HectaScout: управление полями Mod Apk

HectaScout: управление полями Hack - Mod Apk 9.2.1

Developer: HectaSoft
Category: Productivity
Price: Free


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HectaScout is an application for monitoring seasonal work in agriculture.

The service will be useful to farmers, farm managers, agronomists and agricultural experts.


REGISTER OF FIELDS. Create a custom digital field registry. Keep records of working areas and fallow lands. Edit field boundaries in accordance with actual land use and obtain objective data on yield from the sown area.

CONTROL OF CROWS. Perform remote monitoring of crop conditions using NDVI. Use the vegetation index to identify problem areas in your crops. Record phenostages and key crop indicators in the application.

ACCOUNTING OF FIELD WORK. Coordinate process operations and conduct inspections. Supplement reports with photos and files. Phytosanitary monitoring of crops allows you to focus attention on the detected threat (weed, pest, disease). The report on the use of pesticides (herbicides, insecticides, etc.) and agrochemicals is available in both mobile and web versions.

AGROCHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Use information about soil type and agrochemical survey results to calculate the optimal dose of fertilizer. Soil fertility data is presented for each field in the Agronomist's Diary.

WEATHER FORECAST. A detailed weather report for each working area helps plan field work. Use a detailed weather forecast to apply plant protection products and carry out technological operations. You can monitor the phenostages of a crop or predict the development phase of a pest using data on the sum of effective temperatures and accumulated precipitation.

NOTES. Personalize your entries: pin them on a map with a geotag and color marker, add photos, videos or documents and link them to the desired household. Use notes without Internet access - all notes are synchronized and always available offline.

DIRECTORY. The State Catalog of Pesticides and Agrochemicals of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the Republic of Belarus is presented with expanded information on crops, threats and active substances. Familiarize yourself with the regulations for use, hazard classes, composition of the drug, or view the registration certificate. Directories are available even without an Internet connection.

AGRICULTURAL CONSULTATIONS. Use remote support from experts to diagnose crop conditions. You can contact the service with questions about crop vegetation, weeds, diseases or pests. The HektaScout agricultural support service will select protection schemes for a specific situation with a list of drugs, timing of use and optimal consumption rates.

If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, please write to HectaScout support: [email protected]

Version history

Выполнены доработки по улучшению качества работы приложения.
В новой версии добавлен каталог пестицидов Республики Беларусь с актуальной информацией о зарегистрированных препаратах, их характеристиках и нормах применения.
В справочнике пестицидов и агрохимикатов теперь доступен просмотр свидетельств о регистрации.
Улучшена производительность и стабильность приложения.
Масштабное обновление:

Заметки: цифровой блокнот с привязкой к карте и добавлением медиа и файлов
Дневник агронома: доступен теперь всем пользователям
Карта плодородия: анализ данных NDVI прошлых лет
Агрохимический анализ почвы: Ведите историю исследований для каждого поля
"Поделиться": удобная функция в справочнике и агроконсультациях
Улучшена работа с картой: поиск и цветовая индикация полей
Краткое руководство: Информация для быстрого старта работы
Выполнены доработки по улучшению качества и стабильности работы приложения

Ways to hack HectaScout: управление полями

Download HectaScout: управление полями MOD APK 9.2.1

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