VerbTeX Pro LaTeX Editor Mod Apk

VerbTeX Pro LaTeX Editor Hack - Mod Apk 4.8.8

Category: Productivity
Price: $8.99 (Download for free)


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VerbTeX is a collaborative LaTeX Editor for your Android device. It allows you to create and manage LaTeX projects directly on your Android device and generate a PDF offline (Verbnox) or online (Verbosus).

This software is provided "as is" without warranties or conditions of any kind, either expressed or implied.

Pro version:
* Code completion (commands)
* Encrypted transmission (TLS) of your content
* Unlimited number of projects (Local Mode)
* Unlimited number of documents (Local Mode)
* Unlimited number of projects (Cloud Mode)
* Unlimited number of documents (Cloud Mode)

* Use PdfTeX or XeTeX to generate a PDF
* Use BibTeX or Biber for bibliographies
* Offline compilation (Local Mode, enable in Settings)
* Automatic Dropbox synchronization (Local Mode)
* Automatic Box synchronization (Local Mode)
* Git integration (Local Mode)
* 2 Modes: Local Mode (stores .tex documents on your device) and Cloud Mode (synchronizes your projects with Verbosus)
* Full LaTeX distribution (TeXLive)
* Syntax highlighting
* Code completion (commands)
* Hotkeys (see below)
* Web-Interface (Cloud Mode)
* Collaboration (Cloud Mode)
* Two factor authentication (Cloud Mode, in combination with Copiosus)
* Autosave (Local Mode)
* Custom template for new .tex files (Local Mode)

Import and export existing projects in Local Mode:
* Link to Dropbox or Box (Settings -> Link to Dropbox / Link to Box) and let VerbTeX automatically synchronize your projects
* Use Git integration: Clone or track an existing repository

Use any .ttf/.otf font:
Put your font file inside your project and reference it in your document:

\section{Main Heading}
Это тест

You can write chinese in PdfTeX using the CJKutf8 package as shown in the following example:


You can write chinese in XeTeX using the xeCJK package as shown in the following example:


If you experience any performance issues while using the editor please try
* to disable syntax highlighting and line numbers by choosing Menu -> Syntax Highlighting: ON and Line Numbers: ON
* to split up your project into multiple .tex files by using the \include{...} command of LaTeX

Hotkeys in editor:
ctrl+s: Save
ctrl+g: Generate PDF
ctrl+n: New document
ctrl+d: Delete document
ctrl+.: Next document
ctrl+,: Previous document

Version history

* Several UI fixes
* Bugfix: Correct handling when using many resources
* Bugfix: Rare crash when opening very large log file
* Minor UI fixes
* Cloud Mode: Prevent logout when doing server maintenance
* Minor UI fixes
* Editor: Performance improvements
* Offline compilation with Verbnox (enable in Settings)
* Verbnox: Improved \frac{}{} display
* Verbnox: Improved superscript and subscript
* Offline compilation with Verbnox (enable in Settings)
* Bugfix: Syntax Highlighting (math mode)
Feb 14, 2023
Hotfix: Do not jump to end of file when entering new line
Jan 5, 2023
* Outline: Highlight unsaved files
* Update template for new Local Mode projects
Dec 31, 2022
* Show error indicator if there is an issue with Dropbox or Box synchronization
* Dropbox uses PKCE. Please unlink and relink to Dropbox if necessary
* Bugfix: Filenames that contain non-ASCII characters are uploaded correctly
Dec 23, 2022
* Show error indicator if there is an issue with Dropbox or Box synchronization
* Dropbox uses PKCE. Please unlink and relink to Dropbox if necessary
* Bugfix: Filenames that contain non-ASCII characters are uploaded correctly
Dec 9, 2022
* Support automatic indentation for new lines
* Automatically end environments after \begin{...} when using auto completion
Sep 18, 2022
* Bugfix: Light theme works again
* Minor UI fixes
Aug 13, 2022
* Cloud Mode: Support complex project structure like in Local Mode
* Bugfix: Crash due to Autofillmanager
Jun 28, 2022
* Cloud Mode: Two factor authentication in combination with Copiosus
April 1, 2022
* Changeable template for new projects
February 4, 2022
* Biber support
* Settings update
November 9, 2021
* Bugfix: Fill document when loading existing file
November 8, 2021
* Bugfix: Installation on Android 12

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Download VerbTeX Pro LaTeX Editor on Android

Ways to hack VerbTeX Pro LaTeX Editor

Download VerbTeX Pro LaTeX Editor MOD APK 4.8.8

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