- Improved performance during saves
- Added confirmation pop-ups to the "Remove all" and "Choose strongest" functions for Einherjar formations
- Other minor fixes and improvements
- Supports Traditional Chinese
- Other minor fixes and improvements
- Fixed a problem that HP of some bosses were not displayed correctly.
- Added an option to hide the popup for acquiring additional treasure chests.
- Other minor fixes and improvements
- Fixed a bug that prevented the autosave to trigger after rebirth under certain condition
- Added a list of all items (you can find it in "Play statistics" in the upper menu)
- You can now change Einherjars' names from their details screen
- You can now keep unlocking an ability by long-tapping it
- Fixed a bug that made an Einherjar receive the wrong ability in story mode
- Other minor fixes and improvements
- Added "MAX" as an option to power up Einherjar status entries as much as possible
- Fixed a bug that prevented the Fancy Daily Pack from applying to the Divine trials rewards
- Fixed the Fancy Daily Pack description to include fluorites (which the pack already increased)
- Fixed a bug that assigned the wrong ability to an Einherjar during story mode
- Made it so that the same save data cannot be used at the same time on two different devices
- Other minor fixes and improvements
- A new artifacts that lets you hire multiple soldiers by holding down the Hire button (available in the store after a Hard mode expedition)
- Event-only bosses can now be turned off in the settings
- You can now buy multiple artifacts in the shop at once by holding down the Buy button
- The HP of standard bosses now reset correctly after losing to an event-only boss
- Enemies no longer spawn after a wave time is over in Forest Defense mode
- Other minor fixes and improvements
- 1st anniversary login bonus held
- Addition of limited-time boss “Forbidden jester”
- Addition of limited artifacts that can only be obtained from “Forbidden Jester”
- Limited-time sales such as “Game Speed Pack” and “Ads Removal Pack” will be held.
- Changed the experience points of Pigmy drummer to be easier to obtain.
- Changed the logic so that Pigmy drummer's reinforcement targets are appropriate.
- Compatible with Android 13
- Special login bonus to celebrate one million downloads (ends on Aug 31)
- New type of soldier (Pigmy drummers) that can be obtained through the login bonus
- Increased the likelihood of getting forbidden chests
- Changed the ability screen to show the Job level of soldiers
- Fixed an issue which made multiple max-level artifacts spawn inside forbidden chests
- Fixed an issue in Forest Defense mode that made the enemies sometimes move past the portal
[New feature] Special bosses: Forbidden Guardians
[New feature] Chests that give multiple artifacts (dropped by F. Guardians)
[New feature] Forbidden artifacts dropped by Forbidden Guardians
[New feature] New soldiers: Thunderbolt Wolves (must defeat F. Guardians first)
[New contents] New Phantom Archer TypeThunderbolt Wolf
[Improvement] Added confirmation popup to Tome of Quintuple Growth
[Fix] Wrong knockback direction bug fixed
[Fix] Other minor improvements and bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where the return bonus ad could not be viewed
- Fixed an issue where 1000 rubies could not be obtained after answering the questionnaire.
- Fixed an issue where some icons were blurry
- You can now register a user name of 2 characters or less.
- Fixed other bugs
- Fixed an issue where the questionnaire form could not be accessed in some environments.
- Optimization of game performance
- Fixed a bug where the 900 miles portal was not updated when defeating the deepest boss during time attack.
- Fixed so that the time attack time does not pass if you watch an advertisement during the time attack.
- Fixed an issue where achievements could not be obtained after playing a defense battle.
- Fixed other bugs
- Impletemented Google Play Games leaderboards and achievements
- When reaching the maximum distance in Time Attack, the arrival time is now included in the ranking score.
- Increased the reward for time attack to a longer distance.
- Changed so that recruited soldiers are preferentially lined up at the top of the menu.
- Add body weight display to soldier status screen
- Other minor bug fixes and performance improvements
- Filters in the artifact view
- A 1-day free trial for ad removal and sped-up gameplay
- Several new standard missions
- Multiple-choice chests in hard mode
- Change the background in Gnipahellier, forgotten cave
- Locking troops takes diamonds instead of rubies
- Change the diamond and ruby art to make it easier to distinguish between them
- Add a function that tells you how much time is left before the 30-day ad removal expires
- Other minor bug fixes and performance improvements
- Added an item that resets soldier abilities
- Fixed a bug where soldiers would go over boss portals
- Fixed an issue where attack range were not displaying correctly
- Changed so that HP of Elite Soldiers/Giant Soldiers increases with his max HP when leveling up
- Fixed a bug that artifacts were not displayed
- Optimization of game performance
- Other bugs fixed
- Added the "Giant Maze Search" event.
- Added a new soldier type: Montgolfier.
- Added the "elements" mechanic.
- Fixed an issue that prevented giant soldiers to level up correctly.
- Increased the amount of coins received by defeating monsters in normal mode.
- Fixed some purchase-related issues.
- Made it possible to read details by tapping an icon on the reward screen.
- Changed the amount of coins received upon returning.
- Fixed other bugs.
Feb 22, 2023
・The name of the giant monk was changed to Big Warrior and the image was refined.
- Changed the name of the Undead Ranger to Water Elf and refined the image.
・You can now change your player name by talking to Ellie.
・You can now open artifacts faster by pressing and holding the "Open next" button.
-Fixed an issue where some gigantic soldiers would move at ridiculous speeds
・Fixed an issue where the player jumped over portals and monsters when using speedup.
・Other bugs fixed
Feb 16, 2023
- Optimized the game for better performance
- Fixed an issue where the idle bonus ad viewing bonus could not be received correctly.
- Fixed some issues around ads
Feb 3, 2023
- Fixed an issue where purchasing limited-time packs resulted in a different artifact than displayed.
- Fixed an issue where the passage of time such as skills and time attacks did not work correctly.
- Fixed an issue where the effects of some artifacts in Forest Defense Battles were not reflected correctly.
Jan 28, 2023
- Soldier Hiring gacha can now be pulled continuously
- Doubled long tap attack speed and now retargets to the next monster by holding down
- Fixed an issue where the effects of some artifacts were not working properly
- Lowered the effect of some artifacts
- Fixed the problem that the game fails to start in some environments
- Fixed an issue where the 900km story would not play
- Fixed an issue where artifact effects were not displayed in English language
- Other bugs fixed
Jan 21, 2023
- Stabilized the forest defense ranking
- Cooking material treasure chests are now displayed separately from normal AF treasure chests.
- An inquiry is now sent when the game fails to start.
Dec 24, 2022
- Added a new stage up to 900km
- Added new soldiers
- Added some new artifacts
- Added an instruction to make You wait
- Upgraded the amount of coins earned when defeating monsters.
- Meteor will now fly towards monsters near the center of the screen.
- Fixed an issue where soldiers would slowly approach monsters after attacking.
- Adjusted some soldier parameters
- Other bugs fixed
Dec 7, 2022
- Added new language "Korean"
-Fixed an issue where the quest did not start automatically when unlocking the quest at level 10, 100
- Improved processing around cloud save/cloud load
Dec 1, 2022
- Fixed an issue where billing items could not be received correctly in some communication environments.
- Automated quests now start automatically when unlocked
- Hold double backup saves even locally to keep save files safer
Nov 24, 2022
- Adjusted the balance of the forest defense battle (version 1.0)
- Fixed animation flashing of Ice Sorcerer
- Fixed issues around locking/unlocking characters
- Reduced catapult knockback from 0.8 -> 0.62
- Fixed some bugs
Nov 10, 2022
- Enhancements at levels 10 and 100 with proof of enhancement will always be enhanced to a sharp point.
- Soldier respawn time will be shortened as the number of identical soldiers increases.
- Increased the upper limit of the artifact that shortens the soldier resurrection time
- You can now receive notifications in-game.
- Fixed Ice Sorcerer's animation
- Fixed bugs related to purchasing
- Other bugs fixed
Nov 5, 2022
- Added "Artifact that can speed up Forest Defense Battles"
- Fixed a problem with the probability display of the contract gacha.
- Fixed bugs related to purchasing
Nov 3, 2022
- Adjusted the balance of Forest Defense Battle
- Fixed some bugs
Oct 25, 2022
- English language added