RunnerUp Mod Apk

RunnerUp Hack - Mod Apk

Developer: Jonas Oreland
Category: Health & Fitness
Price: Free


Game screenshot RunnerUp mod apkGame screenshot RunnerUp hackGame screenshot RunnerUp apk download


No ads, no in-app purchases, everything free.
No user registration and/or tracking*.

Track your sport activities with RunnerUp using the GPS in your Android phone:

* See detailed stats around your pace, distance and time
* Get stats and progress with built-in highly configurable audio cues
* Run free runs with target pace or target heart rate zone
* Easily configure and run effective interval workouts modeled after Garmin
* Automatic upload to various external applications such as Strava and Runalyze. Some also support download and feed updates ([see here for details](
* Share your favorite workouts with friends (using email)
* Heart rate monitor: Bluetooth SMART (BLE) and ANT+ (as well as PolarWearLink and Zephyr)
* Configure and use heart rate zones
* Pebble support

Upload your activities to a variety of external applications with a single click:

* Strava
* Runalyze
* RunKeeper
* RunningAHEAD
* WebDAV

Note: MapBox enables tracking by default (when using the map to view activities). This can be disabled from the MapBox logo on the lower left corner of the map.

The app has a companion WearOS app, it is bundled in the apk and must be installed manually.

Version history
Prepare for Android 14
Set time from system clock correction
Exception if cadence was configured but no permission
Feb 25, 2023
Target Android 13
Option to ignore time in GPS points
ANT+ HR were not detected
Pebble support failed when paired BLE HR was added
January 9, 2022
Pebble support failed when paired BLE HR was added
November 12, 2021
#1055 Fix distancepicker
#1061 Catch back button for start activities
#1070 Target Android 11 (SDK 30)
#1068 Support BLE HR devices without firmware reporting
#1055 Fix distancepicker
#1072 Transifex de, pt-BR, nl

Ways to hack RunnerUp

Download RunnerUp MOD APK

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