RockCheck Mod Apk

RockCheck Hack - Mod Apk 1.1.1

Developer: DigiEd
Category: Education
Price: Free


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RockCheck application is identification key for rocks. It is a teaching aid that can be used to contribute to the teaching of geological contents within natural science subjects in the formal school system. RockCheck application can also be used by all interested social organizations in non-formal education and other enthusiasts of geology. The content is based on the standard classifications of rocks and adapted to the needs of general public. The application RockCheck consists of three main chapters: Rock key, Encyclopedia and School of Rock. In Rock key, with answering the questions YES/NO, you define the name of a selected rock. When answering the questions, you can help yourself with links which are coloured in orange and provide additional explanations of geological concepts and procedures in School of Rock. The right answers bring you to the Encyclopedia where you can learn more about rocks in general, about their appearance, formation and their usage.
Application was made in PKP student project titled Stonekey, co-financed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport RS and EU from EU Social fund. Translation and further development were made as a part of EU project RM@SCHOOL financed by European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT).

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