24baby.nl – Pregnant & Baby Mod Apk

24baby.nl – Pregnant & Baby Hack - Mod Apk 1.50.0

Developer: 24Baby - Kalender & Community
Category: Parenting
Price: Free


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Are you pregnant or having a baby?
Follow your pregnancy and your baby's development from day to day, keep track of all the milestones of your pregnancy and baby in your personal diary, join your birth club and make (new) friends, find your favorite baby name and much more. The 24baby app has been voted App of the Year 2022.

Track your pregnancy and baby
The pregnancy calendar and baby calendar of 24baby.nl are read online by hundreds of thousands of visitors every month. With this app you can track your baby's growth even more easily and in more detail. Receive reliable information every day about the developments of your pregnancy and baby. Is your baby now the size of an avocado or a mango?

Find baby names
Find your favorite baby name with the handy baby name tool. Discover what they mean, where they come from and how many other babies are called that way of more than 2,500 boys' and girls' names. Not sure yet? Let yourself be surprised with a name via the 'surprise-me' function.

Join the community
Some topics you prefer to discuss with others who are in the same situation. Because who knows better what it's like when you have a strong desire to have children, what it feels like to be 18 weeks pregnant or how you get through the first weeks with your baby than other (future) parents? Therefore, become a member of your birth club or join the conversation on our forum.

24baby.nl is the community for everyone who wants to have children, who is pregnant or who is the parent of a baby or toddler.

Everything about your pregnancy and baby in one app
Daily information about the developments of your pregnancy in our pregnancy calendar.
Daily information about your baby's developments in the baby calendar.
Find your baby name, with over 2,500 names with meaning.
Get in touch with other (future) parents on our forum.
Meet (future) parents who are expecting their child in the same month in your birth club.
With many useful tips and life hacks, funny facts, interesting quiz questions, fun polls and recognizable quotes.

And much more...

Version history

In this update we have freshened up the design a bit. Happy with the app? Let us know with a 5-star review!
In this update we have added the in-app notifications again. Happy with the app? Let us know with a 5-star review!
In this update we added a library to our tools. This allows you to search and find all articles from our website in the app!
In this update our editors can easily add new information. Happy with our app? Let us know what you think with a review! Or mail your feedback and suggestions to [email protected]
In this update our editors can easily add new information. Happy with our app? Let us know what you think with a review! Or mail your feedback and suggestions to [email protected]
With this update you can navigate and scroll through the app very smoothly.
In this update the forum works like a charm. We've also made some improvements to the look and feel of the "Today" timeline.
Jan 31, 2023
Met deze update maken we het registreren makkelijker en leuker
Jan 9, 2023
Met deze update worden foto's en afbeeldingen nog sneller geladen
Dec 8, 2022
Met deze update krijgt de app een fris design.
Nov 11, 2022
Met deze update maak je jouw dagboek nóg mooier. Swipe door je foto’s, bekijk je buik- en babyfoto’s full screen en bewerk je geplaatste momenten.
Jul 28, 2022
We hebben de app op allerlei punten beter gemaakt. Zo zijn de foto's in je dagboek nu haarscherp en werkt de dark modus nog beter.
Jul 21, 2022
We hebben ondersteuning voor de Duitse taal toegevoegd.
Jun 29, 2022
We hebben ondersteuning voor ‘dark mode’ toegevoegd. Daarnaast wordt een meerling-zwangerschap nu ook ondersteund.
May 3, 2022
We hebben nieuwe updates toegevoegd aan de "Vandaag" tab en een aantal kleine problemen opgelost.
March 8, 2022
We hebben het profiel aangepakt! Creëer dagboekmomenten voor jouw zwangerschap en/of kinderen. Je kan buikfoto’s, mijlpalen en andere speciale momenten toevoegen. Zet het dagboek open voor anderen of houd het voor jezelf.
December 24, 2021
We hebben een probleem opgelost waarbij de zoekopdracht verloren gaat zodra je een topic opent. Daarnaast kan je nu ook zonder problemen de topic openen vanuit een notificatie.
November 1, 2021
We hebben een probleem opgelost waarbij het zoekicoon meerdere keren in beeld kwam en je met de terugknop in het verkeerde tabje uit kwam.
November 1, 2021
Enkele verbeteringen voor 'Vandaag'. Polls en kinderwens zijn toegevoegd.

Ways to hack 24baby.nl – Pregnant & Baby

Download 24baby.nl – Pregnant & Baby MOD APK 1.50.0

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