Meet people, chat, find friends, go on dates, flirt, fall in love and build relationships. Do all of this safely and for free on the OK Dating app!
View profiles of people nearby and those online. Send compliments and chat with others who share your values, interests and views on life.
Quick Sign-Up
Download the dating app and sign up however is convenient for you, whether by phone number or using Mail, Yandex, Odnoklassniki or VK ID.
Comfortable Interface
OK Dating is a convenient place to chat and meet people. The app’s simple and stylish interface is easy to navigate.
Meet Others Who Match Your Goals
Select what matters to you most: a serious relationship, friendship, flirting, dating or simply chatting for fun. View profiles and find people with similar goals.
Chat With Like-Minded People
Add interests to your profile by category, such as Travel and Recreation, Movies and TV Series, Music, Sports, Creativity and more. Chat with others who like the same things as you.
The app might help you find a friend you can go on adventures and have fun with, e.g., singing karaoke, relaxing in nature, going to the countryside, or visiting the cinema, museum or spa.
Simple Search for Suitable Profiles
In the Profiles section, you can view a line-up of profiles. Swipe right on ones you like, and left on the rest. If you get a match, you can start chatting with each other.
In People Nearby, you’ll see a whole list of profiles, not just one. It’ll show you users who are currently in your area. You can write them in the chat without needing to match first. A friend or true love may be closer than you think.
Advanced Filters
Set up the filters according to your preferences, i.e., goals, age, height, kids or no kids, as well as attitude toward smoking, alcohol and sports. You can select to see only verified profiles or those with a bio if this is important to you.
If you signed up with our dating service through Odnoklassniki, don’t worry about any awkward encounters. Your profile won’t be shown to your Odnoklassniki friends or users you’ve blocked. Your information from the social network won’t be seen by anyone.
In the Privacy section, select if other users can message you without a match and share your profile outside of the service.
Real Users
On OK Dating, you’ll find verified profiles from real people. We care about making chatting and dating comfortable and safe. We block suspicious profiles and remove scammers and bots.
OK Dating is more than just a dating website. It’s a place where you can find like-minded people. It’s chatting, dating, hanging out, and a chance to find love, friendship, company or simply to discuss life in the chats.