MyLifeOrganized: To-Do List Mod Apk

MyLifeOrganized: To-Do List Hack - Mod Apk 4.5.0

Category: Productivity
Price: Free


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MyLifeOrganized (MLO) is the most flexible and powerful task management software for getting your to-dos finally done.

Why MLO is what you need

MLO leads to a new level of productivity — you can manage not only tasks but projects, habits and even life goals. Designed to strike a balance between the simple and the complex, MLO comes with optional contexts, tags, stars, flags, reminders, dates, priorities, completely customizable filters and views that make MLO flexible enough to adapt to your own system for managing your tasks. It is particularly suited for those who are truly serious about personal task management.

Once loaded with your information, MyLifeOrganized goes to work and generates a simple list containing only the next actions that require your immediate attention. This list is updated auto-magically once you complete a task, drive to a new location, or simply if it is dinner time.

Sync across mobile and desktop

Add even more power to your task management — use MLO Cloud service* to sync automatically with the world-class Desktop version of MyLifeOrganized**. You can sync your to-do lists with multiple devices, share a single task list, or collaborate with other people. Join the users who sync more than 65 million of their to-dos via the secure and robust MyLifeOrganized Cloud Sync Service! Alternatively, sync directly over your own private Wi-Fi or work completely offline.

Most MLO features are FREE forever:

• Unlimited hierarchy of tasks and subtasks: organize your tasks into projects and break down large tasks until you have reasonably sized actions
• Full GTD® (Getting Things Done®) support
• Next Actions: automatically get a list of tasks that require your attention now
• MLO Smart To-Do List Sorting using the priorities of the task and its parents
• Filter actions by context
• Inbox for rapid task entry
• Starred tasks
• Zoom: focus on a specific branch of tasks
• Reminders
• Templates for a quick start with different task management systems such as GTD®, FranklinCovey and Do-It-Tomorrow

PRO features, FREE for the first 21 days:

• Complete tasks from your list in a specific order
• Calendar view: measure your daily workload
• Project tracking
• Nearby view: get a list of actions for your current GPS location, with reminders as you reach or leave the location
• Custom views with filtering, sorting and grouping, to match the system that works for you
• Recurring and regenerating tasks
• Rapid task entry with advanced parsing: add tasks with ready-made properties using the app, widget or Google Assistant
• Workspaces (tabs): switch quickly between projects or views
• Dependencies: MLO can work with sequential and parallel projects, holding up tasks that can not start until other tasks are finished
• Review: flag tasks for regular review to add new subtasks or change priorities
• Floating Promoted Action Button: add a new task or perform another action from anywhere on the screen
• Customizable widgets
• Actions from the notification area
• Password protection, and many more

Upgrade to PRO to continue using advanced features after the trial expires.

MLO offers free support at [email protected] and the active user forum on Google Groups. If you have any questions, our support team and members of the user group will be glad to help you!

Follow us for updates and useful tips:

*MLO Cloud is a low-cost, subscription-based service allowing you to sync your to-do lists wirelessly between different platforms.

**MyLifeOrganized for Desktop to-do list app is sold separately.

Version history

Added support for Android 14 to ensure compatibility with the latest devices
Added "Contexts" action and improved multiselect toolbar functionality
Enhanced context assignment, editing, and multiselect capabilities
Added voice parsing for importance, urgency, and effort
Default parent is now saved when adding tasks via the widgets
Underline color on Android 10+
Option to keep search input visible
Fixed group sorting, multiselect on tablets and more
General improvements and bug fixes
* added new sorting fields for views
* long tap on a task in the search result will open a task preview
* added Due/Start title to the date and time picker dialog
* added Cancel and Try Again buttons to the preview screen after adding by voice
* added Prev/Next buttons to a task preview opened from widget
* added Traditional Chinese language
* fixed an issue with Home screen shortcuts
* fixed issues with gesture
* fixed issues with parsing
* bug fixes and stability improvements
* app upgraded to API 33 to support new devices
* added recurrence and reminder links to the start/due screen
* added an option to show project prefix for the tasks in non-hierarchical views
* improved task selection dialog by adding views
* added multiselect toolbar configuration
* added select all tasks in a group in multiselect mode
* added option to create new context and assign it to the task in the search context mode
* added support for the foldable Android devices
* bug fixes
bug fixes and stability improvements
Oct 27, 2022
* Change open/closed hours for contexts on mobile (MLO4 Pro required)
* Collapse a group of views in the main menu (MLO4 Pro required)
* Search in settings
* Added Ukrainian language for parsing
* Added collapsing groups in the widget
* Added setup number of lines in the widget
* Added contexts in the add task/reminder dialog
* MLO will not display notifications from locked profiles on locked screen
* Added counters to the view selection dialog
* Bugs fixes and stability improvements
* switching workspaces improved
* added workspaces renaming
* added links to mlo tasks
* added parsing for third-party links in mlo task notes preview
* added FaceID to unlock profiles
* set custom language when adding a task by voice
* fixed physical keyboard issues
* fixed an issue when zoom did not affect mlo views shortcuts
* bug fixes and stability improvements
Varies with device
September 20, 2021
MyLifeOrganized 4 for Android is just much better!
* Swipe actions
* Advanced Recurrence
* Task Formatting
* App Shortcuts
* Adding contacts to notes
* Intelligent Actions
* Task Templates
and more! See details on our website

Ways to hack MyLifeOrganized: To-Do List

Download MyLifeOrganized: To-Do List MOD APK 4.5.0

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