward exchange of bank details, and your mates don’t even have to be on Monzo.
To create a QR code, head to the ‘Payments’ tab and tap ‘Request money’. Show it to your pals to scan – and that’s it!
Manage your payment settings any time
You have more control over how you get paid.
Head to Settings > Privacy & security > Profile privacy. You’ll see the different ways you can get paid on Monzo, including QR code and link.
We’ve been tinkering away to make sure your app’s running smoothly. This update includes small bug fixes and maintenance. After all, it’s the little things that matter.
Introducing: our all-new Instant Access Savings Pot 🎉
Earn 3.00% AER interest (variable), which we'll pay monthly.
Withdraw your money instantly, anytime. And there's no minimum deposit either.
Nothing to announce this week folks, just bug fixes and general improvements. I'll tell you what isn't nothing though: The Meg with Jason Statham. That, friends, is really something.
Nothing groundbreaking to report this week. We've been debugging away, making sure everything's running smoothly for you. That's all for now.
Our update's coming to you in the form of a haiku this time around. Here it goes. Bug fixing this week.
There's nothing more to report.
We'll see you next time.
Nothing to report this week. We’re working on the usual bug fixes and general maintenance. So here’s a fact for you. The oldest bank in the world is Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena in Tuscany. It dates all the way back to 1472. That’s over a whopping 550 years old. Makes us feel rather young.
Here's a couple of extra things you can now do in Monzo:
- You can now block other payees who have a Monzo account, so you can stop them sending you any unwanted requests and payments.
- If you're a business customer, you can now choose and use your own invoice numbers. And if you have a Pro plan, you can also sync your transactions with Google Sheets.
It's another one of those weeks. We're busy bug fixing and keeping everything ticking along. Because of that, there's nothing big to tell you about. Until next time…
Nothing exciting to tell you about this week, just general maintenance. But that’s okay with us. After all, if every day was your birthday, would the cake still taste as good?
The seasons are changing and the trees are shedding their leaves. Not to be all metaphorical about it, but that’s pretty similar to what we’re doing at Monzo right now – shedding some weight from the app to make room for new things this Autumn.
This week we fixed a bug that was showing a blank payment authentication screen. We did other things too, but the rest was mostly general maintenance.
Nil. Nada. Nought. Three words which are fun to say out loud and also mean absolutely nothing.

What we're really trying to say is, there's nothing much to update you on this week, outside of the usual bug fixes and maintenance.
General maintenance again this week. We do have a money-related fact though.
In the Middle Ages, people saved money in jars and dishes made out of orange clay called ‘pygg’. By the 19th century, potters made pig shaped containers when asked to make pygg banks, and that’s how they became the pink ceramic pigs we have today.
Since we're busy fixing bugs, here are some uses for your Monzo card in a heatwave:

• As a miniature fan to cool yourself down
• Generating a very small rectangle of shade
• As a coaster for an iced drink
• Budget frisbee in the park
• Actually buying things like ice creams

Stay safe out there, folks!
New to Monzo Flex: You can now manage your Flex limit (the amount of credit you can use to pay off purchases in instalments) straight from the app. Whether you’re decreasing your limit or requesting a higher limit, once you confirm, the change is effective straight away.
Head to Flex in the app and choose “change limit” in the ‘manage’ tab to get started.
"You say it best, when you say nothing at all.” That doesn’t apply to release notes – we’d rather tell you about something cool if we could, but that isn't possible this week.
Plenty of bug fixing and general maintenance going on but nothing in the way of announcements. We won’t let you leave empty-handed though.
Did you know that Ronan Keating’s 1999 ‘When You Say Nothing At All’ was originally a hit for country singer Keith Whitely? You do now!
Plus and Premium customers can now see merchant logos for transactions on other accounts, for a better view of their overall spending. Nice.

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