New Features:
- Announcement Banner can be updated on home page to inform users of new features and opportunities.
Bug Fix:
- Reading plan Banner image is not displaying on reading plan setup page.
New Features
- Added new Bible reading Plan: Mike's 52 Greatest Bible Chapters
New Features:
- Added: group member can remove their own comment on a post
- Added: admin can remove a comment from any group member
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug when an older post was not displaying all the comments made by other group members.
- Fixed bug where group member comments were getting deleted from a post when another group member commented on an older post.
New Features:
- Reading Plan Pace: now the app can help you schedule and manage how fast you want to read through our plan. Choose 2yr, 1yr, 6m, 90d and the app will guide you on what to read each day.
Bug Fixes:
- Corrected typos in the questions.
New Features:
- Added New Living Translation® (NLT®) Bible Text. (note: we will add the NLT® audio Bible in a future update)
- Fixed issue where post comment text is reset when a new post is added or another user comments.
- Fixed several Bible text formatting issues.
Several major framework updates to maintain compliance with the Google Play Developer Program policies.
Feb 3, 2023
New Feature:
- Made it easier to delete an account by adding a link to the user profile page.
- More fine grain handling of inconsistent network issues.
Bug Fix:
- Fixed the issue when the app loaded and couldn't connect to the user's group. This was resulting in a prompt to log out or reset the account. The issue should now be resolved and connect to the group when the network is accessible.
Jan 5, 2023
New Features:
- Added font size options in Bible reader
- Improved clarity for question answer posting
Dec 6, 2022
New Feature:
ESV Bible text automatically scrolls in sync with its audio Bible.
Nov 29, 2022
New Features:
- New Modernized Home Screen
- Day automatically marked read when audio finishes
- Updated framework for performance improvements
Bug Fixes:
- Audio Bible Player: resolved issues with slow networks
- Audio Bible Player: fixed several misc bugs
- Fixed broken video links
- Fixed issue where account reset was shown inappropriately
- Textbox for adding comments to Posts was not rendering properly
- Fixed issue when scrolling to the bottom of the day didn't mark it as read.
Oct 4, 2022
New Features:
- Group Sizes up to 500 users
- In app notification of new group activity
- New/Updated posts highlighted on fellowship page
Bug Fixes
- Some group members could have been locked out after their admin updated the group description
- Group members couldn't reset their accounts if they were locked out.
- Textbox for adding comments to Posts was not rendering properly
Sep 1, 2022
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed issue where ESV audio Bible not playing properly.
- Fixed UI issue with header verse reference while scrolling.
Jul 22, 2022
New Features:
- Added tutorial video for using prayer features.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed video player navigation and buttons not working properly.
- Fixed mobile pop keyboard issues.
- Fixed date picker partially off the screen on date scheduler.
May 21, 2022
New Features:
- Edit prayer while praying
- Internet connection detection on required pages
- Major framework maintenance update
Bug Fixes:
- Prayer Update Description Editing
- Long fellowship comments not visible
- Paused Prayer was un-paused on swipe
- long back swipe on pray now caused random behaviors
April 1, 2022
- Audio Bible variable speed playback.
- App remembers last used Bible translation.
- Pause timed prayer sessions.
- New vibration option for timed prayer transitions.
Bug Fixes:
- Bible text rendering for Day 561 and 579
February 7, 2022
Bug Fixes
- improve stability
- fix white screen app crash when new group members join
- improved layout for groups on tablets
December 20, 2021
Fixes a major bug that was preventing people from using the reading plan and accessing their prayers.
October 27, 2021
- Offline Bible Reading
- NASB Bible Text Added
- Active Bible Reference Added to Header while Reading
- Quickly Post Bible Reading Question Responses to Group
- Loading Speed Improvements
- Stability Enhancements
- Fixed Bible Day Browser from not allowing some users to navigate to days.
- Fixed Issues with resetting scheduled reading plan day.